CHEETAHS check in for Tuesday 6/20/06


Good morning everyone,

I wanted to correct myself from my post lastnight. Mattea was so very kind in words to me yesterday and I posted it to the wrong person,sorry ,we have so many cheetahs here on the forum,its easy to get messed up on names. Anyway, you put a smile on my face and I need to remember all my accomplishments thus far. Hopefully this will pass and I will be back to normal completely. Although I feel like the stuff in my chest is clearing up the stuff in my nose,throat and ears is lingering. I have never had it last so long before especially when on antibiotics. Time will tell I guess.

I am running with my SIL this morning,yes my SIL. YIKES! no, she asked me sunday night if I wanted to run this morning. I figured she took the time to ask me, I dont mind her if she isnt in her competitive state but she also knows I have been having trouble breathing with my runs and that I am not 100%. I think she likes it when I am down and out because then I am not a threat to her with the races because she knows that I cant breath very good and it holds me back. The other day she said, you'll just have to go slower. Oh well, like I said, I dont mind her most of the time . chat with you all later!!
Morning Laura and others:

Laura - enjoy your run with your SIL. I used to run with mine, too, for a while but then it just got harder and harder to get together. Have fun!

Today I'm getting back on the healthy eating and working out band wagon with all of you. :7 I'm going to do some prepping and planning on Weight Watchers. I'm going to do the Core program, but also figure out the points for everything so I'm kind of combining the two programs. I want to make sure I stay withing my points, too. I also have a 4 mile run on the schedule.

I'm hoping to take some time off here soon from work. I think I need it. My meeting last night only went until 10pm or so, but I was at work at 8am and stayed until after the meeting. Those are some long days - UGH!!!!

Anybody ever get the feeling you are watching your life go by right before your eyes? I have been feeling like that a lot lately. Like I'm just watching and not participating. Weird, I know.......

I hope everyone has a fabulous day and I'll be back later.

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Laura, I know what you mean about competitive people. I'm not fond of that myself. Grin and bear it. You'll be fine! ;)

Marcia, YES! Take a vacation from work! That sounds like a WONDERFUL idea!:+ Enjoy the 5 miler!

So I think I'm finally going to go to a spin class again today. I'm dyin' to get back on the TM for another 4 miler but I'll have access to TM's all week on vacation. I haven't been spinning in quite some time....What do you think, ladies?...

To Spin or To Run?

So this is last day before I leave! WOW! I'm sooo excited! I am tired of planning and packing though. I HATE IT! lol I need to get LOTS done in a short amount of time today...YIKES! We are dropping Joey and Clyde (our golden) off at thier babysitters' tonight. DH's mom is watching Joey and his dad is watching CLyde. :+

Hope everyone is doing well on this Tuesday morning!
Hi Wendy - HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I've been a little MIA and missed your vacation update, where are you going? I'd say go for the spinning class. If you will be on a TM over vacation that might get kind of boring so get in something different before you leave. Only my suggestion. ;-)

I'm so jealous, I'd love to be packing to go away somewhere on vacation. Have a great time!

Hi Marcia.

I am going on an 8 day cruise. It leaves out of NY which is WONDERFUL as we are right in Jersey! It goes 2+ days at sea to get down to the Caribbean and hits Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Tortola and then it's 2+ days at sea to get back up to NY. :+ DH and I are going with his sister and her family (DH, DS13, DD10). It should be fun. Thanks! :)

You are right. I will SPIN! Thanks!}(

Now YOU need to plan something! Take a few days off of that crummy job of yours ;) and plan atleast a short getaway with your hubby! }( }( }( GO GO GO....NOW!:p
Oh I LOVEEEEE cruises. Have you ever been on one before? You will have a total blast. There will probably be lots of other fitness equipment for you there, too. On all of the cruises we've been on they've all had great fitness facilities.

Oh, I'm sooooo jealous - have a fabulous time and ENJOY YOURSELF, you DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings Tuesady Cheetahs!

Wendy- don't stress about packing, just enjoy it. You will be relaxing in no time on that ship. In fact start that vacation attitude now; put on some fun music. I recommend Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet

Marcia- I do hope you can schedule in some time to relax and contemplate life. In the mean time, isn't running a wonderful diversion?

Today is a 5.5 mile run , shoulders, abs and perhaps some legs if time permits. I don't have my running buddies because we run M W F & Sa. But I am running M Tu TH F this week since we go on family vacation on Sat. I'll just put the music on and go for it.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
We were on our first and only cruise just over 3 years ago for our honeymoon. It was fabulous! I used the gym on that ship every day but the day we boarded and the day we left! I intend to do the same thing this time only I may work out tomorrow too! Unless I feel super well prepared and my crazy butt decides to work out in the morning at home before we leave!!! }(

The family we are going with has NEVER been so we are hoping they love it too! Thanks for the warm wishes!:+
Good Morning Cheetahs. Today on tap for me is a 4 mile steady state run and then 30 min of yoga. Man were my quads aching last night. It was like 1 in the morning and I had to get up to get some asprin. I flet like I had cramps in my legs like when I have TTOM. This morning they are just fine so I guess it was the fact that I'm just using the muscle in a different way.

Wendy- Defienly do the spin class. YOu have all week to do the treamill. Man I'm jealous. TAke me Take me Take me.

Marcia= I agree you need a break. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it. Enjoy your life. I know it's easier said then done but make time for yourself.

Laura- I hope you have a nice run with your SIL. Did the breathing get any better today?

Judy- Another vacationer. Once again Take me take me TAke me. Where are you going?

Off to run.

I heard the word VACATION! Where are you going? Do I know already and have forgotten? LOL Have a great run today! :)

I started packing over the weekend for vacation so it's not as bad as it usually is stress wise cause I am notorious for waiting until the night before we leave and being up packing until 1 am! :eek: This time though, I also had to pack Joey and Clyde so I knew I couldn't wait that long. I really just need to concentrate on them today. I can put the "finishing touches" on mine and DH's packing tonight and tomorrow morning. We are leaving here around 4pm to go to our usual Tuesday night dinner and to drop them off. We will be leaving tomorrow around 9:30am!:7
just got back from a 4.75mile run and it was much cooler today. It felt like a more normal run and I could breath better. I kept right with her . she said I usually do this in 45-50 minutes but I dont care how fast we go,meaning if I had to go slower but I stayed right there with her. she said, we're going a good pace. Now if it would stay cooler I would be alright!!
Waves merry HEELLLOOOO!!! to all of the wonderful Cheetahs!

Laura - Sounds like you're coming right along! It's sooo hard to gain the cardio back after such an illness. You're doing fabulous!

Marcia - I know exactly what you mean. Between work, working and home, I barely have time to think let alone enjoy. Take a vacation - you deserve it!

Wendy - OOOHHHH!!! Have fun on your cruise! That sounds incredible! I love the Carribean! Sounds like you have your workouts planned well - and I'll second the spin class! I love spin.

Karen - you are one strong woman! A run after being awake with such quad pain? *stares in awe*

I have Circuit Max done with a 35 pound barbell (no upper body) and GS Legs Floorwork on tap today. Tomorrow is going to be a lovely day for me as well - it's my Napa trip. I'm very excited. I'm getting a deep tissue massage tomorrow and I have to say I'm really, really looking forward to it. I kind of feel that I should work really hard to "earn" it. :) I'm only gone three days, so packing is easier. And it's going to be HOT!! The new look of to-the-knee breezy skirt and tank top with sandals will be perfect. I'm stopping by the mall tonight! SHOPPING!!! Does a day get any better? :p

Like I've told the other girls...I've got a HUGE suitcase! Just jump right in and you can come along!;)

SPIN it is!:+
Good morning!

One comment....Mr Yummy Pants is an excellent name for Bryan Kest! LOL. I did Energize this morning after a 3 mile fast run. YUMMY!

Gotta run, as usual! Sorry!

hurried, too, this a.m.

just saying Hi -- did a 5 mile run -- now I'm running to the day

Christine -- great attitude about the day. It's contagious. I'm going to try to catch it now!!
:) :) :)

Have a great day, everyone!

:) :) :)
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...sounds like the class went well. I know it will be a benefit to your running. I guess you will be spinning today!!! Have an awesome cruise.....I am so envious.

Laura...sounds like your run with your SIL went well. I am glad you are feeling better.

Marcia...I hope you get some time off work soon. You need that break..

Yes Judy...tell us where you are going for vacation!! Enjoy your workout today.

Gayle...looks like you had fun with Mr Yummypants!!

Elaine...yes I did take it easy yesterday! I am done with my P90X rotation so I am thinking about just focusing on endurance workouts, until after the 50K in July. In my spare time I love to play with little Sadie...:)...good workout yesterday!!

Karen..I would think the low mileage in the beginning of that training schedule would be for more of a beginner runner. When I ran halfs I always ran at least double the half distance a week so that would be 26.2 weekly miles. (I read that somewhere long ago!!). Have a nice run along with your Yoga. I have been lucky as the only cramps I get are toe cramps! Hope your quads feel much better today.

Christine...sounds like you had a great Father's day with your DH! Glad you have more running time in the morning, I prefer that time myself. My tris are still a bit sore today...great article you posted yesterday. My old fashioned ideas about marathon training is you should get in 40 plus miles weekly, but there has been so much talk about crosstraining. I don't think of myself as an amateur marathon runner but the article still gives you food for thought...thanks. Have fun shopping today...and seriously...enjoy that massage, they are so good for you!!

Mattea...the lounge chair was very nice after that long run...:) Circuitmax with a 35 barbell?...I am scared to ask who came up with ths one...:)

Cathy...slow is the best way to loose weight in my opinion...:)

Barb...nice run yesterday. What and when is your next event? Thanks, the 20 was tough but I need the distance on trails...:)

Pamela...usually runners get in about 400 to 500 miles on a pair of shoes. But if your knee was hurting I think new shoes would be a good thing..:)..I hope your pulled muscle is better in your back today...

I'll be doing some endurance legwork (not sure which one yet) chest, back and tris from MM and a 6 mile tempo run.

Have a great day...:)
Carole- That is absolutely what I am going to do. I think I will keep the first few weeks at about 22-25 miles. Then at about week 4 do 25 to 30 miles and so forth. This will keep me right about where I am but I will increse my long runs as I go. Right now I can do 10 miles but I can do 8 miles comfortably. So I need to get my long run more comfortable. If I can get 12 miles in at a good pace I will be happy. I have time to work on this. Thanks again.

Good Morning Barb, Gayle and Christine. Hello Elaine, shellyc, Mattea, karin, cathy, Thomasiana, Pamela Hummmmm Who else... If I missed you I know your out running.
Another QUICKIE post from me. I'm just checking to see who else (if anybody else) is running/racing this weekend?

I've got a 5K Saturday and a 5 miler Sunday. Only problem is that my babysitter, aka my mom, is doing the same 5K Saturday and will be out of town Sunday. I am really bummed out about this. We'll see what happens.

RUN, CHEETAHS, RUN!!!!!!!!!!

Hi ya gals!

I did the SPIN class won the poll hands down. :) Prior to the class I warmed up on the tread mill with 10 mins of incline walking.

HRM for SPIN: time: 40 mins avg hr: 156 peak hr: 170 cals burned: 539

Don't have time for many personals for all but here's just a couple and then I have to finish the packing!

Christine...Have a FABULOUS get-away with DH!}( ;) }( :+

Gayle...Happy racing this weekend!

Not sure if anyone else has a race on tap for this weekend but good luck if you do!:+

I'll miss the motivation while I'm gone!:)

I'm not sure if I'll be back again today or tomorrow at all so....

Bon Voyage Ladies!:*
To all the ladies packing for trips - ENJOY!!!! I know I will!

To all those who aren't - no worries, you get to make us all jealous when you're getting ready to go on your vacations! :)

Carole - the Circuit Max with the barbell - someone mentioned it on a post somewhere so I tried it. It's a great leg workout - I actually used a 30 pound barbell (too lazy to add more weight - it's a pain with my barbell) and (2) 20 pound dumbbells for the lunges (I have an issue with any lunges other than static with a loaded barbell - I'm not the most graceful of creatures...). Like Low Max Pinky style, I love the way you get in there good with the muscles, then work out the lactic acid with some cardio. Adding GS Legs floorwork to the mix was perhaps not my most brilliant idea. OUCH!!! I haven't done floor work in months (since starting P90X) so I will feel this later. But I do feel thoroughly worked out! And the ability to walk on two feet is WAAAYYY overrated if you ask me... :+

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