Cheetahs 1/8 Tuesday

Kristi- just checking in now and saw your latest post. You may want to consider keeping October available for now. Several of us, including Christine are tentatively planning on doing the Nike women's Marathon/Half marthon Oct 19th in San Francisco. If you decide you'd like to try a full marathon I could keep you company!
Hopefully they will keep it an open registration and not make it a lottery.

Hi there Cheetahbabes! Another chatty day in cheetahville. I'm checking in much later than usual, had a doc appt this morning that threw me a bit off schedule.

Yesterday I only had time for a 3 mile tempo run before DH and I decided to head out and finish errands before the weather got worse.
As it turns out the snow quickly turned to rain and now it's all pretty much gone :( Oh well, lots more winter to go yet, still lots of chances for more white stuff.

Anyway, at the post office I found that my new workouts had come!!!
So naturally when I got home I HAD to try them. First I did Bosu Blast.... LOVE IT!! I worked up quite a sweat but didn't really notice cuz I was having so much fun!! Great core workout too.
Then I tackled Amy's HiLo Dome challenge. Don't get this workout if you are looking for a long harcore Bosu workout. Most of this DVD is the HiLo and only about 30 minutes is the Bosu workout which is really more of a general toning workout. But still, I did love this workout. I like Amy's HiLo stuff, she is very innovative and energetic in her moves.

This morning I did the second workout on the CIA vid, Sharon Twombley's All Body Cardio. This is every bit as challenging as All Body Attack... I really love her workouts. So much that I preordered one of hers. Prior to this I have never preordered anyone but Cathe.

So, for this afternoon I think I'll do the iTrain circus circuit.... finally!

Be back for personals.

:) :) :) :) personals :) :) :) :)

Susan- The San Francisco race is Oct. 19th. It would be great if this could work out, would make a fabulous cheetah GTG.

Dallas- I have a few of Kelly's workouts and I really like her style. I don't have the latest step boxing workout but it's on my list. I got a chuckle out of your DS's comment about Cathe!!

Carole- Glad to hear the stress fx was ruled out! Those can be difficult and challenging to recover from. LOVE LOVE those wedding pics! I think you are every bit as cute now as you were then!! How was your wet run?

Thomasina- I sure hope they don't opt to make the SF race a lottery!
Thanks for your update posh cheetah!

Lorie- SF is pretty much at sea level and I noticed that the elevation climbs in the race really aren't very severe at all... nothin to be skeered of! Bosu blast is a great workout... glad you are still holding off on the high impact.

Sunny- Hiya! What cardio did you end up doing?

Wendi- Nice job with the 7.5 miles today.... good pace! Hope the mega horsebath goes well!

Cathy- I'm not very good with doing weight routines on my own... I much prefer to use a DVD to really help me push myself. When are you going to start using your new p90x workouts?

Lori- Hope your DS's temp resolves.... he has got to be a happy little fellow today staying home with Mom! Sounds like a busy weekend coming up for you.

Wendy- So what did you think of Slo Mo? Sounds like you are in a rotation dilemma! So many workouts, so little time :eek: :eek: N. Arizona is totally different from the Southern half. I'm at 5000 ft elevation so snow is not at all unusual.

Judy- Wow, I LIKE that spin class of yours}( Awesome push up sequence.... are there many of the class who can do them all?
I think that's pretty slimy that the dog owner is trying to deny you got bit!!! Glad you are determined to set the record straight!

Christine- OH NO!! I had no idea that the ASCII premixes included circuits with SLO MO:eek: :eek: :eek: Okay, I'm gonna HAVE to fit that in pretty soon now! Best of luck today with your presentation.... I bet you'll knock em dead!

Jackie- Well, today it was my turn to be off schedule! How did you like runintervals? I really enjoyed that one myself.

I think that about catches me up for now!

Shelly - Wow you are one busy cheetah! The Nike Marathon/Half Marathon sounds like so much fun! And to do it with my Cheetah friends would be an awesome experience! Let's keep our fingers crossed for an open registration. :) :) Hopefully by then all of my headache/sinus issues will be cleared up. I had to go to the doctor today for the third time in 3 months about it. In a couple days I will be scheduling a CAT Scan of my brain and sinus cavities. Hello, don't they know that they won't find anything when they check my brain. :) ;-) :eek: ;-) :) Enjoy your new Bosu workouts! I love getting new fitness stuff in the mail. Sorry your snow has disappeared! :-( :-(
Shelly- ok, i am now pooped out just from reading your workouts...twice a day. i bow down:D

wooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeee, got my new X workouts!!!:7 :7 :7

wendy- when are you starting your new X+ rotation?

to celebrate i am off to do p90masters cardio intervals.

kristi-have you tried a neti pot? i know it seems crazy but it really works. i had bad sinus issues that stopped when i started using it regularly. i even saw dr. oz recommending it on oprah the other day.

as for the nike marathon...the medal is a silver tiffany's necklace!!! he-llo!
Hello Again!!

I ended up doing 4D -Cardio Power premix. I think that was the name of it. Anyway, it starts out with 4D kbox thru the cool down, no w/u and right into 4D 12 drills. I've done that one before and really like it. I came upstairs for a recovery drink, got a phone call, and then went back for Glute Camp. Ahhh, done working out for today. I still may stretch a little more later. Tomorrow's workout is the stairs again. At least it's warmer and all this rain has melted the snow and ice. :)

Kristi ~ LOL! on your comment about your brain. Sometimes I wonder what happened to mine! :eek: I blame it on motherhood. ha ha! I like the Slo Mo DVD. I haven't tried the premixes yet. Like someone else said, "So many DVDs so little time." :)

Thomasina ~ Way to go starting the 12 week challenge. Now do you follow a special nutrition and workout plan?

Carole ~ Love those wedding pictures!! Glad there's no fracture. Whew!!! Sounds like you're doing the right things to get back on track. What is Chi running? Speaking of weddings:

Too funny! :7

Sunny ~ Is this your first rotation too? We can be sore together! ;)

Wendy ~ i had my first recovery drink too today between cardio and weights. Oh my!! There's a lot of sugar! :eek: My Shaklee drink has nowhere near that amount of sugar. However, I did feel pretty good during Glute Camp and after. Do you think it was a mind thing? I have rotation ADD too. I hope I can stick with the WHOLE 90 days of P90X. I think I'm going to stick with winging it for now. It seems to be working. LOL! Where is Fitnessfreak's rotation? Thanks for the vote of confidence with P90X. I think I'll need it!!! :)

Cathy ~ I'll PM you with my info. The other ideas Lorie mentioned would work for me too. Sounds good either way!

Wendi ~ There was a break (a long break) between the workouts. :) Good job on the run this morning! That sounds like a job and a half today. :eek: Do horses do better than dogs in regards to bathing? ha ha!

Christine ~ Have fun in your salesbootcamp! ;-) That's funny about Perky! Yeah, I think you should lend her BC or something!}( DOH!! I didn't preorder ASCII. Still working on the choreography on the first one. LOL! I really enjoy the Hi/Lo premixes mixed with APX. I did that last week.

Lori ~ Hope your ds feels better soon!

Judy ~ I missed what happened with the dog, but it doesn't sound good. :( This is your neighbor's dog? Way to go on the spin class!!! I haven't been to mine in sooooo long. :(

Lorie ~ I think you made a good choice workout wise. You'll be back to running in no time. I know how frustrated you must be feeling. ((((HUGS)))) At least, you can do **something**, right??

Jackie ~ Way to go on iTrain #24!!! I still have to try that one. Yeah, those SS DVDs sneak up on me every time.

SHelly ~ IA, about Amy's Dome, but I do like it. I do wish it were longer. I've done it 2 x's in a row before. I like the Double Cardio DVD. What's the iTrain Circus circuit? I'll have three new credits to use this month! }(

Hi to Susan and anyone else I may have forgotten.

OK, time to make some din-din!!!

Have a good night!
Hi Girls.

I decided on Plyo X for today's cardio. I *ALMOST* did the new X+ interval work out but I'm planning a run for Thursday and I'd rather do intervals on the treadmill ESPECIALLY since I'll have the 60 min interval work out on my nano by then!:eek: }( :eek:

I'm sorry but I don't have time for personals. I have to hit the shower quick and then head out to train.

Perhaps I'll make it back here later to catch up!

Have a great one!:)

ETA: I've decided to hold fast to my plan. I am taking FitnessFreak's rotation and filing it away under "L" for LATER. LOL I will begin an X+ rotation this coming week like I originally said I would!
Posh Cheetah checkin’ in!.....LOL…um, I can actually say “posh” as I wear the Miu Miu ( a Prada item) sunglasses that Posh DSister gave to me…I look like a film star! ..she gave them to me whilst we were in her huge walk in wardrobe looking at her brand new diamonds from Tiffany’s that Santa brought her this year…sighs…LOL…ok, enough joking, I’m not wearing the sunglasses today as it is busy snowing here at work. We have a few inches and there’s a huge blob on the Doppler radar that indicates more coming. Sooo, since DH doesn’t really want me driving in the dark on icy highway 174, I will be leaving work a few hours early today. WELL, I did it! Day 2 off to another fabulous start; I only hit the snoozaroni button once! I got up in plenty of time to get in my HIIT workout – Itread sprints 19. Uh, talk about waking up in a hurry! Sheesh, Grace wastes NO time and goes straight to kickin’ the bootay. I guess tomorrow after I do the lower body weight workout, I’ll tag on a BOSU workout instead standard ab work. yippee! I must say I really am enjoying getting the exercise done first thing.

Hi Sunny! – Huh? Are you doing the BFL program?

Wendi – LOL, yeah, our horse is SUPPOSED to be white but right now he’s more of a red mud color…he just loves to roll in all the wet stuff! Great job on your run! Dang, you may just be “baby leash” qualified like Shelly! LOL

Cathy – Yeah, I was kinda worried about the BFL weight work without a DVD so that is why I did Cathe’s Pyramids yesterday. After a while, like as in after I get my morning workout a “habit”, I ‘ll probably go for listening to music if I do the BFL weight exercises. My BFL journal has a place to plan out the exercises so I’ll know exactly which ones and they are very similar to Cathe’s in Pyramids. I’m happy to have a fellow cheetah doing BFL – well being BFLish anyway! Oh, and I’m sure I’m in the original bday list but I’ll pm you today anyway along with my updated email addy.

Lorie – If the NIKE marathon is not a lottery then I thinks I’ll be just doing the half. My DH is not too keen on me doing another full. At any rate it will be cool if all of us can sign up for whichever one we’re doing and then plan a GTG! YEEEAH BUUUHHDEEE!....Do you think Linus will be coming to Cali with you? ….(devilish laugh)….gonna steal that doggie one day…he’s soooooo cute!

Hi Lori! Hope the lil’ guy feels better soon! BTW his birthday pics are so very handsome!

Judy – Awe, too bad your DH doesn’t sleep like a log like mine does! We can vacuum the living room and he wouldn’t wake up. I’m disgusted with the biting dog owner! And this is why the dog always gets the bad wrap – because of the negligent, ignorant owner! SHeesh, what a dumba$$$. Ok, I’m calm now…lol. Sorry to vent on your personal…lol.

Christine – Good luck with your sales bootcamp and presentation! LOL at “Perky”…Yeah, sometimes the WW people don’t understand a REAL workout...

Wendy – You sure love some complicated rotations! Dang, I would be standing at the DVD scratching my head with a big ? mark over it….I have to keep it simple or the ADD really acts up...too many choices distracts the bajeebers outta me!

Kristi – Hope you can get a handle on the sinus issues! YES! We would do a GTG in SF for the Nike marathon or half marathon. You must save the date!! October 19th! And yeppers, a nice silver Tiffany’s necklace!

Carole – Hiya, I did see your post after I posted but that is great news about a no fracture. Um, also, your wedding pics were great! I should dig out a pic of me in 1980 and post it here….hmmm….we all should! That would be funny! Did you get snow today? We’ve been having quite a bit here at work…

Jackie – Thanks, yes, the challenge is going great. No, I haven’t tried the portabello thingey at TGIF and I’ve never been to Cheesecake factory. I have had one at other places though and usually they are scrumpdillyumtious….oh wait, isn’t that Dairy Queen? …

Dallas – LOL – kids say the funniest things. Sorry you hit the snooze one too many times; that is usually my trick. Yes, I am trying the BFL program. I use meat substitutes though as I don’t eat beef, chicken or pork, and I am also using Cathe’s pyramids for some of the weight workouts. I also use Itread downloads for the treadmill. Day 2 and I’m doing great so far.

Shelly – Yeah, I hope they don’t make it lottery either. But I’m checking their website daily and I”ll post as soon as I know something. Maybe we need to start looking at leashes for this race….LOL…at least for the first half!

Ok, I hope I got everyone and lunch is well over. I must get my work done so I can go home!

“Posh Cheetah”….lol…I’m gonna find a site that has the sparkly fonts and makes me a sparkly font Posh Cheetah in my siggy! :p
Hi again, cheetahs!

Lorie :: I have to say, I didn’t mean to step on your toes if you wanted to handle the b’day list…Sorry if I came off that way. I was just trying to save you the trouble of starting from scratch since I already have a partial list. I can just as easily cut and paste and send it to you! :) :) :) Let me know…Oh, and I am not making it all the way thru Bosu Blast abs yet, either!

Lori :: hope DS is feeling better.

Wendy :: can’t wait to take a look at that Lean+ rotation (and the others)…Glad you’re sticking with X+ for this rotation…we can suffer together! :)

Judy :: sounds like DH is a light sleeper…that’s a tough set of pushups!…Can’t believe the dog owner is denying!

Wendi :: hope all went well w/ BathMax…That was it – I was a little bored this morning w/out the usual workout crew. :) Made me realize how much I appreciate the form reminders and motivating talk from Cathe.

Christine :: Perky?? *lol* You’ve got to be kidding! :7 I do understand why WW advises that for *most* of its members, but IA—the points would be too low for our kind of workout intensity if we stopped at 4. I make sure I take all the points I’ve earned!…Hope the presentation went smoothly.

Kristi :: enjoy your run and u/b workout.

Carole :: no big deal on the dinner…I was happy to make it an early night :)… Guess I am a spoilsport when it comes to wedding traditions, huh? :)…It does look like you are having a blast in those pics! …yes, I do have b’day info along with email addys for all who participated last year. Kept the snail mail addys on file for those who did the card exchange, too.

Jackie :: was the training computer-based?…I do feel rested, but when the sinuses kick in, I find I just want to close my eyes and bank some zzz’s. How’s the leg soreness? My quads were oddly sore after Sunday’s run.

Dallas :: hope the headache’s gone! Stinks when you wake up with one.

Shelly :: *happy dance* time for you w/ new w/outs!!! IA w/ your assessment of both Hi/Lo and BOSU Blast…I think I’m going to begin to incorporate the + workouts right away. I wanted to tweak some things in my weight training plan, anyway.

Sunny :: yippppeeee on the delivery of your workouts!

POSH :7 :: I liked getting my w/out of the way first thing, too, and didn’t mind waiting on b’fast as I thought I might. Generally, I have felt full all day…although I am already over my allotted WW points for the day, and that’s BEFORE dinner. I think I’m gonna still track the points but follow the BFL plan for a bit and see what happens…Question: is one day reserved for a free DAY or is there just a free MEAL?

OK, that should catch me up. I brought home some grading, but I just don't feel like doing it. }(

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
cathy-are you crazy?!?! i am so disorganized. it would be WAY better if you just added to the list you have. trust me!!!
JMO-i love doing the yahoo groups because you don't have to put a profile and anyone can add files, photos, info, etc. (as long as they are part of the group). any contacts come to your email. i think you need a yahoo address to sign up but can use another address to have your messages sent to. i can set it up if you guys want. we can post all the bdays, contact info, etc. on there.
Lorie - Good job on Bosu Blast. So glad that hip is behavining.

Dallas - Sorry you had such a headache this morning. Hope it's gone. Cute about DS. Nice workout today.

Christine - Glad you enjoyed your workout today. How did the presentation go?

Kristi - I don't know what races I'll do this year. I may just do a few of those I did last year.

Shelly - Glad you're enjoying the Bosu and your new workouts. I like the premixes in Hi/Lo Dome Challenge. You get a little bit of everything. I'm planning on doing Sharon's All Body Cardio Thursday. I like her too. Can't wait to hear your review on the circus circuit. I like runintervals. I thought it was a little harder than runervals.

Sunny - Yay for getting the new workouts!

Wendy - Fitness freak does put together some great rotations. I understand your temptation.

Thomasina - Sunglasses sound posh. LOL! Glad you're enjoying them. Be safe in the snow.

Cathy - Yes, the training was computer based along with showing him a few other things. Of course, I could only show him as much as I knew. I can maneuver my way around a computer but wish I knew just a little more. The legs are still sore. Hope you got all of your grading done.

We're under a tornado watch here. It stormed before I left work.

Have a good night.

Howdy ladies!

I'm going to try to catch up with everyone tonight because I'm going to very short on time in the morning. I've got tomorrow off so SO and I are going to enjoy the day together...he has an appt. first thing in the morning and then he's all mine! Probably a nice lunch, maybe a movie or ice skating, not sure what yet. It's just nice to have a whole day together! I just don't know what I should do for a workout tomorrow morning. I need to keep in mind that I ran today and want to do ME on Thurs soooooo, what should I do? Bosu LIC, or would that be too much with ME? 4DS KB/BC, or is that too much cardio? I just don't know what to about a wicked case of Wendy-itis :p...*ahem*, do notice the spelling lol! Okay, sorry for the weird mood, I think it's called exhaustion ;-).

Christine - Good luck with your presentation...I know you'll do a fantastic job! Great workout this morning. "Perky" :eek: :eek:?!?! If, indeed, it is her given would you have liked to have grown up with *that* name?! Although I don't know much about WW and I do understand where Ms. Perky is coming from with regards to intensity level, ITA with you that your workouts are far more intense than most people would even believe.

Wendy - WOW, you showed tremendous strength filing away FitnessFreak's rotation...I'm so proud of you ;)! Enjoy your new rotation next week!

Kristi - So sorry to hear of your sinus problems. I do hope the doc's are able to do something (other than taking pics of your brain) to clear that up, especially so that you may be able to join the GTG in SF. I can't believe you had to go back in again today though, especially since you weren't able to take advantage of the beautiful day. LOL...coming here and having you guys to gab to is my break. My boss said that I should plan to take a few days soon, but then, not a week later, talks about bringing in a bunch of new horses for me to have to ride so what am I supposed to do with that? Unfortunately, vacay for me = double the work load when I get back. It's easier to "just keep swimming".

Carole - How was your soggy run? I don't know how you do that! Well, a functional, get-dirt-and-smell-off-dark-colored-horse bath is typically around 20 min. That's what we primarily had today. However, a scrub-the-hide-off-manure-and-urine-stained-white-show-horse can take up to an hour or more and believe me when I say that *that* is a total body workout. Aren't you glad you asked ;)?

Jackie - Nice run today...WTG! I love when the previous day's workout gets you like that }(. Bedtime was early enough although I stayed up too long watching Dance Wars. I'm about to stumble into bed in a minute here. I hope nothing comes of that tornado warning!

Lorie - I think I was surprised by the DOMS because I didn't feel anything at all during the workout. Sneaky!!! You guys are gonna make me cave and get Bosu Blast! Okay, where is this oatmeal recipe? How did I miss something about food?

Dallas - Great workout today! Had to LOL about your DS recognizing just how tough Cathe is }(. Thank goodness our horses love to be bathed...who wouldn't want a total body massge with warm water...ahhhh! The people giving the baths definitely get the short end of the stick on that one.

Shelly - WOW, just WOW :eek: :eek:!!!! Uh oh, another vote for Bosu guys are a terrible influence on my credit card :p. Thanks regarding my run. My goal for the HM in late March is to be able to maintain a 10:00 pace, no walking. We'll see...

Sunny - YIPPPEEE! Congrats on the new arrival! So did you tackle the UPS guy today or was he able to get away unscathed?

Posh - Good job staying on track today...with a killer workout, too! How much snow did you get today? Heehee about your "red" horse...I understand *completely*!!!! As soon as ther eis even a hint of mud...BOOM they're down in it, grinding it in as hard as they possibly can. That is one of the things I love about fresh drops and rolls, gets up and, voila...clean horsie!

Cathy - I almost hate to admit that it's often Cathe's funny little comments that keep me going when the going gets tough(er). Is it too geeky that I even recite them with her? I happen to love 4DS Shoulder's "Draw me a smile cause I *know* you're happy"...probably because I HATE rear delt flys. My arms just don't do that ;-). I think you've got a great plan for blending WW and BFL...good luck! Oh, sent you a PM with bday info.

I think that's everyone. I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow morning. Have a good night!
wendi-i got a crock pot recently and posted about some recipe suggestions. here are the recipes i got (i have made the black bean soup and oatmeal and they are both awesome!!!):

Vegetable Taco Soup

2 cans Ranch Style Beans
1 can black beans
1 can refried beans
1 can whole kernal corn
1 can cream style corn
2 cans Rotel tomatoes with chilis
1 small onion, chopped
1 packet taco seasoning
1 packet Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix (not fat free)
1-2 cups water

Mix all ingredients in your crockpot. Add as much water as you like to make as soupy as you like. Cook all day on low (6-8 hours). Serve with grated cheese and tortilla chips.

Crock Pot Oatmeal

2 cups steel cut oats
4 cups water
2 chopped apples
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup brown sugar
handful of dried cranberries or cherries
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Mix together and turn crockpot on low before heading to bed.

Smoky tomatillo chicken

10-15 tomatillos,shucked and crudely chopped
1 small onion chopped
2 chipotles in adobe sauce chopped (more or less depending on how spicy you like things)
3 cloves garlic crushed
1/4 c brown sugar
1 1/2 cup chicken broth
2 T dried oregano
4 boneless chicken breasts

Thoroughly mix all ingredients except for the chicken in your slow cooker. Add the chicken and spoon the tomatillo mixture over it. Cover and cook on low for 5-7 hours. Service with warm tortillas or over rice.

Greek Crockpot Chicken

6 potatoes, quartered
3 lbs. boneless skinless chicken or a whole chicken, cut up and skinned
2 large onions, quartered
1 whole bulb garlic, minced
2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and quartered
½ c. water
3 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp pepper
1 Tbsp. olive oil
Juice of ½ a lemon
1 small can sliced or whole pitted black olives (optional)
1 red bell pepper, sliced (optional)

Put potatoes in bottom of crock pot. Add chicken, onions, garlic. In a small bowl, wisk oregano, salt, pepper, water and olive oil. Pour mixture over chicken and potatoes. Cover and cook on high for 5 – 6 hours or low for 9 – 10 hours.

Chicken Tortilla Soup

Makes 6-8 servings

4 chicken breast halves
2 15-oz cans black beans, undrained *(I use 1 can beans, 1 can corn)
2 15-oz cans Mexican stewed tomatoes, or Rotel tomatoes
1 cup salsa (mild, medium or hot, whichever you prefer)
4-oz. can chopped green chilies
14 1/2-oz. can tomato sauce
tortilla chips
2 cups grated cheese

1. Combine all ingredients except chips and cheese in large slow cooker.

2. Cover. Cook on LOW 8 hours. (or high for 4 hours)

3. Just before serving, remove chicken breasts and slice into bite-sized pieces. (Or just shred with two forks) Stir into soup.

4. To serve, put a handful of chips in each individual bowl. Ladle soup over chips. Top with cheese.

Crockpot Sour Cream Salsa Chicken


4 Skinless/Boneless chicken Breast halves
1 pkg reduced sodium taco seasoning mix
1 cup Salsa
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup Light sour cream

Spray crockpot with cooking spray. Add the chicken breasts. Sprinkle with taco seasoning and salsa. cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. When ready remove the chicken from the pot. place about 2 tablespoons of corn starch in a small amount of water and stir well. Stir the cornstarch mixture in to the salsa sauce. Stir in the sour cream. Let the sauce warm up and serve when hot.

Black Bean Soup

2 cans, 15 oz. each, black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cans,4.5 oz, each, chopped green chiles
1 can, 14.5 oz,Mexican Stewed tomatoes, undrained
1 can,14.5 oz, diced tomatoes, undrained
1 can,11 oz, whole kernel corn, drained (I used a 16 oz can)
4 green onions, sliced
2 to 3 T. chili powder
1 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. dried minced garlic

Combine all ingredients in a 5 qt. slow cooker-I think it will fit in a 3 qt, tho. Cover and cook on high 5 to 6 hours. Makes 8 cups. I have cooked mine on low all day. I'll serve it with shredded cheddar and fat free sour cream.

Potato Soup
* 6 to 8 large baking potatoes, peeled and cubed
* 1 medium sweet onion, as in Vidalia or Texas Sweets, chopped
* 2 carrots, chopped coarsely
* 3 celery ribs, chopped
* 1 tsp chopped garlic (in the jar from produce section of grocery store)
* olive oil
* chicken broth or water
* salt and pepper
* Mortons Nature's seasoning
* 2 8 oz cream cheese, softened
* grated cheddar cheese,
* bacon bits
green onion tops or chives, chopped


In a large stock pot, cover bottom of pan with olive oil and saute onion, garlic, carrots and celery for about 3 to 5 minutes or until celery is beginning to become tender. Add cubed potatoes and toss to coat. Cover entire veggie mix with chicken broth or water or a mixture of both. Add salt and pepper to taste or Nature's Seasoning to taste. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are fork tender. Remove from heat and strain veggies from broth. Return liquid to pot and using a whisk or hand mixer, whisk cream cheese into broth until smooth. Divide veggies in half and return half of the veggies to the broth and mix until smooth. The soup should be a thick chowder like consistency now, very creamy. Return the remaining half of veggies to pot and reheat to serve. Serve topped with grated cheddar cheese, bacon bits and green onion tops or chives, if desired.
Number of servings: 6-8

Vegetarian Chili

* 2 Tbsp olive oil
* 1 small green pepper (chopped)
* 3 large cloves garlic (minced)
* 1/2 large onion (chopped)
* 2 pouches meatless ground burger (2 cups) thawed
* 1 pkg chili seasoning mix
* 1 jar (16 oz) chunky salsa
* 1 can diced tomatoes with green chilies
* 1/2 cup water
1 can dark red kidney beans (drained and rinsed)


Brown the garlic in olive oil, then add onion and green pepper. Saute a couple of minutes. Add meatless ground meat and chili mix. Stir until well blended. Add salsa, tomatoes and water. Cover and simmer for one hour. Add kidney beans and simmer 30 more minutes.

Number of servings: 4-5

Red Beans and Rice
* 1 Tablespoon olive oil
* 3 cloves garlic
* 1 medium yellow onion
* 3 leeks
* 1 medium green pepper
* 2 medium white potatoes
* 1 cup baby carrots
* 2 15.5 ounce cans kidney beans, rinsed and drained
* 4 cups vegetable broth
* 1 Tablespoon chili powder
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/4 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
* 3 cups cooked brown rice
Tabasco sauce, optional


Heat oil in crock pot on high setting. Using a garlic press, crush garlic cloves directly into crock pot. Stir and allow to simmer while chopping remaining vegetables. Chop onion into large chunks, as for a stew and stew into crock pot. Slice white ends of the leeks into 1/4" rounds, discarding green tops and stir into crock pot. Chop green pepper into large chunks and stir into crock pot. Chop potatoes into eight pieces each, leaving skins on. Add potatoes, carrots, beans broth, chili powder, salt and pepper to crock pot. Stir all the ingredients together well. Cover and cook until potatoes are done, 3 hours on high or 6 to 8 hours on low. Serve red beans over a bed of rice accompanied with Tabasco sauce, if desired.

Notes: Adding potatoes and carrots to the standard red beans and rice, makes a hearty, well balanced meal.
Number of servings: 6
Pffffftt...Pffffft....teshting...teshting 123

Yay! My new glittery Posh siggy shines to the tune of....
"I...I...I..I'm too sexy for my hair too sexy...I do my little turn on the catwalk...yeah on the catwalk"....

Cathy - YES! The entire free day is FREEEEEEEuh! I am actually making my free day on Saturday instead of Sunday since Sats are more likely to have dinners out, etc. Also I must be careful not to overindulge in the vineyards on my free day. Don't want to undo a week's worth of clean eating/steady workouts....

Ok,I'm training my ADD to stay on task so I gotta get off here now do my BFL prepping and journaling, clean up my dinner mess and then get ready for bed. Geez it is so hard to NOT get distracted into doing something else and something else! LOL....

'night friends!

Thomasina :7

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