Cheetah Runner's Tuesday, August 1

I'm excited and hoping for some cooler temps next week! Joey is going by his Aunt Gina's for a long weekend (thurs to sun) so that mom can go to a/c for an overnight and dad can hang out with the boys that same night. So anyway, this means I'll be free to run outside on both friday and saturday mornings! Even Sunday if I wanted to cause I could run on the boardwalk! WOW!

Pray for nice weather and that I actually get my arse moving in time to take advantage, will ya please, ladies? :+

Maybe I won't run at all in the prior days and work up a good "thirst" for it...then I'll have more drive! Think that will work? :)
Christine....I would think in April 07 you'd be up to the 21 mile walk/run...:)....I'd even contemplate doing it with really is a beautiful course...That is good you have a schedule to follow now. Enjoy your trail run with Tucker...:)

Wendy...thank you...The run today was nice and cool! I did notice results in my legs when I first started running....but that was a very long time ago...:) I have this eating clean and age fight for results...congrats to you! Wow! 3 days of outside running....sounds fun...:). You could back off a bit before. I'll pray for you to get up and get out the door!

I ended up doing 5 miles. About 4.5 miles into the run I had to stop and chat with a neighbor as she walked her Great Dane (or it walked her!!!) Cool dog...and she is just starting to run so I could have company soon on my weekly runs...:) out for some sun and then the dreaded housework...:)
Cool dog, Carole! DH's cousin wants one of them one day! Will it be running with her? }( Clean eating is a constant fight for me too. I stay moderately clean most of the time. I can't go all out except for short stints to try to get some weight off...I'd go insane!}( I think I will back off the running after Monday's it for the long weekend! YIPPEE!:+
Not sure if it will run with her or not. The dog seems to bolt now after squirrels (which was quite funny to watch)..:)...I told her it would just take some training as you really can run with about any average sized dog! This one is a Harlequin(sp) so the coloring is nice and spotted and she also has the prettiest eyes....:)...Have a great time this weekend!!!
Hey all! Back from my run! The temps maxed out at 70 so even the furrball with legs enjoyed it. We came home and he wanted to play ball!! Surprised the heck out of me! Silly dog. According to my watch, the run ended up being 7.15 miles which is probably pretty accurate. So, I'll count it as a 7 miler. I feel great now. Hand is still bothering me, so I'm waiting one more day to do weights. It's not as stabbing a pain now, so that's good.

Carole - I did sign up for the 10.6 miler, but I did that because I know that this year, even in March the 21 miler was open. Then 10.6 will filled. So, I figure I can always upgrade if I want, and I believe this is the race where upgrading is pretty easy.

So, I have another question - I have this stupid phobia of long street runs. A 7 mile street run would seem like forever to me. But, the 7 miler I did today was just plain fun. Carole, you've been on most of that trail - do you think I could alternate trail runs with street runs and still run the Half? I know I have to do some long runs on pavement, but I'm hoping to be able to do most on trails...

Oh, and Tucker LOVES squirrels. His self-proclaimed job is to keep the back yard free of them. The best thing I ever did was teach him the command "Leave it". It works with squirrels, other dogs, and even "doggy treats" that are in the middle of trails...
Good afternoon everyone.

Carole glad that your nephew is doing better and not being stuburn and eating. It's like a 2 step foward one step backward kind of thing.

Wendy glad to hear that your sneakers did you good and have fun @AC when you go. You will have fun when you run the boardwalk if you haven't yet.

Judy glad that you got your total body workout and your laundry room going.

Marcia good luck on your sales this weekend and hope to see that you get a website:)

Laurie glad that you were able to hook up your AC before the dreaded heat.

And wanted to wave to all the other cheetahs.

Well today I did 2 1/2 treadmill run, then clean my house and also went to my inlaws to swim. This heat is brutal today}( I will be going swimming again tomorrow. Well take care everyone:)
Christine...I do hope your hand feels better tomorrow...:)..I'll check the Big Sur Site out for awhile (I know the marathon fills up fast) and most likely sign up for the 21 miler if you feel you want to upgrade. I think you could alternate street runs with trails for the half. The thing you will like about street runs is your times will be faster...:)...Sadie enjoys chasing squirrels too. The bad thing is she can catch them....unless they get out of the fenced in yard fast enough.

Barbara...thank you. You are exactly right about the steps backwards and forwards in this instance. Sounds like you had a busy day. I bet swimming is very nice in the hot weather and here I sit in between 2 beaufitul lakes...:)

So any other Calif cheetahs up for 21 miles at Big Sur next year???? All of you cheetahs here are invited and welcomed too...:)
Took the kids to the pool for a few hrs. Our power went out from 10-12 for some reason!! I figured it would cooler there than in an un-airconditioned house! I don't know what the deal was, but it was back on when we got home!

So I did Cathe's PUB (yeah- the 15 lb biceps don't feel so hard anymore!), the leg conditioning drills from KickMax (didn't hurt my leg at all!), and then the 20 min WP circle w/o! Feelin' good now!

Now I've gotta think of something for dinner, it's just too hot to cook & I'm just not in the mood for a big dinner!

Just babbling now...

Have a great night! Thanks for the sweet compliments on my pics!

Hey Wendy!! Come join me, I'm going to be kidless from Fri night- Sunday afternoon!!! My 2 best friends are going to a family reunion & are taking my girls!!! (they're like sisters to me anyway, my girls call them both Auntie). It's our 10th wedding anniversary on Thurs so they said they're taking the girls (they're camping) so we can have some time alone!!! Oh my goodness, it's been YEARS since we've had time alone like that!! I'm looking forward to it now!!

I'm just hoping my leg cooperates so I can get in my long run on Sat!! And maybe a bike on Sun!!

I stepped outside this a.m. to run before 9:00 but it was just too humid and gross for me to run. I substituted IMAX2 and 45 min. yoga in the basement and it was still almost too hot to be enjoyable. I spent a big chunk of the day re-arranging furniture in the house and am very happy with the end result:) I'm supposed to hill train tomorrow, I'll do my best to get up and out early or I'm pretty sure I'll be substituting againx(

Carole, here's hoping your nephews moods stay high. I can't imagine how tough this is for everyone. How's your sister doing? I can't fathom standing at my child's bedside seeing them so vulnerable, unsure and scared? It's nice that you and your sister are close, I wish I was close to my sisiter. Thanks for the invite to Big Sur;)

Christine, glad your run went well, those temperatures sound heavenly:)

Barb, sounds lovely to get out for a swim after a run. I wanted to get to the beach today but my Girls were here, there and everwhere but where I wanted them to be today!

Jess, glad you're feeling so good tonight, you sound very chipper. Light suppers really do fit the bill on days like today:)

I got myself and i-Pod Nano tonight, 17 year old Elizabeth has been very generous sharing her's with me and put together an awesome mix for me to run to on the weekends. She's a sweetie that way but I'm sure she'll be glad that I've got my own now:)

Enjoy your evening Cheetahs!

Take Care
Laurie and all of you other Cheetahs on the East Coast - I'm sending cooling vibes your way! We had it too - fortunately it seems to be moving faster through your areas than it did ours! We don't have the humidity to deal with so we can handle it longer! And Laurie - congrat on the IPod Nano - I've been debating, especially with the idea of 10 miles on PAVEMENT in front of me! I may just break down and do it.

Carole - The good news is that I picked up a 15 pound weight and could do bicep curls, over head presses and any other move I could think of, so I'll lift tomorrow, and wear padded gloves (bike gloves come in handy!). Thanks for your concern. And yeah, falling goes with the territory. Almost did a face plant while trying to run through the debries of that fallen tree this morning. Fortunately I managed to catch myself. Speed - hmm, I'll never be fast, so sacrificing speed is not a biggie to me. I'm excitedly looking up trail runs right now.
>Hey Wendy!! Come join me, I'm going to be kidless from Fri
>night- Sunday afternoon!!! My 2 best friends are going to a
>family reunion & are taking my girls!!! (they're like sisters
>to me anyway, my girls call them both Auntie). It's our 10th
>wedding anniversary on Thurs so they said they're taking the
>girls (they're camping) so we can have some time alone!!! Oh
>my goodness, it's been YEARS since we've had time alone like
>that!! I'm looking forward to it now!!
>I'm just hoping my leg cooperates so I can get in my long run
>on Sat!! And maybe a bike on Sun!!

Jess, that's great that you are getting the weekend alone with your DH! DH and I are fortunate that we are surrounded by lots of family that ask to/are willing to take DS almost any time! Sometimes he'll stay somewhere just cause someone wants him and we don't even have plans to go out! :+ I miss him when he's not with me but the break is so nice. :) Have a great weekend with your hubby!;) ;)

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