Cheetah Runner's Tuesday, August 1


I figured it was sooo late here on the West Coast that I should just go ahead and post my ramblings for the next day..... besides, i didn't know if Wendy may have been up as it is almost 3 am on the East Coast....:p

Howdy cheetah gals!

Long time no post…..sheesh, since I haven’t been able to get on here I feel like I’ve been on another planet the past couple of weeks! My time has just been so consumed with way too much that I had to prioritize and well, unfortunately for me, I had to let the fun on the computer go a lil bit. I did try to skim over the lastest action of ya’llez posts to get caught up on the action here. Soooo….first and foremost I feel like starting with our dear sweet Super Carole!!

Carole – SO sorry to read about your nephew. Absolutely my prayers and positive thoughts will be included for you and your family during this time. So true that our lives can change so suddenly but thankfully he coherent and still has his life. Hugs to you and I’m glad you got to run meet up with Christine to visit and run.

Wendy – MIZUNO’S ROCK! YEAH! I was sooo excited to read that you finally got some shoes. LOL yep, I was so stoked for you that did a lil’ seated hop up and down and fast hand clap when I saw that you got some Mizuno’s, and DD looked at me as if it was finally going to be time for the family to call the men in white jackets to come for me. Soooo happy the running class is going good and don’t worry, in a few weeks you’ll be posting to us how you wouldn’t mind picking up the pace but don’t want to leave the chatting friend behind! You go girl! (p.s. – I LOVE PARTYLITE!!)

Judy – Sounds like your hip is better and you (and your cats!) are adjusting to your new home. Great job with your runs as usual; you definitely are a true hill killer gal!

Marcia – Hey! How’s it going with WW? Also, I know what you mean about family commitments changing the run plans! But I think I know which 10 miler you are going to sign up for and I have to say that I am JEALOUS if it is the Twin Cities 10 miler! Luuuuuuhhhhhkkeeeeeeee! LOL Hope the heat tones down for you as we finally got a break today from our heat wave.

Belated welcome to our new cheetah, Laurie! – Glad you came over to hang out in the best thread on Cathe! I have enjoyed many of your other posts on the other threads, and was happy to see you had posted here. Wow, it sounds like your running is coming along nicely. Also, I bet it is absolutely lovely where you live and get to run. I would love to visit Canada someday.

Jess – “and the movie staaaahhhrr” WOW, our very own Jess was summoned and flown to Tinsel town to be filmed alongside Mari Winsor and Jamie Lee Curtis! …Waaahhoooooaaah! Besides the delayed luggage (just KNEW it was Delta), It sounds like you had a great experience and you sure deserve it! I can’t wait til we get to see your infomercial thingey….In the meantime, take care of your leg and get some MD assistance if it doesn’t subside. Also, I think you should listen to Elaine and look into cross training with an elliptical if you can. Keep us “posted” on how you’re doing!

Christine – ALOHA! Welcome back from the islands and when I’m there I usually run the first 2 days or so and then it turns into an eating fest….lol AND so happy you got to meet up with Carole, but so sorry about your hand. I do stuff like that and then I have big bruises or aches that create a hindrance for the rest of my workouts. Hope it heals quickly! Oh, and congratulations on Sonoma’s run and on signing with RNR San Jose. You’ll do great!

Shelly – Congratulations scooter cheetah! I hope you enjoy! Just look out for the crazys out there! One of my sisters and one of my brothers ride really nice Harley’s and they sure enjoy it, but I worry about them often. Anyway, good luck with your marathon training too!

Elaine – Hi Elaine! I was very sorry to read that Sonoma was so crappy for you. But I’m sure St. George is going to help Sonoma become even a more distant memory. Too bad it had to be so dang hot then. Great job with your training and cross training though. I tell ya, your post always get me to pondering the elliptical/family room remodel subject again…LOL

Mattea! - Congrats on DH’s new job and your move to the farmhouse. WOW, your very own workout room! Luuuuuuhhhhkkkeeeeeee! Now we REALLY can send you to your room for the Pyramids when you start acting up with procrastislacking again. YEP, that is really a word too…I made it up myself to describe what happens to me sometimes! HELP somebody send ME to my room!

Hi to everyone else…Barb, Barbara, Pamela……

I better get some sleep now so I can get up on time for my date with my dreadmill, ipod, and the travel channel!

Hasta luego, Amigas!

Good morning, cheetahs!

I returned from vaca last Tuesday (popped in briefly this past Saturday) but I'm not yet fully back into my routine thanks to jet lag, this ungodly heat, and some personal drama. (The day I returned, a family friend died of cancer at age 36...the following day, my father went into the hospital for a catheterization--he's OK, thankfully.) At any rate, I've only gotten in two runs since I've been back. Need to kick it up a notch here!

Thomasina, your post helped me get semi-caught up on what's been going on with all of you.

Hope those of you with injuries are on the mend.

Carole, it sounds as though your nephew had some type of accident. Hope he's gonna be OK.

As I mentioned in Saturday's post, I'm going to either try to set up something on picture trail or find another way to post the pics of my trip. I had an amazing time visiting the fam in Germany, catching the World Cup and exploring Budapest and Amsterdam. I *so* do not want to work this week!

Well, have a great day, everyone!
cathy :)

ETA: I just joined Picture Trail but since I already had the pics in a slideshow, I decided not to try to upload them all. You can check 'em out here if interested:

Note: It starts off at a World Cup game...To explain who's who...The 1st pic is me waving...the geek with the glasses is a friend of my cousin's...the other guy (blond) is my cousin...later you'll see his daughter, his wife, and my aunt (blond with glasses). The rest are scenic shots.
THOMASINA!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, I could just picture you jumping up and down in your seat clapping for me! :7 You are such a sweetie! I've acquired quite a collection of running clothes as well. I feel like a REAL runner now between the clothes and the new shoes!;) The shoes are great. I took 'em outdoors for the first time with my class last night and they felt great! YEAY!:+
Unfortunately when life gets in the way, computer time must fall by the way side, but we'll still be here when you get back, girlfriend! Have a nice TM run even though you obviously don't like them! LOL :p

Cathy: Great pics! Glad you had such an awesome time on vacation. Don't go beating yourself up over your workouts/runs right now. You need time to get back in the's okay!:)

Today is a rest day for me finally...even though in truth, I don't want to take one! I'm on a roll w/my workouts and don't want to stop! LOL I don't want to over-do it though and even though I feel really good NOW, one work out could send me over the edge so I'm going to rest BEFORE that happens.;)

Hello to everyone!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning everyone - I believe it finally dropped to 80 overnight!!! UGH! I think our heatwave will be on it's way out starting later today - whew.....relief in sight. Sad part is it won't be long and I'll be complaining because it's too darn cold :7 I do love the change in seasons, though, it's absolutely fabulous.

Thomasina: I'm doing OK on WW. I had one bad day, but the rest of the week was good. I'm getting re-motivated little by little. :)

I was on the Tastefully Simple website ready to create mine and get the business going strong, only to find out I need to have sold $400 worth of items before they will allow me to make one under them??? x( I totally understand, they want to make sure I'm committed before letting me have a webpage link to their business, but having a website would help me get those sales quicker, too. Oh well - it is what it is......I am having an open house next week so hopefully I will get those sales then and I can get my website up and running.

I hope everyone has a nice cool day with a great workout.

Sweat hard, girls!

Thanks, Wendy! I hear you about taking a break from exercise, why don't you go for a nice easy walk - just to get out and move a little. It will keep you motivated and make you feel better about a "rest" day. :)

Welcome back Thomasina :7 I am sorry about your friend passing away so young.

Cathy don't fret about getting into a routine after vacation; You will get there . Keep visiting here for motavation :)

Hi Wendy- The rest day will do your body good. If you need to WO you can always do some yoga

After my run yesterday I had a handy man here for some fine tuning of our laundry room. My wahser and dryer did no fit. So that led to a plumber friend of ours finishing the washing machine installation and then the day got away so no upper body work was done.

Therefore today will be a total body WO including abs. No run today.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
>Thanks, Wendy! I hear you about taking a break from
>exercise, why don't you go for a nice easy walk - just to get
>out and move a little. It will keep you motivated and make
>you feel better about a "rest" day. :)

Great idea but it's just too darned HOT right now! LOL
Hi Judy.

Have fun with your weight work today! Glad you got your laundry room troubles fixed! When we bought our house there was NO HOOK UP for laundry AT ALL! :eek:
Oh I hear ya, there - take it easy in the heat, that's for sure! Enjoy your day.

By the way - are we the only ones on the forums this morning???? :7 :) :7 :) :7

We are just the only TALKATIVE ones! We already had our first cups of coffee so now we are sufficiently caffeinated and yapping away! LOL :7 :7 :7
Oh.... Thomasina!! My Meatless Inca!!! I just love reading your posts. Sounds like you're busy as always!!! I haven't been spending as much time on the computer either, and it's going to be even less in the next couple weeks. Only 3 more weeks til school starts for my kiddos though!!

Wendy ~ My chatty, coffee friend! I just finished my cup of coffee so I can chat away now too! WTG on the new shoes & running. You're really coming along great & I'm sure you'll do awesome on that 5K!!

Marcia ~ G/L getting enough sales to make your website! I love TS stuff, book a couple parties from friends & I'm sure you'll have sales soon!

Cathy ~ Welcome back! It can be hard after a vacation, but I'm sure you'll be back to routine soon!

Judy ~ G/L getting everything done w/ the washer/ dryer!! My washer started spraying water everywhere last week!! My dh had to fix it for me so I could do laundry again!

I did another 1/4 mile swim this morning. It felt great, it's so hot even at 5AM!! The water felt wonderful. I'm going to turn in to a fish, we took the kids to the pool for a couple hrs last night too. I also did Winsor Pilates 50 min Maximum burn y'day- I love that workout.

I don't know what else I'll do today. My leg is feeling better, but still a bit painful at times. I don't want to do any squats or legwork, but maybe some floorwork, I'll see later.

I added some new pics to my picture trail from CA!! Thanks for looking!

Cathy ~ Great pics! Looks like an awesome & scenic trip!! You look so cute in that pic waving too, great to have a face to put w/ a name! And I'm sorry about the loss of your family friend! Glad that your Dad is ok too!

Thanks, Wendy! I'm trying to ice, Advil, and my dh has been giving it a good massage at night. It kills me, but I know it's working it out. It's cheaper than paying for a deep tissue massage! ;-) It's really feeling better each day, I'm going to give it til Thurs til I try to run on it again. I don't want to risk injuring myself further. I'm supposed to do 16 this weekend, but we'll see how it goes. I'm so sick of injuries. Once the marathon is done, it will be easier to rest a bit!

What a beehive of a thread the Cheetahs have created today and yesterday:7

I'll post and get the heck out for a 4k run the some upperbody work, not doing much lowerbody weight work these days (except for running hills of course;-) ) Yesterday was not the fun day I'd expected. I got home from work and my FIL had bought 2 air conditioners for us and we started the sweaty procedure of installing. In light of today's crazy temps I think it was time well spent.

Thomasina, thanks for the welcome and your kind words:) I'm really enjoying being a part of this, my love for running is in it's infancy but I feel like it's a wonderful fit for me at this time:)

Cathy, hey there! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation, I'll check out your pictures after my run. So sorry about your friend.

Wendy, enjoy your rest day, you have certainly earned it!

Elaine, my Girls are 17 (Elizabeth), 15 (Marley) and 11 (Faith), she'll be 12 on the 15th of August. They are smart, sensible Girls (and darned cute too!) they make their Momma very proud. If there's a Cheetah in my pack it would be Faith, she made track this year running the 200m for her school.

It's getting waaay to hot, I'm gonna run and come back with personals later:)

Take Care
Good morning cheetahs

Thanks for your support for my nephew. Yesterday was MUCH better! He had a few calls from family memebers in the health field explaining to him why he should eat! He did eat better too. They put him on valium to calm him a bit. He is still on pain meds but they are trying to cut back. His Mom left to come back home for a few days and his stepsister is with him now. They are close. I hope the good mood stays for awhile. I will only imagine there will be many tough days ahead.

Barb...we have been lucky as the hot has cooled a bit here! I didn't know you were having hip/ITB pain?....I hope it goes away soon.

Wendy..sounds like the running class and shoes are doing great for you!! Rest is good after 8 tough days..:)

Christine...I cannot believe you don't want to do the Big Sur marathon??..[/img]..Is the 10 miles a run or a walk? that would be fun if some of cheetahs could meet there!!

Tomasina...long time no see!!! Thanks for your prayers. As I said above yesterday was much better. It was fun to run with a fellow we will have to meet up and run at sometime Tomasina...:)

Cathy...welcome back.. So sorry about your family nephew was in a motorcycle accident July 23 and is paralyzed from the waist down. He has had some feeling down his right thigh and in his right foot. But they don't really know thw condition of the spinal cord yet as that will take some time. He did have surgery to repair 3 vertebrae. Your slide show was great!! Your cousins daughter is just adorable...thanks for sharing.

Judy...I hope the washer and dryer get adjusted to fit well! Enjoy your total body workout.

Laurie...enjoy your run. Yes it seems as the miles add up you might do less leg work. Wow...there seem to be high temps all warming????

The smoke seems much better today. So after the standing part of PLB I will go for a 5 or 6 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
HI Cheetahs-

Carole- good news about your nephew :) yes there will betough days ahead, but he will get through it with support from loved ones. Have a nice run and stay cool and hydrated.

Jes- your latest pictures are very sweet.

Laurie- I found it hard to get in lower body too with increasing runing. However, I am really trying to fit in 2-3 different LB workouts per week. The weight is lighter though than it has been in the past; no BB heavier than #30 for me. This weight seems to give me enough of a challenge with the running.

For total body today I did Muscle Max;it is a fun workout after notdoing it for a few months.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Cheetahs!!

THOMASINA!!! Glad to hear from you!! Hope you’re doing well, and that the busy period is a good one! We miss you.

Cathy! Good to hear from you again as well! Oh, I know too well how tough it is to get back into exercise after a vacation! Add the heat and you have a recipe for disaster. Great pictures… Sorry to hear about your family friend and I’m happy to hear your dad is okay.

Wendy – Congrats on the shoes! Nothing like a new pair of running shoes – eh? Enjoy your rest day. You’re right – you need one – but it’s so tough when you’re on a roll!!!

Hey Judy – we had an issue with our Washer and Dryer too – we had to bring out the doors a bit on the closet to get them in there. The new ones are bigger. That’s another thing you’d think would be standardized, isn’t it?

Marcia – I know what you mean about motivation and eating. I love food so much that motivation to NOT eat is tough to come by, even though I know I’ll feel better, etc. Good luck! And good luck with the business venture. It does sound kind of like a Catch 22, though! But once you get the website up, let me know!

Jess – Glad to hear your leg is doing better! And swimming, well, I love swimming as well. Great photos! Looks like you had a fabulous time – and you have a wonderful smile, by the way.

Laurie – Yes – everyone is chatty today – I love it! Glad to hear you’ll be a chilling cheetah today with the new air conditioners! Enjoy your run!

Carole – The 10 miles is either a run or a walk. I plan to run it. I’m tempted to do the 20 miler, but DH wants to go and he’s only comfortable with the 10, so I’ll sacrifice!  I was hoping with enough advanced notice and the options available – 5K, 9 mile, 10.6 mile, and 21 mile along with the marathon, there would be enough options for anyone who wants to join. The difference between the walks and the runs are that the walks are not competitive. I haven’t signed up yet, but my competitive side wants to do the 21 miler simply to say I’ve done it… We’ll see… Thanks for the update on your nephew.

Today is an easier version of the run I did with Carole on Sunday. I’m going to take the Tucker Dog and do an 8 miler in the same area, but I’ll go part way up the other trail which is not as steep. I put together my training schedule for the half, and today is my long run. I’m thinking this will do. LOL.

Have a happy, happy day all!
Carole: Enjoy your run. Glad to hear things are looking up for you nephew!:)

Christine: Have fun on your trail run with Tucker Dog. ;)

So I am resting today and going out of my frickin' mind as a result! LOL I prefer to take rest days on weekends as I usually am going to visit someone or something so it's easier to NOT work out. I am counting down the hours until I can leave for my MIL's.

So all of the experienced runners...if you can recall, did you notice your legs changing shape when you first started running? I am noticing my thighs are changing (looking more defined)and my calves have slimmed down some since I began running. :)

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