Cheetah Runners Check-in Fri Jul 21


Good morning cheetahs

Marcia....that is great about your new business! Can't wait to see your website...:)

Christine...I think the bi's and tri's are my favorite from S&H. Glad you like it! I agree it is already hot here when I get up....yuk....I am so jealous of your Hawaii trip! Hope you have a great time!!!!...:)..Maui is a very beatiful place...enjoy...Stepmax was probably my first Cathe way back when!! I rarely do it now. Stepheat is my fav of those 3.

LAURIE!!!! hey there....glad to see you here!!! We are all cheetahs! Bodyglide is defintely important for a runner. How awesome you get to run trails too for your training. That one sounds like a beauty. Yes 110 again today. I don't think we have bad humidity but since I moved here 26 years ago, the humidity had definitely increased. I do belong to the falling down trail runner group...:)...

Shelly...good run! Have fun in Phoenix with the motorcycles...:)

Today I am doing Imax2, some leg exercises and abs that I missed yesterday. Don't want to run outside in this yukky weather...

Have a great day...:)
G'morning Carole and the rest of you Cheetahs!:)

I was about to start this thread this morning but decided to give someone else a chance. ;)

Carole, I fun "imaxxing"! I considered Imax for today as well but then decided to be MUCH nicer to my knee since I'm still not certain about it...Oh, BTW, you asked where it hurts last night and I didn't have a chance to get back to's my left knee on the inside, so the right side of my left knee...if that makes any sense! Just look look at your knees while you are sitting at the computer and you'll figure it out!:7

I am going to do Ripped to the Core for the first time today. I'm looking forward to it since it got so many good reviews here. I will probably pair it up with a LowMax premix. I was originally going to do ONLY legs today since I didn't do them the other day but once I received R to the C, I KNEW that just was NOT going to happen! LOL :7 }( :+

I originally wanted to do my Ripped work out this morning and then head to the gym for another elliptical work out but DS woke up before I did (that almost NEVER happens!) so I couldn't even have coffee before I got him up! I like to do my weights before cardio and now that he's up, that won't happen so I had to rearrange my plan for today. :)

Edited To Add: Welcome to our check in Laurie!:+ :+ :+
Hey Carole, enjoy Imax2, I know that you love your stepping too:) I'm surprised that I'm not missing it as much as I anticipated, I know it will be there when my training and race are done and it will be fun and fresh to pick it up again.

Today is a rest day from running (we take Mon and Fri off) I was going to do some cardio but I've been good with my eating lately and my ankles are feeling a bit tender from my trail run yesterday. I'll get my mat and portable DVD player onto the patio while it's still shady and do some yoga and abs. My 15 y.o. Marley has been not so subltely hinting for a massage so I'll surprise her later and take her to the clinic while it's quiet over lunchtime.

TGIF fellow Cheetahs...........I can't believe I can actually be considered a Cheetah, all of you have inspired me and sparked my interest in exploring this wonderful new world of running!:)

Take Care

ETA - Hey Wendy, you're so smart to take care and listen to your knee. Ripped to the core sounds wicked, makes my abs buzz just thinking about it! Enjoy your Friday!:) ETA again:) thanks for the welcome Wendy!
Wendy..I wonder if you need some new or different shoes for running? Just a thought...:)

Laurie...the first few times I trained for runs I didn't miss my stepping much...I do more now. Imax2 has always been my favorite because of the music, although I could easily skip interval #9! I am glad you brought up massage...I do need to schedule one. I am very happy you decided to join us...:)...enjoy your Yoga today!
Hi Cheetah Runners

Today I did Upper Body on Muscle Max & Abs and it's is a rest day from running. I might swim later if I get "stuck" out at the pool with my kids, but am laying low for today.

I made some hummus without tahini and some guacamole and had some on sprouted grain bread with lettuce & salsa -- an interesting fun summer snack.

My kids have swim meets over the weekend, so I'm not sure I'll get to check in much. I volunteered to be a "timer" -- which could be bad news for any swimmers assigned to my lane! LOL :+ Technology, even a stopwatch is not my strong suit! .

Wendy -- Sorry your knee doesn't feel quite right. Smart to play it safe for a few days until you can figure out what's going on. I always find floorwork with ankleweights helpful for minor strain, such as strengthening the quads and inner thighs...Sometimes inner thigh work can help inner side knee pain mellow out. Carole's suggestion for new and better shoes is a good one!

Laurie-- Welcome, welcome!!:) :) :) Good luck training for your half. Where in Canada do you live? A good friend of mine is back in her home in Vancouver this week visiting family. Sweet of you to treat your DD to a massage. I really got a lot out of checking in daily when I did my first half in June.

Carole -- Imax sounds like a good replacement for choosing not to run in the sauna called the outdoors this time of year.

Shelly -- Vroom, Vroom! ;-)

Christine-- what's the report on the new monitor? Did you calibrate at the track today? Have the best time in Maui. It sounds like a wonderful trip. Who will take care of the dogs while you're gone?

Hi to everyone else checking in later.
:) :) :)
good morning,

I only went for a 3 1/2mile run this morning. I got a late start and it was humid. Also I rode 7miles lastnight on my bike with my son and walked my dog a mile also, so the legs where tired this morning.

carole thanks for the info on supplements ,etc...

welcome laurie!! you dont have to be speedy to be a cheetah, believe me I am not fast at all! you will get all kinds of great advice here.

hello barb,christine,wendy,jess, shelly and everyone else
Good morning fellow Cheetahs!! It's my rest day- I love Fridays!! Have I mentioned this before??? LOL I slept til a little after 7, felt great! Then I got busy around here- CleanMax this morning!!

I've got to do some shopping this afternoon after my dh gets home. I need some stuff for my trip to CA! So my exercise will be walking the mall. ;-) I seriously don't shop that much, I'm such a bargain girl! There's a local teen resale shop that I go to a lot- I can get almost brand new stuff there for cheap. Those teens hardly wear their clothes at all!!

Well, just wanted to check in. Just a 10 mile run on the plan for tomorrow, it's a step back week for me & then it'll be 15 next weekend. My friend Melissa is running w/ me, our other friend Erin is out of town. We're all going to be gone next week because Melissa is flying to AZ on Sun! It'll be another early run, but I think it's only supposed to be in the 80's tomorrow so that will feel almost cool!

I am loving the new WP Body ball workout- did it again y'day. I can really feel it in my waist & inner thighs- love that!

Better get moving! Have a great day & have great workouts!

Happy Friday Cheetah ladies!!!

Carole – have a blast with Imax 2 (literally!). And good luck in the heat. That is HOT!!! As far as I know, the end is no where in sight on this heat wave! I’m getting a little tired of being hot and sticky all the time! Our pool is not even refreshing because it’s so hot.

Wendy – hope your knee feels better soon! Good idea to just rest again. I know it’s tough, though. Might want to ice it after you workout. That might help, too. Have fun with Ripped to the Core! Let us know how it is.

Laurie – oh the aching ankles of trail running! I know them well, I don’t suffer any longer, but I did for a bit, even though I had strong ankles from other sports. It’s the uneven terrain. As for step – if you put a challenge in front of me, I tend to get focused solely on that for a while. Then the rest starts to sneak in. What I enjoy about step is completely opposite of what I enjoy about running. With step you’re required to focus on each move so you don’t kill yourself. With running you’re able to free your mind and NOT think about every step – even on a trail run you can get lost in thoughts while your eyes and feet so their work. I like the combo.

Barb – I’m getting ready to go to the track – after S&H Legs and Shoulders. I’ll calibrate it then. I’ll check back with you once it’s done. Thanks for the good wishes for the Hawaii trip – I’m so excited! Washing and packing today!!! Leave 7:30AM tomorrow morning! YEAH! The doggies will be under the care of their adopted grandparents, Frank and Marilyn who live down the street. They are in their 70’s and just absolutely adore the dogs. They will come back fatter then before. Poor Tuck will be on a diet afterwards!

Well, as I told Barb – it’s S&H Legs and Shoulders, then a track run to calibrate my HRM. Not sure how long I’ll run – depends on the heat. I might reverse it – run first then do S&H as I don’t mind weight in the heat. DH is laughing at me as I’ll be bringing TWO pairs of running shoes for a 5 day trip – one for the beach and one for the treadmill. I won’t ruin my good running shoes on the beach!

Well, as usual I’ve been wordy enough! I’ll let y’all know how the track run went!

*Waves hello to Jess* Hey there! We were posting at the same time! Hey! Have a blast in California. I won't be here to tell you later! Enjoy your rest day and your ten miler!

*Waves hello to Laura as well* We're ALL posting at the same time! Hey ther girfriend! Have a great day - sounds like a nice run and bike ride.
Morning ladies!

I've been busy around the house lately and haven't had much time to check in but I've been checking up on you all.

I tweaked my hip running that *&%$(+^% Sonama 1/2 last Sunday so did elliptical in place of running on Mon, Tues and Wed. I finally got back out there last night and ran 7 great miles. After last weekend I *needed* that run to be a good one! Today is a rest day for me which means that I'll do a segment of Core Max and then spend some time with Mr. YP. Saturday I'll do a 5 mile pace run and then 17 miles on Sunday.

Wendy, I was thinking the exact same thing that Carole was...about your shoes. What are you wearing now? Like I said, I've been keeping track of everyone and it sounds like you are coming along quite well. Tell me, why do you suppose it is that you run at a slower pace outside than on the treadmill? I have never, ever run on a treadmill before so I am completely clueless!:) Hopefully Joey is not establishing a new pattern by waking up before you've even had your coffee. Is he good about napping in the afternoon?

Carole, I love IMAX too but have shelved all Cathe cardio until after I run the marathon. I always look forward to doing them again when I've recovered from that. Right about now is one of those times that I am happy to live on the coast where the temps are mild year round. I miss having a hot summer but 110 is not quite what I have in mind when I'm feeling that way.

Christine, Have fun in Hawaii!! I've been thinking that I should have run the 10K with you last weekend. LOL!! Can you tell that I am still somewhat traumatized from that race???:7

Laurie, Welcome! What race are you training for and when is it? Is this your first time running this distance?

Barb, I'm there with you on the technology. For me I just don't have the patience to figure it out. With my HRM and GPS I handed them over to my DH to figure out how to use the functions I wanted then had him educate me. Lord help me if I push a wrong button!!

Hi Laura!! Are you training for a race right now?

Jess, What marathon are you training for? What training plan are you using? Have fun out here in CA!!
Hi Barb, yummmmm, hummus and guacamole:9 How do you make hummus without tahini, do you use the chickpea water to thin it out, it sound so healthy and yumalicious!

I live in Kingston, Ontario, it's where Lake Ontario meets the mighty St. Lawrence River, makes for a gorgeous waterfront city and tons of boaters. It's an old town with lots of history. Kingston has 2 distinct personalities, the dynamic added by the University and College in the fall and winter but in Summer it turns into a tourist town with lots of downtown events and soooo many patios to choose from. Your friend is lucky to live in Vancouver, I was born on Vancouver Island and my brother lives south of Vancouver.

Good luck with the kids swim meets this weekend!

Christine, you are so right about the mental contrast of stepping and running, I can think or not think when running. My biggest challenge in the first few weeks were my hip flexors, I didn't think I'd ever be able to do leg raises again but the body succumbed and my hip flexors fell better than ever! Enjoy your run and weights, I'm not really sure what it means to 'calibrate' your HR though. It's quite the learning curve I'm on these days! :)

Jess, there is no other place in the world I can imagine someone saying 'just' a 10 mile run. You really do ROCK! What a wonderful role model you are for your Girls!

ETA: Hi Elaine, I'm training for the Prince Edward County (PEC) Marathon but will just run the 1/2. I've included the link, it's a beautiful course and will be even more so with all of the colours of fall. This is my first distance run and I'm somewhere between stoked and scared :p Only 71 more days to go :D

Take Care
Hi gals. I went to Target this morning...LOVE that store! :) I just finished shoveling food in my face and will be getting ready to work out soon...}(

I iced my knee a bit after yesterday's run and it seemed to make a difference. It feels even better today. :)

I am currently wearing a pair of Adidas running sneakers. They don't appear to have any style name and they were cheap....$25.00 in Costco. I didn't want to spend boku bucks on running sneakers when I just starting out...I would have hated to find out I didn't like it and then have these million dollar shoes going to waste!:7

It's really not a good time for me to spend $100.00 on a pair of sneakers...

Is there anything out there for about half that price that could work better for me or is that not worth it?? I realize I'd need to go to a store and talk to them but I don't want to bother walking into a running store only to find that they don't even sell anything under like $80.00!:eek:...

I know I can get running sneakers at other stores for what I can spend right now but they won't have the knowledge about what will work best for me. HELP!:)
Wendy, You can go to a running store where they can determine what type of shoe you need for running, try on various shoes to determine what you like best then go home and try to find it cheaper through the internet. You are right, I think a good pair of running shoes from a store will run you no less than $70.
Thanks Elaine!

I am eligible for a 10% discount at certain stores because of my memebership to the running club here which I got as part of signing up for the running class. I wonder if it can be used with any online stores??? Hmmmmm. It might help bring a pair of shoes at a regular store down to a price I can deal with too. I know it's not any big discount but it's better than nothing, right? ;) I'll have to see what I can get!:)

Well, enough wasting time! I'm off to do Ripped to the Core!}( }( }(

Check ya later!:*
Elaine - I'm SOOO sorry that the Sonoma 1/2 was that horrible for you! Glad to hear you're up and running again and your hip is feeling better!

Laurie - I have the Polar SR2000SP heart rate monitor. It comes with a footpod that transmits electronic signals to the wrist band and calculates distance and pace. In order for it to be more accurate, it requires that you run a preset distance and "calibrate" it. It's just this particular HRM - not all of them - and I never knew you could even calibrate a HRM until I got this one! So no worries!

Oh that was fun... NOT! You can't change the units, so it's km's only, and it's only to a tenth, so you can run 1.0 KM, but not a 440 as there's not way to do .44 (only .4, which is not as accurate). So, I figured out if I did 5 laps, I'd do 2.2 KM. Problem solved. So I went and ran it - it's HOT AND HUMID out there today! It's 90 degrees already and I've never it felt it that humid here ever. Ran the 1/2 mile from my house to the track, ran the 5 laps, stopped and pushed the wrong button and cancelled the whole thing! *DOH!* Stood there for a few moments, dripping sweat and breathing hard debating on whether or not I just wanted to forget the whole thing, then realized that I wanted this darned thing calibrated more than I wanted to go home where it is cool. So I ran another 5 laps and this time hit the RIGHT button, thank heavens. A blessing in disguise, I guess. I was thinking I could go home and do some Kickboxing or something after running 1.75 miles. Now I've done 3.5 (with the run home) so I figure that's enough! It was kind of neat watching the pace I was running on the way home. I have visions of all sorts of tempo runs now! As my half in October is flat, I don't need ot train hills. And I'm all calibrated for Hawaii!
Christine: LOL, your story about pushing the wrong button made me laugh as it's something I would do!:p I give ya credit though...I think I would have opted to go home and do kickboxing in the a/c! ;)

Just finished Ripped to the Core and was certainly impressed! I can see why it gets the good reviews here. The only things I didn't like were:

1) no warm-up...wth???

2) VERY chinsey ab work at the end.

The work out was kick-butt u/b is STILL shaking!}(
I just wanted to say a quick hello to all you cheetah runners. I have been doing really great and just got back from Cape May last week. We went for a week. I did post some pictures on picture trail. I went running with my husband 4 times while we were there. He stay at my pace which is a lot slower. We went running on the boardwalk twice and 2 times around town.

Wendy I was looking at Ripped to the Core. I was waiting for a review from you and it looks like you gave a great review so I might be buying it. I also am hooked on the itread workout since I downloaded 2 since this week. I got the workout #2 20 minutes which I thought was really tough and the speed she gives for joggers is insane IMO but I did lower to my level and still thought it was tough}( I just try workout #3 40 minute which is more of a steady run with maybe 3 or 4 hills she does but the highest is 3% incline and then some sprint not much.

Carole I hope you enjoy Imax 2 and leg workout. It is very humid here in NJ.

Barb I love the UP premix from MM. It is one of my favorite beside PUB.

I really don't have time to post to the rest since my yonger son will be getting home from camp. I will try and post a few times a week but just letting you know that I feel great beside gaining 5lbs from the paxil that I am currenly taking for my Panic Attacks.
Christine--High Five!! I pushed the wrong button, too, the first time I tried to calibrate at a track -- where everything seemed to be unlabelled clearly enough for me -- lost all the data, had to do it again. Though it was a short distance, it ranks in my mind as one of my worst all time runs.....So good for you that you stuck with it and got it done. "Barb's Bad Day At The Track" was how I opted to calibrate on the road with a marked distance. I looked up some chart online to convert KM to Miles...

Tomorrow, you will be in Hawaii and this will be a distant memory!

Wendy--great advice on shoes. I think Elaine is right that you could go into a store, get an idea of the better type of shoe you need and then search to find a model more in your price range. I definitely think spending money on shoes is a worthwhile investment. Glad you got a great UB workout in!

Elaine--so sorry about your hip! How annoying to have this happen in the midst of your training. I guess better now than in September. At least you know how to adapt your training into X-training on the elliptical in a way that will keep you on track.

Laurie--thanks for the good wishes on the swim meets. My kids love the sport, but the meets carry with it a level of excitement and tension that involves a lot of planning for the family. I truly enjoy it, which helps. Thanks for the description of where you live. It sounds beautiful and it's nice your race will provide you with good scenery.
* calibrating--the footpod that comes with this HR monitor attaches to your shoe and then it measures distance and pace. For the first time you use it, you have to calibrate it to a known distance, so it can then become your little foot computer. This calibration process for me was a big pain in the A#$. But I am still happy with the HR monitor.
* Hummus w/o tahini -- not as zippy & rich as with the tahini, but still good. With the food processor running, drop in 2 cloves of garlic;
Then I used two drained & rinsed 25oz canned organic chic peas -- so it's about 4-5 C of chic peas. I add only as much water as needed so the blade of the food processor doesn't get stuck.
then season with Lemon juice to taste, 1/2 to 1 1/2 t cumin and 1/2 t coriander, kosher salt and pepper.

The Guac was just avocadoes, a little bit of minced garlic , a little chili powder and some lime juice, kosher salt & pepper.....I didn't have any tomatoes, but would have added them if i had them.

Have a great weekend everyone.!

:) :) :)
Hi all, I would also like to join in this checkin because I want to be a Cheetah runner like some of you ladies. I'm going to try to do Cardio Coach as my main cardio because even though I love Cathe's step, it is a little harder for me since I'm not very coordinated. I do step workouts without a step but I still feel it.

Today I'm going to do MuscleMax after work.
Hi Barb! Great to hear from you again! Definately get Ripped to the's TOUGH! }( I have ITread #3 40 min work out. It's the first one I purchased. I really enjoy it. Someone on the boards just recommended # 7's 40 min Itread. She said it's a good hill run. I just purchased the indoor marathon training 60 min ITread that I can't wait to try. I'm not actually training for a marathon but I wanted a challenge!}( I also just purchased and tried out and ICycle which I thought was great. It's like your own private spin class!:)

Okay enabling Cheetahs! Thanks to you gals I will be looking into the purchase of new running sneakers soon! }( }( }( I realize that this goes beyond enabling as it IS important but I was so happy in my $25.00 bargain basement pair and y'all had to go and ruin it for me! LOL Instead of letting my current pair go to waste, do you think I could still use them on the TM and use the GOOD ones for outdoors? I only ask cause the TM is easier on the body in every way so I thought it would be okay. What do you think? My DH will have a heart attack if I come home with another pair of sneakers and stop using a perfectly good pair! LOL

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