Cheetah Runners Check-in Fri Jul 21

Welcome Yadi.

Are you new to running? What's your scoop? Inquiring cheetah minds want to know! :p

Here's my scoop: I've only been running since March and mostly on a treadmill at the gym. I started venturing outdoors a couple of months ago and found it MUCH tougher. I am getting better slowly but surely though. My longest outdoor run so far is 3 miles, indoor is 4. I also joined a running class for beginners that meets once a week. We are training for a 5k in September. It will be my first race!:+

Okay, now it's your turn! ;)
Hi Wendi, thanks for the welcome.

I'm very new to running...I started doing it in May and I've only been doing it about once a week. Saturday mornings I go to the local high school stadium and run with my husband. At first I could only do 3 laps, but now I'm up to 2 miles - about 30 minutes thanks to Cardio Coach V1. I also have an old treadmill at home but it doesn't have the one touch buttons so I'm struggling when I lower the milage. I run at 5 mph and walk at about 3.2 mph. I definitely want to get better and I'm feeling better each time. I have already put in 2 cardio coach workouts this week. I did CC6 with Candace yesterday and I stopped after the 2nd challenge which brought me to a little over 30 minutes. For now that is all I can handle.

I love reading about your little Joey. I have my Josh who is 9 yrs old and loves to join me when Cathe is doing pushups or jumping jacks.

I'm glad you enjoyed Ripped to the Core, this is one workout I am considering buying. I already have Get Ripped by Jari. Do you have her other new workout? If you do, which is better in your opinion?
Hi Yadi- welcome, welcome....Enjoy Muscle Max. I love that tape. Do you run on a treadmill with cardio coach?

Barbara-- we were posting at the same time. Glad you are back and doing well!
I like the Upper Body premix on MM. It's good and since I did some p90x, I'm trying to be a little bit more honest about how heavy to go (i.e. sometimes I need to go heavier than I do, so that's the goal of the month....)

Wendy-- the new shoes are necessary. It is what you would do for your DS if/when he is a runner -- so your DH will understand! You have knee pain, your current shoes aren't the glass half full is at least you are trying to spend wisely!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hi Barb, yes I am now doing Cardio Coach on my treadmill. CC has really changed the way I look at running or the treadmill for that matter. The weather has been so hot and humid outside that it is more feasible to do it indoors. I'm still huffing and puffing by the end of the workouts though. I love my running shoes which are Nike Shox, they are so comfortable.

Oh and Wendy, you will do great in the 5k run. You have a great training program and you can handle so much.
Hi Yaddi.

Jari's other work out, Slim and Lean, is on it's way to me as a matter of fact! Once I do it I will post about it. I hear that it's better than the original Ripped but not as good as Ripped to the Core. I'm sure I'll like it. Jari has 2 new w/o's coming out this fall/winter. I will probably definately buy them as well. }(

So you like the cardio coaches, ey? They are very popular around here. I almost purchased them until I found ITrain and decided that I liked it better from what I had heard. I am very happy with ITrain but may give a CC volume a try for something different down the line. I am glad that you are having success with the CC's. I know the ITrains help to motivate me so I'm sure that the CC's do the same for you!:)

Don't worry about being a new runner! I was posting here almost immediately after my very first experience with running! This check-in is open to every level and we are all very supportive of one another and motivating. You will get some great advice from the experienced runners here! They are always willing to help a newbie out!:+

Take Care!:)
Yadi - WELCOME!!! We love new members! Sounds like you have a good idea of what you're doing, but we're always ready to help. I love the Cardio Coaches. I swear they prepared me like nothing else. I'm bringing some with me to Hawaii for the treadmill. Have to keep up my running!

*waves a cheery Good Bye to the Cheetahs!* I'll be back late Thursday, so I'll "see" you on Friday. You ladies rock! Each and every one of you!

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