Cheetah-Runner Check In Monday July 17

Christine - you are "Wonderwoman" - holy workout batman!! GREAT JOB!!!

I did a new Windsor Pilates Ball Workout that I bought yesterday. I have never done a Pilates tape before and Jess inspired me to take a look at one. I can totally see where it would help tone your body! It's too bad that I'm the most unflexible person on the face of the earth. But, I will definitely add it in to my rotation.

Have a great night, Cheetahs!!! You ARE my inspiration.....

Ooh, I love the Ball workout!!! One of my favorites! A really good stretch for your legs too w/ the legwork & fun too! Yep, it does help tone your body, especially the abs!!! It will help w/ the flexibility too. Sorry I didn't have a chance to post to your question about which ones I recommend earlier. One of my all-time favorites is bun/ thigh sculpting (20 min workout, doesn't seem that difficult but very effective!), ab sculpting (another 20 min workout), and of course I love the sculpting circle workouts. Another good one if you want a longer one is the Maximum burn Super sculpting (it's a 50 min workout) Let me know if you have any other questions!!

I just got the new WP Body ball workout today- it's not on the markets yet but they are sending it to me to try out because I AM FLYING TO CA NEXT WEEK!!! They are flying me out again to be on the next infomercial again!!!! I can't believe it, I'm in shock & it is all happening so fast. I will only be gone from Tues- Thurs, we're filming on Wed so it will be a very quick trip. I did the workout- it's about an hour w/ the body ball & LOVE it! It's kind of like a medicine ball & very effective at helping you use your powerhouse more and good inner thigh work!

Just thought I'd share my excitement!!!!

Well, I blew off my class tonight...between my knee issue and the heat there was NO WAY I was going!:-( We ate dinner and then went swimming at DH's cousin's house! Much better choice, I think!;)

I am hoping to get to the gym tomorrow to do the elliptical like I was supposed to today. It's still going to be AWFUL out there but maybe I will get DS up early and try to get out the door before it's too bad. Once I'm there I'll have NO choice but to go outside if I want to ever come home! LOLOL :7 :7 :7

Talk to everyone in the morning!:*

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