Hello again,
Jess wtg on the 12miles! I can't imagine running that distance yet -- it would take me hours
. How is Allison? I hope she's feeling better.
Wendy, great job on getting the run complete, but the heat can really suck the fun right out of a run. Hope your next run is nice and cool . . . and dry! BTW Your vacation pics are great!
Christine, the transition does take a bit to get used to, but don't worry -- you'll be busy! Especially since it's summer. Did you start the August rotation yet? Since my race is over, I'm in between rotations. I was thinking about August, but the last time I attempted it I went on vacation during week three, and of course I'm going on vacation for a week starting the 20th. If you haven't started yet, maybe I'll try and join you. (BTW I really want Slow & Heavy, but I'm trying to be sensible about it since I tivo'd the fittv version. It's the only series left that want, but we can't have everything, right?
Carole, I hope you enjoyed your weekend in Reno. Did you win big?
Barb, I hope your muscle pull heals quickly. I enjoy P90X Back & Biceps too.
Laura, I'm so sorry about your dog. Losing a furry family member is hard.
Hi Shelly, Mattea, Elaine, Thomasina, AmyG,Judy, and Gayle!
I enjoyed today's race although it was a little frustrating not knowing if I reached my goal, but I'm pretty sure I did. I finished in 45:55, but I stopped and walked for about 1/12 minute at 40 minutes, and when I started back running, it was at a slow jogging pace. If I had known I was finally near the finish line, I probably could have finished a little faster -- not much because I was tired at the 40 minute mark, but maybe I wouldn't have walked. My dh said no one finished in under 22 minutes so he knew something was up.
Have a great night everyone! ( I hope this post makes sense. My 3yo has hit a chatty phase, and he's been talking nonstop for the past 3 hrs. The entire time I was typing this post I was answering various questions about Superman, Power Rangers, and shooting stars.)
Jess wtg on the 12miles! I can't imagine running that distance yet -- it would take me hours
Wendy, great job on getting the run complete, but the heat can really suck the fun right out of a run. Hope your next run is nice and cool . . . and dry! BTW Your vacation pics are great!
Christine, the transition does take a bit to get used to, but don't worry -- you'll be busy! Especially since it's summer. Did you start the August rotation yet? Since my race is over, I'm in between rotations. I was thinking about August, but the last time I attempted it I went on vacation during week three, and of course I'm going on vacation for a week starting the 20th. If you haven't started yet, maybe I'll try and join you. (BTW I really want Slow & Heavy, but I'm trying to be sensible about it since I tivo'd the fittv version. It's the only series left that want, but we can't have everything, right?
Carole, I hope you enjoyed your weekend in Reno. Did you win big?
Barb, I hope your muscle pull heals quickly. I enjoy P90X Back & Biceps too.
Laura, I'm so sorry about your dog. Losing a furry family member is hard.
Hi Shelly, Mattea, Elaine, Thomasina, AmyG,Judy, and Gayle!
I enjoyed today's race although it was a little frustrating not knowing if I reached my goal, but I'm pretty sure I did. I finished in 45:55, but I stopped and walked for about 1/12 minute at 40 minutes, and when I started back running, it was at a slow jogging pace. If I had known I was finally near the finish line, I probably could have finished a little faster -- not much because I was tired at the 40 minute mark, but maybe I wouldn't have walked. My dh said no one finished in under 22 minutes so he knew something was up.
Have a great night everyone! ( I hope this post makes sense. My 3yo has hit a chatty phase, and he's been talking nonstop for the past 3 hrs. The entire time I was typing this post I was answering various questions about Superman, Power Rangers, and shooting stars.)