Cheetah Check-in Sat 6-24


Good morning cheetahs!!

Thank you all for your well wishes. You will be with me in my pacing...:)

Mattea...Bodymax is a bit tough but fun. I did a shortened version so not all the stepping. Those uprite rows are always burners!! Sounds like a good workout yesterday! Not even sticky here just plain old HOT!!![/img]

Good luck on your 5K today Laura!!

Barb...running different routes is a good idea. I always feel better when I change my routes up a bit!

Gayle....I would LOVE to have some of your rain!!!

Hi to everyone else...I am up way early to get ready for the 4 hour drive. I am hoping it'll be a bit cooler there. But for most of this area it looks like a scorcher this weekend!!! I won't be home til sometime Monday so I'll update all of you cheetahs then.

Have a really nice weekend...[/img]
Carole- So sorry I didn't get to wish you luck yesterday. You know we will be rooting for you and watching the runner your pacing. Hope you have a great time.

Laura- Good Luck

I am taking the weekend off. If my IT band isn't better to some degree by Monday then I'm going to have to call in the professionals. LOL Karen
Well, I got in my 10 mile hilly run & a 5.25 mile bike ride all before 8AM! Got home & the kids were *just* waking up! (my dh is still snoozing, I'm being a nice wife & letting him sleep in!) Might go swimming later, so that will be my own little mini-triathalon w/ a run, bike, & swim!

Run felt great- Erin & I just ran & chatted which makes it fly by! Then we decided to stretch our legs & just do a short bike ride.

I did do all of PUB & the stability part of PLB y'day- my arms are a little sore but not too bad! I'm getting stronger! ;-)

Ok, gotta get some stuff done around here this morning & then head to the pool w/ the family later! Have a great Saturday!

Carole- have a great time pacing your friend!! I'll try to check out the link you posted later!

Karen- very smart to take it easy w/ the IT band. I have a friend that just had the cortisone shot to help out her IT, she's been struggling w/ it for 6+ mos now.

Hi, ladies. I didn't expect to be online this weekend. Between the kids and this SLOOOOOWWWWW computer, I wasn't sure I'd be checking in!

I am so excited for Carole and Laura today. Can't wait to hear the details!

Jess-good workout! Did I miss something? Are you training for a triatholon or did the mood just strike you?

Karen-I hope the IT is better SOON! Perhaps a trip to the "professionals" can do you some good? Perhaps.

This morning, I met with the Team and ran with them for our long run. I did 6 miles, with hills. I decided today to just throw time out the window and run with everybody else. I walked when they had to walk and tried to concentrate on the companionship and getting to know everybody. BUT.....I think next week I'm just gonna RUN!! LOL. It was tough, mentally, to make myself walk. All 6 miles were easy for me, so that's a GOOOOOOOD thing!

ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! Tomorrow is either Mr. Yummy Pants or a total body weight workout.

*Waddles into thread and waves a cheery hello* Good morning lovely Cheetahs!

Carole - I know you won't get this 'til you come back, but I've been thinking of you! I hope you enjoy your pacing! Go Carole Go! *sends cooling vibes up north*

Laura - Go LAURA GO! I'm excited to hear how your race went as well!

Gayle - good job on staying with the group! I know what you mean - you want the companionship, but you're feet are itching and you just want to MOVE! We hike with friends - so oh yeah, I know that feeling. Glad to hear the six miles were easy. Sounds like you're going to ace this marathon.

Karen - I'll be sending some good vibes for your IT Band. Good idea to keep off of it. I'm thinking of you too!

Jess - Your "Tri" sounds fun! Great workout this morning!!

Well this Cheetah had a FABULOUS time in Napa. Hit three wineries over three days - Domaine Chandon, Duckhorn and Joseph Phelps. Drank some wonderful champagne and wines, ate way too much wonderful food (you throw a stone and you hit a 4 or 5 star restaurant in the Napa Valley - the food is simply incredible). Had a massage (wonderful) and a mudbath (not sure about that one - got a bit claustraphobic with all that heavy mud around me - felt like I was just going to sink in to the ground and disappear - but my skin does feel incredible now). The hotel was fabulous. Just a wonderful, wonderful three days with DH. It was HOT though! Holy cow - 104 degrees on Thursday. I was happy I had those little breezy skirts and halters. So we spent the later afternoons in the hotel pool.

It was so nice to go, but I'm happy to be back and ready to get moving again (no working out while we were there). I have Legs and Back and a run (if it's not too hot) on my agenda today.
LOL- nope no triathalons planned!! I would like to do one some day though! I'm marathon training for a Sept 24th marathon, but am trying to make sure I'm cross training well too! My friend Erin & I bike when we can & she has a pool so she can swim anytime!! We're planning to do at least a 10 mile bike tomorrow morning too. It really did help stretch out my quads after the hilly run!

Glad that you enjoyed your run this morning, I have a hard time taking walking breaks too. My other running buddy Melissa does Team in training & she's been telling me about their training w/ the 2 mile walk breaks. That would drive me nuts, I normally only briefly slow down during races at the water break stations. Enjoy Mr. YP!

Welcome back, Christine! I knew that there was someone else on vacation when I was gone too! Sounds like you had a great vacation & good job getting back into routine today!

It was a fun workout this morning, and I'm glad to have my 10 mile run done! I actually feel great after running & biking, the biking really helped loosen/ stretch out my legs & cool me down a bit too. It was actually really pleasant this morning- only in the low 70's when we were running which was awesome!

Oh, and I forgot to post that we gave Mikey (our beloved dog) a summer shave- he look so cute!!! Man, that was a workout getting that done- my dh & I took turns holding & using the dog trimmers. I'm sure he's much cooler now & he looks so different!

OK, feeling chatty. I got to work on my girl's bedrooms & am tossing out a ton of stuff (I'm a bit OCD about cleaning/ organizing) & getting things done around here this morning!

Have a good one!

good afternoon everyone,

karen did you get that ITband strap? It will help,thats when I noticed a big difference in mine.

thank christine and karen for the good wishes,over all I am pleased with my results considering it was hot and I am still not 100%. I had to walk one time for about 40seconds or so and finished with 26:18. If I wouldnt have walked that one time I would have set a new record under 26min but oh well. considering I had to walk 4 different times last week in the 4miler. The race also didnt start until 10:30 in the morning so it got pretty humid, if it would have started earlier like most races I think I would have done better. But I feel like I am at least on the road to recover and my next 5k isnt until july 8.

talk with you all later, gotta go take a bath from being all sweaty!!
Christine - Welcome back. i'm so glad you had a nice time. I think we are do for our own vacation soon.

Laura- Hey, with the trouble you have had lately I think you did pretty darn good. I did get the band and it is working but at the same time it just isn't right yet. I'm thinking I need to call in back up.
Good evening Cheetahs,

Go Carole Go! :)

Laura, I hope your race went well!

Karen, try to enjoy your rest this weekend, and here are more get well vibes for your IT band : ~~~~~~HEALTHY IT BAND PRONTO!!~~~~~~ :D.

Jess, good workout!

Christine, sounds like you had a fabulous getaway. Hope you enjoy today's workout.

Today was a 3 mile steady state run. Early morning is definitely the way to go. BTW we decided not to take the kids to the Heat parade yesterday, and it was definitely the right decisiond. It was really hot, and we were out in the sun for hours. The kids would have been miserable especially since it wasn't a fancy parade. We had a good time, but the kids who were there were clearly miserable. Afterwards we went to South Beach to hang out at Fat Tuesdays (a bar with a dance floor, so no kids was definitely the way to go yesterday. ;)). The entire outing was about 13 hours. Tomorrow I may finally do more than watch the yoga. :)

Have a great weekend!

Go Carole, Go!

karen the band will take a few days or so to notice more of a difference. also if you do an ice massage several times a day. I also have first had access to ulrasound and light therapy machines. I did light therapy to the IT band several times and it helped also. Plus lots and lots of stretching that area.GoodLuck!
Karen - I agree with Laura on the Band! My knee occasionally twinges and I'll pull out the band for a few days - it works like a charm.

Laura - YEAH! That is incredible! I think you did soooo well!!! You'll get back to your old running in no time. Running is really, really tough on your body. So, it's hard to build back up once you've be sick and lost cardio. You're doing well!

Pamela - Thanks! Sounds like you had a nice day today! Enjoy Yoga tomorrow!!

I ended up doing Ab Ripper X, P90X Legs and Back, following it by a lightly modified version of Wendy's 20/20/20. I started with KPC High Intensity Drills, did the Hi/Lo from SJP, and was going to do the SB Blast Challenge, but decided the ole legs couldn't handle it and an 8 mile hike with Amy tomorrow, so I skipped that.

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