Checking In - My first Time

Hi Laura!

How is your PT going? I hope that it is helping. Take it easy with the tapes & your knees. That Leaner Legs is a KILLER! Good Luck this week. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
preggers check-in

Sun. got back from a tiring camping trip :-tired

Mon. Cardio Kicks till drills (23 min.)

Tue. full body weights

Wed. BodyMax Sec. 1

Thur. 10-10-10 aero. only.

Fri. Full body weights.

Sat. rest

Can't wait to hear about the trip from those going!

RE: Hi Lorrie!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-00 AT 04:33PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-00 AT 04:31 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi Debbie!

I am a total novice at yoga but Power Yoga is the term used for Ashtanga style yoga. I've never done any other type of yoga but as I understand it, Ashtanga is described as "power" because you move more quickly and intensely from pose to pose. For example between "up dog" and "down dog" you do a push up. Anyway, I have the Bryan Kest series of tapes: Tape 1 is "Energize", tape 2 is "Tone" and tape 3 is "Sweat". I haven't even opened the "Sweat" tape yet because I don't think I've mastered "Tone" well enough to move on to the more advanced moves in "Sweat". All 3 tapes run approx 1 hour.

I've heard good things about Rodney Yee's tapes. I really enjoy Bryan Kest's tapes, his teaching style works well for me, not to mention, in my opinion, he's one handsome guy - kind of like a more masculine Kenny G. ;-)

I sometimes tend to put the yoga on the back burner because I get addicted to all the sweat from Cathe but everytime I do a yoga tape I always feel it so much the next day. And it is good for stress since you have to concentrate so much on breathing. I want to begin incorporating it into my weekly workouts because that is the only way I will get better.

Anyway, you may want to check out Bryan. Another poster said he has a website at There's also another recent thread with some info on his tapes. He's got a new series out that I haven't seen yet.

I think my user name should have been "Babble" or "Ramble"!
Have fun with your yoga adventure! :)
Thank you.. much, Lorrie, for all the details. I really appreciate you taking the time. I will definitely check into BrianK's tapes too. I could probably use some stress relieving tapes in my life!!:D Again, THANKS and I'll let you know if I decide to purchase anything new for my library. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Thank you..

Hi again Debbie! I edited my reply to you because of some "duh"
brain lapses while I was typing. Spelled Bryan's name wrong ("y" not "i") and the 3rd tape is "Sweat" not "Strength" (makes it obvious I haven't done this one yet!) After I posted to you I checked out his website - it's really informative as to the philosphy behind yoga and the FAQ section is really in-depth. You may want to check it out for some educated information. Also, alas, his photos on his website show that he cut off all of his gorgeous hair so he doesn't look like Kenny G. anymore (but still a hottie ;-) tee hee hee!)
Welcome Dawn

Finished the 8th & last week of using the PS tapes. Tried to get one total body strength workout in each week, but Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max were a distraction.

Monday: PS BB&A; cycle 18 miles (hilly)
Tuesday: PS Legs; Pilates mat class
Wednesday: Spinning (we did a long, standing jog in the middle of class w/ heavy tension - felt like I was doing all of the Tough Tape's tall box work); PS CS&T (Did the short option when I walked the dogs Wed. night - my legs were very heavy)

Thursday: Pilates mat class (felt great when I woke up, but then sore throat & overwhelming desire for a a nap appeared mid-day)
Friday: another day off
Saturday: Cardio Kicks (feeling good, but too windy to ride)
Sunday: Cycle 27 miles (nasty wind! Grit everywhere - throat, eyes, body. No fun dodging tumbleweeds); Body Max upper body & abs

I'm looking forward to a new routine w/ total body strength days & more cardio. But this week is "metal free" & totally unstructured. Have a healthy week everyone!
HB, it's me again!

Just wanted to let you know that I did Step & Intervals today and it was great!:) There's a couple steps I need to work on, but it was lots of fun. There has not been ONE tape that I have been unhappy with. I wasn't sure about CK when I 1st. did it, but now I love that tape. The AB work in The All Step tape is great. I am also trying to do each body part 2x/week so we'll see how that goes. THANKS!! I'll be in touch with you about this weekend. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Checking In

Hi everyone and welcome Dawn...good to have you with us.

I feel like I've been really out of the loop and it's only been five days since I've checked this forum (I've been at a seminar for work)...but there sure are a lot of "new" messages showing up. Hopefully I can at least skim through most of them.

Anyway, looks like everyone's weeks have been great as usual.
Here's mine (it was almost a repeat of last week):

Sunday - Power Circuit (entire); Leaner Legs; PS CST
Monday - CIA 2K02 (cardio portion)
Tuesday - Step & Intervals (entire); PS BBA; PS SLA
Wednesday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine
Thursday - cardio from CTX Kickbox and 10-10-10 in AM; strength training portions from these in PM
Friday - All Step (entire)
Saturday - Cardio Kicks

I need to check my past check-ins to see how many weeks I've been doing this rotation but I think that next week (not the current one) will be when I start a new rotation (minus the CTX series)...I will definitely miss these tapes :-( but do plan to keep CM and CK in there to keep me smilin' :D.

I'm jealous of all you lucky ducks who get to go on the Cathe trip...wish it was me...HAVE FUN and bring us back an update ASAP. Maybe, if I get off work in time, I'll catch you guys on the Cathe Cam :).

Talk to you all later,
RE: Lousy week

Hi Christina,
I hope you are feeling better very SOON! I have lots of ear infections/problems, so I understand how miserable being dizzy can be. Exercising for me is not even an option when I'm feeling dizzy. Yuck! It's a bad feeling. Hope you feel well very soon!

RE: Lousy week

Thanks for the well wishes guys! I didn't really feel bad. I would just get really hot and dizzy all of a sudden. It was very disconcerting. The adjustments to my dosage and splitting the dose up over the day seems to be working. I haven't been dizzy since Saturday. Yea!! So I've gotten in 2 am workouts already this week.

Lynne, I saw on VF that you are having a love affair with your pillow this week! I guess you deserve some extra rest days since you're going on the Cathe trip! LOL!


I had to "RE-READ" your post because I thought you said that "SPITTING" the dose up over the day made you feel better!:-wow. Sorry,Christina, I guess I needed a laugh.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Checking In

:-wow Lisa, What a week. Who are you trying to kid - you haven't checked in lately because you've been spending all your time working out - Especially on Sunday and Tuesday. Don't you ever take a break????
Great Job,
Hi Debbie

I am having alot of pain from the PT, but it's only been a week. I'm hoping it gets better :) They told me it was possible it would make me worse, but I figured it was worth a try. I go again tomorrow and Thursday. I'll let you know how this week goes. I'm still doing my Cathe and Christi Taylor tapes although I have to admit I'm having a hard time. It makes me feel better just to be able to do them even if I can't move very well or have to use modifications. I decided to wait another week for Leaner Legs and just do CTX Power Circuit. I figured out it was those one-legged BACK leg on the step moves that got my knee. I'll probably just have to take those out when I start doing the tape again.

I'm glad you're enjoying your *loaner* Cathe tapes. :)

Late late late....

Here's a quicky;-).
I had a cold all last week and took it slow and easy:
Monday: Abs from CTX KB & All Step plus thier stretch segments

Tuesday: Abs from Todd G's new KB tape & CXT All step abs with both stretch segments again

Wednesday: Scott Coles Tai Chi..only 40 minutes..stopped at kicks.


Sunday-yoga for athletes (loved this stetch tape)

Wish I hadn't come down with that cold so soon before the trip but atleast it came last week and pretty much out of my system now. I had a great week planned last week..but there is always next week. I plan on picking up MIS while I am at Cathes and look forward to adding it into my rotation:) sport banner.jpg
Hi Nancy!

Sooo glad you are feeling better. Have a GREAT time on the roadtrip you lucky duck! You will LOVE MIS. It was always one of my very favorites out of all the tapes. We'll be anxious to hear all about the trip! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Another good excuse...

I was actually up at 6 AM today... but I decided not to work out because:
[ul][li]Since I've discovered the joy of boot-cut workout pants, I can't stand to wear bike shorts anymore...
[li]3 pairs of my workout pants are freshly washed and ready to pack for the trip, and since I don't have time to do any more laundry tonight...
[li]That leaves only my ratty, cheap, too-short pair of pants that I hate almost as much as bike shorts![/ul]
So whaddya think? Good excuse? ;-) I never thought workout clothes could be such motivators (or de-motivators!).
Hey Dawn!

I'm not as much of an Amazon as you think...I just try to get in extra strength training on my days off from work...hence, the multiple tapes in one day thing.

Anyway, it was a nice compliment...THANKS :) !!

Nope Lynne!

Not a good enuf excuse! Draw the drapes, lock your door and go at it girl in those too-short, ratty and cheap shorts. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW! So, how' that for a lil' push? :D Have a great time. Some day maybe I'll get up to N.J. to meet you all! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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