Checkin' in Week ending March 3

RE: Honeybunch moving

Moving is a drag! DH & I are both inspired to cull through more things. The guys at the Goodwill trailer are old buddies now. Personally, I don't feel like I'm firing on all cylanders. Too much caffeine, too many energy bar meals, ugh. Oh well, the kitchen is functional so if I just make the time, we can at least eat better. Hopefully I can catch a spinning class tonight (escape!).

Hey Debbie!

You are so thoughtful to always write a personal response to each person. You're right, doing all three PS tapes was a challenge. But you know, I wasn't up for cardio that day and I always prefer strength work anyway so it was actually fun. I did definitely have some soreness though...especially in the back (I upped my weights on the T-bar rows) and in the "thutt" area (must be from the tall box work and the dreaded sit-and-stands :-tired!!).

Anyway, please keep us updated on how the spinning is going. My next fitness wish is to get a spinning bike for in home use (although it'll probably be a while before I can actually afford one). Tell me, how did you learn how to use it?? Had you taken spinning classes before or is there instruction on the tape you have?? Just wondering...

Lisa :)
Thanks Lisa!

You're very thoughtful too! I'm assuming "thutt" is the thigh-butt area? How funny! I've always called it the bu-thigh area. As far as spinning, my hubby and I neither had ever taken a spin class or even tried a bike before! Are we nuts!? Yes, the videos that we got (Mindy's SportCycle & Jay Blahnik's PresisionCycling) both have instructions on what to do. Actually, I have been pleased with how well both my DH & I have done being it is so new to us. Yes, the ole butt-cheeks are sore but not as bad as I thought. We did go out & buy upgraded seats for comfort so that has helped I'm sure. Hope you can save your $$$ & get one. They are lots of fun! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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