Checkin 6-29-02


I am SOOOOO sorry that I have been gone so long. I have not checked in for two weeks. Believe me you did not miss much. I am playing for a wedding next weekend and I have been practicing like crazy. I hope life is back to normal after that and things calm down somewhat. One thing that slowed me down last week was cooking for a friend that just retired from teaching high school for 31 years. I cooked steak, fried shrimp, home made french bread made into garlic bread, salad and backed potatoes. For dessert we made our own banana splits. Yummmmm!!!!! Between cleaning my house and decluttering and cooking I did not have time for much else last week.

Here it is:

MONDAY: CIA 9901 Step. This was fun!
15 minute stretch

TUESDAY: Total body at the gym
15 minute stretch

WEDNESDAY: BIG TIME HEADACHE. Took some medication that made me sleepy. Soooooo, I slept a lot of the day.

THURSDAY: Upper body at the gym
15 minute stretch

FRIDAY: Lower body at the gym
15 minute stretch

SATURDAY: Step Heaven (1st section)
15 minute stretch

It's good to be back and I can feel my motivation coming back. It had been waning some in the last few weeks. I think it's time for some new videos...what do ya'll think????

See ya!!!

Hi Kelly! Welcome back! Yes, I'm definitely ready for some new vids!

My week:

Sun. 4.5 mile run

Mon. travel home from vacation

Tue. Total body BFL style

Wed. Powerstrike

Thu. 2 mile hilly run on treadmill, CTX shoulders, bis, tris, abs

Fri. Unplanned rest. I was sore and sleep deprived.

Sat. Still resting!

Hi guys. Here's my week (a Christi cardio/Cathe strength week):

MONDAY: rest

TUESDAY: 9801 step (I always forget how much I love this one!)
PC planks and abs
own stretches

own stretches

THURSDAY: CTX back + MIS reverse flyes
CTX bis

FRIDAY: TCS step and bonus cardio
PH abs and planks

SATURDAY: Still Steppin' I (on the floor)

SUNDAY: PH or MIS (???)

Have a fun week :)Wendy
Hi Everyone,
The last two weeks haven't been the greatest for me.I am use to working out 6 days a week, sometimes even twice a day.The last couple of weeks it seems as if I can only get four or less in,which I am sure is a great break for my joints.

Sunday: Walk 1 hour

Monday: Body MAx

Tuesday: unplanned rest

Wednesday: Rythmic step and Ctx tri,bic,and shoulders

Thursday: Step works

Friday: Jog 45 min and power hour

Saturday: another unplanned rest

I really have to get back on track this week.How come we always feel so blah when we aren't good girls? Any hoo...hope to report with a better week this week.Although my sister comes to town tomorrow and I haven't seen her since I may have another hard time fitting everything in.But she loves to work out to
HI Kelly

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-02 AT 01:46AM (Est)[/font][p]I have not posted myself for some time. I read this site every day! I do Tae Bo everyday and feel ackward posting! O.K here it goes.

SUN: Tae Bo ... Advanced #1
MON: Tae Bo ... Advanced #3
TUES: Tae Bo ... Get Ripped #1
WENS: Tae Bo ... Get Ripped #2
THURS: Tae Bo ... Advanced #7
FRI: Tae Bo ... Abs & Glutes
SAT: off

Your All More Than First Rate!!!!
Well then I too should apologize....I've only been doing my checkins here rather sporadically over the last few months. I'll try to do better!

Monday: S&H Chest/Back/Shoulders (abbreviated version)

Tuesday: S&H Biceps/Triceps (abbreviated version)/Abs/37 min Stairmaster

Wednesday: PS Legs (Standing only)/Abs

Thursday: Pilates (my first attempt at Pilates....not sure how I feel about it yet)

Friday: CTX Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps / Rhythmic Step

Saturday: CTX Chest/Back / Tamilee Abs

Don't know what I'm going to do today. Might even take a day off. My hubby and I went out for Chinese food last night and SOMETHING didn't agree with me....So not too much energy this morning.

Have a good week everyone!

Hi Everyone!
It looks like everyone generally had a pretty good week with their workouts. I did too:

M: Circuit Max
T: Interval Max (6 inch step)
W: Power Hour
T: 2.5 mile jog & stretches
F: S&H Bis & Tris
S: S&H Legs & Shoulders
S: S&H Chest & Back plus short mountain bike ride

Have a nice week!

Hi Kelly and everyone!
I haven't checked in in ages but here's my last week. Biking to work is 2 trips of about 15 minutes each, so, a half hour of cardio. I take Fridays and Sundays off.

M: I Max, rode bike to work
T: Slow & Heavy Tri, Bi, Ab
W: Step Works, rode bike
Th: S & H Legs & Shoulders
F: Rest. Played darts at night
S: Powermax (first time) and PS BBA Ab section.
S: Rest

I have been eating, hmm, I can only estimate, around 3000 cals a day on average and now I see why.

Have a great week everyone!
Hi all - Looks like everyone had a great week. I had a good week for me. I got in some sort of exercise 6 days - yeah!

Monday-Legs/Abs (gym) + 50 min. walk (unable to any cardio because my legs are so sore. OUCH!)

Tuesday -Back/Delts (gym) + 50 min. walk (legs still very sore - no extra cardio)

Wednesday-Walk 50 min + Step & Intervals (cardio only) + 10-10-10 (hi/lo and kickbox section)

Thursday-Chest/Tris (gym) + 50 min. walk + MIC (hi/lo) + All Step (cardio)

Friday-Shoulders/Bis + 50 min. walk


Sunday-Walk 80 min. (included some hill work and 3 sets of push ups)

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