Checkin 11-24-01


Hello everyone! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed every bite of food that I ate (and believe me it was a lot).

I am still doing no impact (chiropractor's orders) but getting along fairly well. My back does not seem to tighten up as much but I still have the discomfort with certain movements. At least there is some progress. I am having to be creative to do my regular workouts without the impact so I am considering it a challenge. I always like a good challenge! :D

Here is my week:

Monday: Step Jam Nooooo impact. No jumping, no scooting, no nothing.

Tuesday: MIX--Legs, chest and back

Wednesday: 3-mile walk. Enjoyed this very much and could have done a lot more but the sun wouldn't stay around long enough. Felt really good that day.

Thursday: Step Fit (30 minutes) and MIS from shoulders to end

Friday: Rhythmic Step Really had to be creative with taking out the impact but still got a fairly good workout.

Saturday: MIS

Can you believe it is almost December? This year has just flown by. Does everyone have their Christmas shopping done???? I have 2 or 3 more things to get and I will be done!!!! Yippeeee!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Hi everyone! Gobble Gobble (I still am gobbling away at leftovers! ;-) )
Kelly--I agree: it is a fun challenge to modify to low impact, and once you get some moves down and remember what you're going to modify and when, it is really fun. Then you can put everything into it and really get a good workout!

Here's my week:

MONDAY: rest

TUESDAY: Stepworks wu,I and II + Powermax cd and stretch +Circuit max pushups, planks and stretch

WEDNESDAY: Stepfit wu and section I + 10 min of 1st part of MIC step + MIC cd and stretch

THURSDAY: Bmax wu + MIS (no abs) + PH abs and stretch +MIS stretch

FRIDAY: Great Moves United Step (1 1/2 times through to make it long enough) + CK and Cmax stretches

SATURDAY: unplanned rest (meant to do an extra cardio this week, but went Christmas shopping instead!)

SUNDAY: I'll do MIS, and more stretching

Tomorrow is the last day of a 4 week rotation of MIS 2x/week. I am so happy to be done with this--I love the tape, but I'm just bored with it. Unfortunately I'm supposed to do MIS and PH each once per week for the next four weeks, but I'm thinking of switching to doing Bodymax 2x/week instead...I'm liking the results of MIS and PH, but I need some video variety! (Speaking of which, I just ordered 3 new Christi Taylor videos from (I think that's the name of the website). That should help with the cardio variety, at least...)

Have a nice week!
I had resigned from my Y membership because I was unhappy with what they had to offer, and joined my local Bally's, which actually is working with me! Imagine that! I'm going in today to let them design a program to help me with (what else?) my chronically stubborn legs. That's what sends my body fat percentage throught the roof. I'm prepared to listen and do WHATEVER it takes. I sure hope they don't put me on a stair step machine!

I have also started to pattern my everyday eating after the Body for Life program, which is kind of boring, but very satisfying. I know my diet still needed work, so we'll try that. This plan still allows my "free" eating day. I found a cheap mail order source for Myoplex Lite, so I'm going to start using that instead on planning so many take-along meals.

I did 5 cardio sessions this week because of turkey day, and MIS & PH for the first time. My verdict on PH....different! The lunges I could REALLY feel while I was doing them, and the triceps were tough, too.

Did Rhythmic Step for the 2nd time, and I'm still struggling with the third section. I know I'll get it, so no need to fret.

I will report back with Bally's suggestions for me and my problem legs.
My week was fairly good workoutwise, despite the fact that life was HECTIC! We had 30 people over for Thanksgiving so there was all that was also REALLY busy at work as I work in Finance and have to get ready for year-end closing....there's been birthday parties and bowling parties to go to...AND we're planning a quick getaway next week (maybe a 3-day cruise) so we're trying to do that in between EVERYTHING ELSE!

I wanted to continue on my S&H workouts, but just found I couldn't concentrate on it this week (too many other things going on as you can see!)

Monday: Nada

Tuesday: Leaner Legs/Abs

Wednesday: PS CST/Abs

Thursday: All Cardio - CTX All Step and CTX Step & Intervals

Friday: PS BBA

Saturday: Rest day

Sunday: Maybe Power Hour???? Not sure yet...

Have a good week everyone!

Hi everyone!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I had the family over to my house and all I can say was it was CROWDED!! We had a great time though and that's what counts!
I'm sitting here trying to get up the gumption to do some cardio, but all my body wants to do is relax. Maybe I'll do some yoga. Maybe I'll exercise later. I don't know. I haven't decided yet, what to do about today. Bummer. Ok, here's my week!!

MON: walk/run a.m., CST p.m., taught my classes in evening

TUES: walk a.m., BBA and Legs p.m.

WEDS: Gilad's Fat Burning aerobics a.m. (needed something to very hard with minimal coreography), CST p.m.

THURS: yoga in a.m.

FRI: walk/run a.m., BBA and LEGS p.m.

SAT: walk in a.m.

SUN: ????? I'll comeback and edit;-)!

Have a great week everybody!!

Good Morning!

Hi Everyone! We also had a very nice Thanksgiving. I didn't do too bad in the eating department. Just had to keep reminding myself how miserable I would feel. I purposely did tough workouts the day before and both days after to counteract any damage that may have been done. We had company for a couple of days so now I need to crack down this afternoon and tomorrow morning and review my new Hi/Lo routines as my first class for the Christmas Session starts tomorrow afternoon! Oh boy! I have bells for the gals shoes since we are using Christmas music! :7 We are also going to incorporate Hool-A-Hoops into the AB section of our workout! Great for the ABS & waistline.

Kelly~So glad you have been able to adjust your workouts to suit your injury. Hope all is well soon. I can't believe it is almost December and I am soooo jealous you are almost done with your Christmas shopping. I need to get busy!!

Wendy~You definitley must have a DVD player. Love all your combos! I just did BodyMax this week. Whew, what a workout! (an hour & a half worth!) What level is the Great Moves tape? Who does it? Always looking for a new tape but tend to always pick my Cathe's!

HB~Good Luck with your new membership. Hope it all works out well. I don't think your diet still neded work as you always eat sooo clean! Can I get the address for the MyoPlex Lite? C U Saturday.:)

Terri~30 people over????:-wow Wow, where did you put them all? We are having 20-something here for Christmas and not sure where I am going to put them since we downsized to a condo! I guess some will just have to pull up a floor! Have fun on your getaway! Let us know what you decided to do.

Aimee~Can't wait for HB & I to meet you this coming weekend! I think you are entitled to a rest day after all your hard work the past months. Listen to your body & if it needs it, you deserve it! C U Saturday!

My week:
MONDAY~S&H-CHEST & BACK, planks, Taught a Hi/Lo class

TUESDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class, S&H-TRICEPS & BICEPS + ABS

WEDNESDAY~S&H-LEGS & SHOULDERS, added 50 walking lunges, CardioKicks, added 5 minutes of real fast spining before cooldown/stretch (This was my pre-TURKEY DAY workout!)

THURSDAY~Got up early and did IMax to help counteract the Pumpkin Pie! (Turkey Day workout)

FRIDAY~BodyMax! LOVE this tape! :7 (Post Turkey Day workout)

SATURDAY~Firm-Volume 1, Spin with Jay for 45 minutes-oh boy, do I feel this workout today! (Legs, chest and back-yikes!)

SUNDAY~REST! We may go get our Christmas tree after church. Which reinds me, I NEED to get moving here. Have a great week all. Look forward to talking to you all this week.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Sounds like everyone had a good, if slightly hectic, Thanksgiving.

Kelly--congratulations on staying grounded! It'll pay off in pain reduction in the end. I'm having trouble being good and following my physical therapist's recommendations. Just couldn't pass up that kickboxing class...

Wendy--let us know how you like those Christi Taylor videos.

Honeybunch--I'll be interested to see how Bally's goes for you. I like 24 Hour Fitness except for the lack of adjustable barbells.

Terri and Aimee--if we have four people over, our house gets really crowded. :-rollen

Debbie--your classes sound like so much fun! Hoo-la-hoops! :-cool

I am really enjoying having a three-day weekend to do some nice long workouts.

SUNDAY--legs at gym, 30 min. asstd. cardio machines
TUESDAY--active rest
WEDNESDAY--two miles hiking with kiddos, two miles walking with hubby
THURSDAY--Happy Turkey Day!
FRIDAY--back, "Turbo Kickbox" class, biceps
SATURDAY--10 min. recumbent bike, 35 min. Precor, 25 min. swim drills (that Total Immersion method is hard--thought I was going to drown!)

Planning on doing PS CST and SNI in a few minutes. Have a good week, everyone! Gretchen
Hi Debbie!

That class sounds like so much fun! Bells and hoops!

The Great Moves tape is by Kari Anderson. I got it ages ago and I think this may have been my second time doing it. It's only okay. She uses two steps, but you don't have to . These Great Moves tapes were designed for instructors, to give them new choreography ideas...but if your doing Cathe, these won't really give you anything inspiring, IMO. I guess the level is probably intermediate, and I wasn't using a step, which, with the slower tempo of this tape, really made it not very challenging. I keep hearing that Kari's choreography is complex, but it just isn't in this tape!
She is a great teacher, though, and I really like her down-to-earth style. I just wish this were harder, and longer. It only cost about $5 (G&R or, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of money.
Hi, everyone! I survived Thanksgiving too! I can't remember the last time I felt so stuffed! Christmas is just around the corner!

Kelly, what a wonderful attitude you have!

It's nice to see so many of my favorites posting in the same thread! You Wise Women of Fitness!

I picked my cardio up to compensate for my pig out this week.

Monday CTX Kickbox and PS CST
Tuesday 7 miler and PS Legs/Abs
Wednesday CTX Step/Intervals and CTX Back/Biceps
Thursday 9.6 miler
Friday Power walk/ run intervals 3.8 miles
Saturday CTX Power Circuit and MIS upper Body
Sunday 8.8 miler

My in-laws are coming for a visit so I am doing total body weight training tomorrow and a butt-kicking cardio on Tuesday. Then it will be hit or miss for me since I don't relish the idea of an audience! I am pulling out my yoga tapes and thanking heaven I love to run!

Have a great week!

Everyone worked HARD this week!

My first class starts tomorrow. I was excited until last night I realized I am really going to be up in front of people with all eyes on me...and I got SCARED! I have all my routines down though. That part is tough!

This is my week with practice thrown in almost every day.

Sun. rest
Mon. Took a poor class at the gym and then had fun with all the equipment!
Tue. S-n-I
Wed. practiced lots
Thu. Freaked out when I realized at 11am that the oven wasn't on! Luckily our neighbors had a deep fryer. Turkey was done in 45 min. It's not as gross as it sounds. Somehow the oil only gets in the skin.
Fri. 1 hour PS upper body workout

Hi Everybody,

I am so impressed with everyone's workouts. I haven't posted in a while, but I have been working out.

I am going through serious detox right now for mercury poisoning and am fighting severe nausea, vomiting and fatigue, but working out is the highlight of my day and I will keep doing it until my last breath!

Sunday--Latin Groove workout by Sherri Jacquelyn. I really like her, I've ordered her other tapes also.

Monday--Balance Ball workout. Had to stop to vomit during this one. Sorry to be so graphic! Was able to finish though.

Tuesday--REST and I mean never got out of bed

Wednesday--Latin Groove workout


Friday--Balance Ball abs


Sunday--1/2 Circuit Max. I was barely moving during this, but I was still able to stand up the whole time and use light weights.

Thanks all for the continual inspiration you bring me. I read the forum frequently even when I don't post.

I'm looking forward to a great Holiday season and I wish the same for all of you :)

RE: Good Morning!

I think I need to up my protein and cut back on my carbs a bit...that's the hint they gave me at Bally's. The Myoplex Lite will help when I really get hungry and need to eat fast, like today. It really came in handy between church services, and after I came home from Bally's this afternoon.

I actually ended getting the Myoplex Lite from Seven Grains market in Tallmadge! They had it cheaper than anywhere...I took a chance and priced it today. It worked out to $1.33 per envelop, which is really cheap.

Yes! Looking forward to Saturday in Mansfield. Want to meet at the Applebee's, Amy? It's right there at the mall. Did I give you the address?

I don't know if I missed a previous post, and I apologize for being nosy, but how did you get mercury poisoning?

Please give your body time to recover. It's difficult but best in the long run. You might end up with a few new videos - I bought 4 along with a balance ball & some new workout clothes. All teasing aside, please take care of yourself.

Checking in

Lots of news here this week. Good luck Andrea! Those of you dealing w/ injuries/illness - BE PATIENT!

I'm rebounding from shingles. It was tough to slow down because workouts were a welcome distraction. I've been eating so many immune boosting foods that I'm surprised my skin isn't orange & my teeth green. It's still a mystery as to why my immune system was depressed enough to get shingles but blood work looks fine. So far the only "risk factor" is poor quality sleep 'cause DH snores. Ok, my week:

Mon: trot 33 min w/ dogs; Firm II w/ 20 min rowing; Balance Ball Beginners workout after housework
Tue: should have gotten backside out of bed for 6 a.m. Spinning 'cause I did a cooking marathon. Did do Balance Ball abs before bed.
Wed: trot w/ dogs at dawn (wasn't going to repeat Tues. Lots of people out running, doing Tai Chi, etc. making room for the feast!)
Thu: Hike w/ DH & dogs (finally a cool Thanksgiving - but still in shorts. Friends joined us for a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner - butternut squash lasagne- they were good sports).
Fri: Cardio Kicks; Balance ball beginner workout
Sat: BodyMax (isn't this the ultimate rainy Saturday workout?)
Sun: Spinning?? ( club goofed - no instructor, so one of the members ran the class. It's apparently been a long time fantasy of his. Great effort but he showed us just how tough it is to lead!)

Have a healthy & fun week everyone!!!

RE: Debbie and HB!!

I can't wait either!! I have no idea where the mall is. What's the name of it?? Just pop me an email with directions and all that and I'll zoom on over there:)!! Can't wait to see you all!!
Have a great week!!

RE: Checking in

Andrea, you're ready for your class! Have fun! You'll be awesome!

Laura, take care of yourself!

Debra, you are so right! You have to be patient with those pesky illnesses and injuries! Everyone should be as good-natured and gracious about injuries as Kelly and the world would be a better place. I used to always give runners the evil eye and ask my kids if I should run them over when I couldn't lace up my running shoes due to injury! Jokingly, of course!

we are having very winterlike conditions in Tucson now. It's only getting into the sixties and it's cloudy. We will probably get overnight lows in the 30's. I love it when it's like this!

Yuck! I really feel for you. Reminds me of being pregnant. That is great you are able to workout. My son just barfed all over the dining room floor tonight. I hope you are feeling better SOON!

Debra and Bobbi

Thanks for the wishes! Debra what part of CA do you live in? We had the exact same weather in So. NV yesterday. But...I didn't do BodyMax ;-)


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