Check it out!!! Blog Update

I just looked at the blog...WOW!! for Bootcamp. I CANNOT wait for these new workouts to come out }( }( I am so in love with Cathe's workouts...I really like making my own mich-moshes with here workouts. She is so much more fun than going to the gym and having to be on a cardio machine. I am SOOOOO excited!!!

I'm waiting for blog pics of the last 2 workouts. Wonder why there are none up yet? Filming was supposed to be over on the 12th (yesterday).
Alright...Alright...I'll order them already!!!!!

I wasn't going to pre-order, but I cannot resist after looking at the blog pix. Boot Camp looks totally awesome!!!

Off to place my order!:D
We used to do these in highschool, but we called them Machine Guns (or Killers as my Varsity BB coach would yell!). We would actually run them Varsity vs Junior Varsity, and whoever finished last would have to do another one!! Ah, Good Times...........

The blog updates have been GREAT!!! I am really excited about this series and after the latest blog update, I can't wait to see the kick box routine!!!

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