Check in :)

You and I are due just about 4 weeks apart :)

What a great time of year to go on long hikes too.

Cleaning and painting is a workout all by itself. I remember being pretty sore after doing the nursery and redoing the office (by myself I might add ;-)) when I was pregnant with Jilli. I agree, there wasn't much energy left over either.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
I think you are so cute (no offense I hope) and such an encouragement I love to see your post and that wonderful little picture it's great.
This is also my 3rd pregnancy and I too have one girl Stephanie(10) and a boy David Bryan(4) and baby due on Jan.29th.
Keep up the good work
RE: Checking In...

So sorry to hear about the ultrasound. I am really suprised that they don't at least allow one, in order to make sure everything is okay.

As far as the acid reflux, I just wanted to second Alli's suggestion to try the food combining. I started food combining about 2 years ago, and ended up becoming a vegan. But my real point is my father. He suffered severe heartburn on a daily basis, he had to watch what he ate and what time he ate it. If not then he was up all night in pain. He was also on water retention medication and high blood pressure pills. Anyway, he decided to try food combining about a year and a half ago after listening to me and my sister, and now he has no problems. His heartburn is gone, is blood pressure is normal and he's off the water pills. So you just might want to give it try!

Hope it gets better !!!

My first gut feeling was that I was having a girl, but as my pregnancy progress everyone else swears that I am having a boy. So now I am just totally confused :-hmmm

As far as the names go, I have done exactly the same thing I have analyzed every aspect of the names we have come with. What is the pet version of the name, will other kids pick on the name, what does the name mean and do I know anyone that already has that name! :-rollen I just wish I was one of those women who claims to walk around with their list of favorite names and just knows what they are going to name the baby even before they get pregnant!

I had one month where I put on about 5lbs, that was early on. Since then I have usually only gained 1 to 2 lbs each month. I still cringe when they but me on the scale, even though I know I am pregnant I hate to see the numbers keep going up !!

RE: Wow, Linda!

At my first ultrasound 18 1/2 weeks the technician couldn't tell what the baby was, but then I ended up having another ultrasound at 22 weeks and that person had no doubt as to what the baby was. She said "it isn't shy about it". It was so hard not to just scream "okay, okay I give, what is it?". But in the end I really want that surprise at the end of labor and delivery (which I hope is soon!)

RE: Hi Everybody!

Hey Lynn, How are you doing? Are you making any progress yet as far as dilation or effacement? Not much for me at this point. I am just really hoping to not go past my due date, I don't think I could take the agony of still being pregnant in October. Not that I have had any problems, because like you I haven't suffered from any of the common pregnancy ailments either. No backaches, swelling, heartburn, stretchhmarks, etc. I totally credit it to working out!

Well, keep in touch as the big day approaches !! Kinda makes you wonder which one of us will get to go first! Good Luck!

Thought I'd check in too! My nausea has finally started to let up and I'm feeling more myself again! I do tend to get some nasty headaches by the end of the day, but for the most part they are starting to get better too.

I go to the dr. on Monday for the AFP blood test. I'm hoping that we will be able to schedule the next ultrasound to make sure everythings ok and to find out the gender!

Haven't felt the baby move yet, but I'm told I probably won't for a few more weeks.

I'm still able to wear my regular clothes, but notice that everything is a little tighter. Since this is my first pregnancy, I'm going to have to start thinking about buying some maternity clothes. Hopefully, I won't have to start wearing them for a few more weeks.

Stay healthy, everyone! :)

Wendy (EDD: 3/2/02)
Hi Everyone! I have not been on the computer this past week so I am seeing this a little late but wanted to say that I enjoyed reading all of your posts.

Gee, this is fun being able to join in with everyone now :). I actually don't have much to tell yet since it is still rather early. I had my standard blood work done yesterday and like Renae, I still don't feel really pregnant yet other than that my breasts got a little tender a couple of days ago. I, too, am still able to wear most of my clothes except for the more form fitting ones. I'm holding a lot of fluid in my upper thighs and bra strap area. I remember this water retention with Eric too.

While I'm enjoying food and trying to eat healthy, I never argue with my cravings (todays was a slice of pizza and an ice cream cone).

My workouts are the same and the only change I notice right now is that I get winded much sooner, in which I cut back on intensity when this happens.

Thats about all for now. Soon I go back for my next doctors visit and will hopefully have a more informative update to share for the next check in.

Good luck and continued health to all of us :)!
Hi all~! I agree with Cathe~it's been so fun to read everyone's reports. =) I'm 23 weeks (as of yesterday), and my REAL ultrasound is next Thurs (had one at 16 weeks, b/c I was joking about twins, so my doc said, let's go look! LOL!).

This was NOT an energetic, eating-claen kind of week =(... but I'm getting really grossed out on the crap I've eaten and the lack of activity, so I think this week will be 100% better! I feel so lazy and fatigued when I don't work out at least 3x a week.

Erika~ that is AWFUL about your insurance co! No way. There IS something wrong... you are a worried mama who can get NO rest b/c you are constantly needing the reassurance of seeing the baby on the screen... so I'd push like HECK to get your doc to give you one. Sometimes you really need to employ the doc as an ally. It's so bizarre, b/c my sis-in-law has Kaiser, and she's already had *3* ultrasounds (there are NO problems in her preg, they are just curious. No fair!)

Candori~ Hi! I remember with my first not really knowing what to expect... but with this one, I was feeling twinges at 14 weeks, and now I feel the movement ALL the time, to where it's difficult to relax and fall asleep at nite (the baby's most active time). It's totally normal that you wouldn't recongnize fetal movement right off the bat.

As far as learning the gender... for me, it's kind of like the AFP test, the results of which I'll get next week. With the AFP, the only point in knowing is the preparation, to be prepared to properly care for a child who has problems. The same with the gender~ I'd like to be prepared. Childbirth in itself is such an emotional time. I have a son, and I'm only having 2 children, so I'd naturally like to have a girl. Knowing in advance will put me in the mindset and allow me to be totally ready and pumped up for whatever I have, boy or girl. =)

That's just MHO.. I really wish I'd waited with my first, but now I NEED to know! LOL!

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Hi Linda, are you in labor yet?

Hi Linda-
I am still here too!! Nothing is happening on the horizon. I am having no symptoms of anything making delivery imminent at this point. I think I am as anxious as you!!
Hmm, maybe we need to put jumping jacks back into our routines?
(Ha ha)

Please keep me posted. I will be anxious to hear about you too!

RE: No, not yet !!

I know I can hardly wait! Its pretty much all I think about anymore. I wake up every morning, thinking "Could today be the day, maybe tommorrow or do I have weeks yet to go??":-hmmm

Keep me posted on how things are going!! Here's wishing you an easy labor and delivery!:)

Hi, everyone. I'm a bit late replying to this, but wanted to share my pregnancy experience, too! I'm 31 weeks along today, expecting a boy. We already knew before getting pregnant that we would name the baby Jordan regardless of sex--it was my great-grandmother's last name. For Erika--I had the exact same probloem as you--my insurance wouldn't pay for an ultrasound unless there was medical reason. Here's what my doctor had me do to get around it--go ahead and schedule the ultrasound and then a couple of days before, call the doctor's office and complain of something, like cramping, spotting,or not knowing the exact due date. The doctor could then fax the complaints to the insurance company and there's your mnedical reason. Of course, it was easy for me since the doctor's office told me what to do--we were co-conspirators.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one with horrible acid reflux. I can get it just from drinking water. Ugh. I must say also that I AM feeling some of those pregnancy ailments such as backache and swelling, but it's not so bad. I came into pregnancy ready for the fight of my life--everyone made it sound like it would be a 9 month pain in the butt. I really like being pregnant, though, and am already thinking of when I'll do it again!

I have also been retaining in the upper thighs and chest area. Thighs are a sensitive spot for me so I'm not really thrilled with that. I've also noticed that I have spread much quicker and wider this time around. This really needs to stop soon.

Stay well Cathe. You mentioned your family being sick last week so it's extra important you rest and take good care of yourself and your baby. I know you know this but I just had to say it :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
Why thank you! Both my sister and I would have been Jordans had we been boys, but I think it's become more unisex over the years.

My swelling is mainly in the feet and hands, which makes me a little nervous--I already wear a size 8 1/2 shoe and don't want to have to go to a bigger size!

Juju and bean sprout checking in. I am so impressed at all of you. I'm 8 weeks and I am just struggling to make it to work every day. I take naps every afternoon and have to get to bed early every night. I have been so sick with this one. I guess that's a good sign, I shouldn't be complaining. (I lost my daughter at 20 weeks last October, then had a blighted ovum in May so this is my 3rd pregnancy.)
Anyway, I absolutely CANNOT wait until the second trimester so I can start exercising again. I haven't had energy to do anything in 2 weeks (and even then it was a stretch). I don't feel like I will EVER be normal again! :) This baby must be a tough little booger!!! :)

edd 4-28-02
I was so in your shoes not that long ago. I remember feeling like a zombie and thinking the feeling was never going away. I still have my bad days but it DOES get better :) I think you're doing the right thing with resting and then working in exercise as you feel better.

Sorry about your daughter and the blighted ovum. I can't imagine losing a child at 20 weeks! That's when the risk of something going wrong is supposed to decrease. You must have been so stunned (among other things of course). I bet this baby is taking right after you because you sound like a touch little booger yourself :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
Thanks Alli.. I don't always feel so tough! :) Yes, the experience of losing a baby mid-term was very hard. She had a chromosomal abnormality that was present from conception, but we didn't know. (Not that I would've WANTED to know...I never would have terminated the pregnancy anyway.) It was so awful on SO many levels--I work at a large company and *everyone* knew I was pregnant. It was a nightmare. Anyway, enough blabbering. I hope you all have a great day.
edd 4-28-02

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