Check In!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 05:14PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 11:32 AM (Est)[/font]

Well, it was not a stellar week for me, nor was it terrible. I'm having a quandry, as I'm not sure if I want to stick with my original rotation of 2 full body strength and 5 cardio per week. Ever since my holiday at my mom's, where I only had light weights and felt it more afterwards than I've felt using the PS series, MIS and CTX, I can't quite figure out what to do weight-wise. Added to this was my bf's comment that my arms look more defined. I'm getting scared off of heavy weights! Ugh!!!
MONDAY: rest
TUESDAY: 40 minutes of IMAX
WEDNESDAY: rest ! (birthday stuff :) )
THURSDAY: 30 Min BODYMAX/CTX KB combo +TWV upper body+extra stuff for legs
FRIDAY: Imax wu +MIC step (50 min)
SATURDAY: MIC hi-lo (kept it lower)
SUNDAY: Leaner Legs, CTX shoulders and tris, TWV chest, PSBBA (I'm still quivering!!!)
Hi Wendy!! Boy, that's a delimma you have! Just do what you think is best for you, I guess. I'm a big help, huh? Tee he he! Ok, my week wasn't too bad, so I just jump right in to it.

MON: BK's Power Yoga Vol 2, PS CST, and Cardio Kicks(first 30 min. only)

TUES: Ali MacGraw's Yoga Mind and Body, and PowerMax

WED: Power Yoga for beginners, walked on treadmill at 4.4mph for 1 hr. and taught my BodyPump class.


FRI: AM'S YM&B, PS BBA, and MIC step

SAT: BK's PY Vol 2 and PS SLA( this was a great day for me. After I worked out I ran off to spend the day at a day spa getting a facial, massage, and my hair and makeup done. Sometimes a girl needs a little pampering!)

SUN: Today I've already done BK's tape and I will do StepHeat later on.

OK, that's it for my week!! Have a good one everybody!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 01:51PM (Est)[/font][p]Amy, like your Saturday workout! My week:

Monday: Hiking 11 miles (finding the trailhead was the 1st challenge of the New year)
Tuesday: Pilates mat class & Body Max upper body (tired legs)
Wednesday: Spinning
Thursday: Cycle 22 miles (rolling - interval work)
Friday: Firm Total Body Shaping Mix (lots of plyo's!)
Saturday: Cycle 45 miles (hilly)
Sunday: ? (depends on when I get my chores done)

Eating is so much better & it sure affects my rides. It's nice to indulge but I sure like how I feel when I'm eating well. Of course there's my sister's Chocolate Chunk birthday cake sitting downstairs. Most of that is going to go out the door with the birthday girl tonight.

My husband, the cardio king, has been hitting the weights on a regular basis. I thought this would be yet another passing phase, but he's beginning to see results so now he's motivated. But he's also seeing the results of too many holiday treats so he's getting anal about his eating. For him that means he only has 2 bowls of cereal in the am & skips his post-lunch tube of Spree candy. I wish I had it so easy!

Have a great week everyone. Looking forward to some baby announcements soon. Trevor, Andrea may lap you & Michelle!

my sorry little week

Haven't checked in for a while, but believe me I HAVE been working out ;-) Hope everyone had a great holiday season and new year! Me for one...not sure what I did, think I slept wrong, but I woke up New Year's morning with the worst backache which I finally am almost rid of. I couldn't twist AT ALL either way and moving from supine to sitting was torture, abs were still kinda uncomfortable yesterday...needless to say, this week was a little lighter than I would've liked what with all of my resolutions and workouts for the year goal targeted :-(
Wendy-Happy Bday! Hope it was a good one! I hear ya on the light and fast with high rep (OK, I assumed that part), sometimes I feel that the Firm tapes give me better definition but I've noticed I don't gain as much strength with those as with PS & CTX
Aimee-what a stretched out and relaxing week-I esp. like Sat. workout :D we all need a little pampering!
Debra-whew! lotsa work outdoors, I was finally able to comfortably play with my hound outside this week, we went from -15 below to almost 50+ in one week!
Sunday-Franny's cardio parties step + LL + CTX shoulders & bi's
Monday-couldn't move
Tues-light stretching after a bath
Wed-parts of millenium stretch
Thurs-cardio kicks...very lightly (back felt better afterwards!)
Fri-yoga, mind, body
Sat-Slamming sports cardio with Mindy + back, chest and tri's
hope everyone has a great week :) :)
and hope we hear some good news from Trevor soon :D
:-jumpy :-jumpy julie-I can finally jump again :-jumpy :-jumpy
Onward through the New Year!

Ok.. had a good week. With all the new holiday toys (dvd and tapes due to arrive soon), wasn't sure WHAT the new rotation would be. Of course, there's always the "dog-walking" rotation. Which continues! ;-)

Monday: Walked the dog, Tae Bo Live Basic & 3/4 of Advanced (Forgot how much fun Tae Bo can be... This is the new DVD set, with VF'er Aline in it.)**

Tues: Walked the dog, 1st section of Christi's Hi/lo Heaven, Tae Bo 8 min, Tae Bo Basic, Abs from LL (gotta play with that dvd player -- now to learn how to PROGRAM it :-(!)

Wed: Pilates Beginer Workout (ugggg.... but, it MUST be done) Colleen's double bench class, followed by Spin & Abs Class. (Boy does it feel good to be back to a NORMAL routine!) -- oh walked the dog, but we don't count that today!

Thurs: Walked the dog

Fri: A mish-mosh of Cathe's DVD Xpress. Everything from some low-impact, to kickboxing to some circuits. WAhhhhhoooooo! :) And tacked on Tae Bo Live Basic. (walked the dog).

Sat: Walk/Flail with the dog (10 intervals, walking 2 minutes, flailing 1 minute ~ I did run a 5k once, didn't I??? :-hmmm Guess that was many moons ago and I have a LONG way to go to get back there again!!!), then I did some hill hiking while I was out.. felt GREAT.. Came home and did Upper Body Split from the DVD Xpress DVD and the Tae Bo Live 8 minute quickie....

Sunday: Just a little walk.... (the puppy doesn't realize that I'm suppose to have a rest day......What do I tell him???)

** I haven't done a kickbox rotation since January of 1999! After my hernia surgery, I'd been afraid to really try and kick for a LONG, LONG time... :-wow !!! I think 19 mos. is long enough to heal.... LOL! I decided kickboxing will be my new rotation for the next 4 to 6 weeks. 1 week down, a few more to go!

Ok! That's my week in a nutshell..... Onward to week #2. And I'm also pleased that my eating is back in line too! HALLELUJAH... :-jumpy

That's all she wrote for this week....

Have a GREAT week everyone!
RE: Onward through the New Year!

Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone had a great week! I am trying to get the last few pounds off and have started eating much better this week (except for Monday, of course). I think I need to eat more because I have felt a little draggy! It's hard to find that right balance but I'm working on it. This is my first week of my first PS rotation. Here's my week!

MONDAY: PS-Back, biceps, and abs

TUESDAY: United Steps

WEDNESDAY: PS-Chest, shoulders, triceps

THRUSDAY: Stepfit First time with this and it was fun!

FRIDAY: PS-Legs and abs and 1st section of Dynamic stretch

SATURDAY: Stepworks and 2nd section of Dynamic stretch
This was my first time through Stepworks and boy did it kick my rearend. I basically stared at the TV during the 3rd section. I was thinking these people are crazy!!! Just kidding. I think once I learn the steps it will be a little easier, I hope!

I felt fairly good wtih the PS series. I was able to lift heavier in some exercises and had to go lighter in others than I did in MIS. In MIS my tricep work was very strong and I used the weights that Cathe did except with the barbell. In PS I really worked until failure, triceps on FIRE!!! It's interesting how your body responds to different things, huh?

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Wendy: Just wanted to let you know that I've been facing the same dilemma now for awhile....I've lately been doing where I work one day of heavy weights and then that same week do lighter weights, higher reps for the same body part. It seems to be working out pretty good.....meaning I still have the size but also have the endurance. Maybe you should do a few weeks of one way, then a few weeks of the other...???

As for my week, it's been better....skipped a few workouts due to either pure laziness or exhaustion from my period.

Monday: CTX Kickbox Cardio, Biceps, Triceps
Tuesday: Lazy Day
Wednesday: PS Chest, CTX Shoulders, Abs
Thursday: Circuit Max
Friday: Power Yoga for Beginners/Kundalini Yoga (God, I love that Kundalini tape! The more I do it, the more I love it! Thanks, Lex!)
Saturday: Got my period so was exhausted.
Sunday: Still feeling tired, but at least did Cory Everson's GHAS and some ab work.

I think I need to concentrate on doing more cardio next week...

Great weeks everyone...sounds like we're all finally getting back into the groove after the holidays.

Anyway, here's my week:

Sunday - Interval Max; PS CST; PS BBA
Monday - MIC
Tuesday - BodyMax
Wednesday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine; planks, abs, and stretch from CTX Power Circuit
Thursday - Cardio Kicks
Friday - Circuit Max; lower body and abs from MIS
Saturday - PowerMax

That's it. I'll talk to you all later.

Lisa :)
Chocolate Chunk Birthday Cake!!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 03:39PM (Est)[/font][p]Do you have a recipe to share with us?!!!!!!! ;-):9

My week: Lots of activity since I'm still recovering from the holiday eating
Sunday: Run/walk at the Y - 40 minutes
Monday: New Years day started off with a bang with BODYMAX, the first 2 sections, followed by PS C/S/T. I decided to go back to the PS series for a while.
Tues. Nuttin'
Wed.: Meaner Legs
Thur: Taebo III
Friday: Nuttin' again
Saturday: IMAX (it rocks!) and PS B/B/A

I'm SO spoiled with Cathe tapes that I really have to force myself to do cross training, like running! I have my groovin' music tapes, but STILL!!!!!!!!! Cathe tapes are too fun to leave alone.

Next week I have 4 Cathe's aerobic tapes in the lineup plus a day of run/walk and the PS tapes.


I baked no cakes this week, just BREAD in my new machine.:9:9:9:9:9:9:9 Ain't nuttin' better than a big ole hunk of multigrain bread with about two inches of peanut butter and a big plop of jelly on it, is there?!!!! :9
Another pregnant person checkin:)

Hi, this is my first time checking in although I have been reading the checkins for awhile now. I just found out that I am pregnant with my 4th child so I thought this would motivate me to keep my workout schedule up. Anyways here is my week

Monday: ctx all step

Tuesday: Pilates mat class and 40 minutes on the precor elliptical.

Wednensday: Taught a step class and did my chest and triceps at the club.

Thursday: Spinning class and back and biceps.

Friday: Step/Hilo jam at the club and legs.

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Taught Pilates mat class.

Have a great week...I really enjoy this forum, I feel like I know you guys:)

Heavy/light weights

Hi, Terri, thanks for noticing my weight dilemma! That sounds like it may be just what I'm looking for. I don't want to lose strength, but with just heavy stuff like PS and MIS I seem just to be gaining strength and MASS, but I only see definition when I flex. Already with just using the light, fast, high rep I'm noticing a difference in definition.
Sooo, I'm going to try one full body Strength like PS or MIS, and one lighter day, using TWV and/or Kathy Smith/Karen Voight/maybe even some CTX that is lighter.
With legs I've been happy with the heavier weights, though.
Hopefully, that will do it!
PS--I ,too, feel exhausted when I get my period. It only lasts the first two days, for me. ( Was it you who posted about this somewhere?)
Looks like everyone is hitting the New Year great. It is nice to have the feeling of a fresh start. To boot, we got above 30 here and some of the snow is melting. YEAH. Of course, now we have fog!

Sunday - MIS just part of this because I only had an hour. I went heavy on the barbell legs, and skipped the dumbell legs, I skipped third reps on a lot of stuff. I still felt it because I really went heavy.
Monday - 9807 with abs from Cathe CTX Kickbox
Tuesday - Firm Strength and swim an hour
Wednesday - 9905
Thursday - Firm Cardio and swim an hour
Friday - 9803 and planks from circuit max
Saturday - Pure and Simple Stretch.

See ya'll next week.

Great Week!

Wow, what a difference a week can make. Sooo glad December is behind me!

Wendy, thanks for the kind words at VF:)...and happy belated birthday wishes:)

This week was awesome...just for the fact that I was thrilled to have my mojo back;-).

Monday: [font color="red"]Stepping Zone[/font] for the first time and I did remarkably well with the choreography, can't say I did it perfect but there was a glimmer of hope I can actually...eventually do this!
Followed that with the step section of [font color="red"]Body Max[/font] 'cause the year ain't started right if it ain't started with Cathe;-).

Tuesday: [font color="red"]CTX Leaner Legs[/font] with my buddy Wendy. We hadn't planned on doing strength together. We were supposed to workout Monday..but Wendy forgot! HA...that willl teach her;-). So I told her she could take the rain check on Tuesday but I would be doing Legs down stairs and she could do Cardio upstairs. I never thought she would be game at doing strength with me..but she was. So, I hooked her up with my EZ Curl bar and a pad and off we went into Meaner Legs land. The workout went great and Wendy loved the routine...hehehe...she even kept telling me that over the answering machine messages that also said she couldn't walk and she had never been so (good kind of) sore! We had fun...hey, that's what it's all about!

Wednesday: [font color="red"]Precision Cycling[/font] This is going to be one of my favorite spin tapes:).

Thursday: Rest day. Had plans on getting back to my KB class but things ran late after work and Wendy was going to try to do something with me but I missed her by 5 minutes at the house...she was still sore too;-)hehehe So I took the night off as well.

Friday: [font color="red"]PS Back and Bis, CTX C,S,T[/font] Funny day..I had to go in for work and I don't usually do on Fridays so I was online a little too long and realized I barely had time so I literally blew through this and managed to get a shower in and travel to work in record time..ahhhh the benefits of short hair;-).

Saturday: [font color="red"]PS Legs, Step Fit[/font] Wendy joined me again...finally recovered and we ended up doing legs again! LOL..she liked PS too;-). We tacked on 30 minutes of Step Fit. We were going to do a newer tape but wanted something we were used to..LOL..we stumbled through Step Fit goofing on the moves right and left..or was that left and right?! Wendy even continued on...I set her up to do the upper body with PS while I showered and did some chores...I think I might have to start charging her a gym fee;-).

Sunday: [font color="red"]TKO BodyBoxing[/font] I had an absolute blast doing this workout this quote a dear friend...WAAHHHhhhhhoooooooo

I was worried about this month and my schedule. I have some traveling for work coming up and thought I might not be able to do much for a week and feeling like it might throw me into another slump...NOT;-)...looks like the hotels have pretty decent fitness facilities and I look forward to making them work for me. If all else fails...have jumprope...will travel;-). Cleda..too bad you couldn't talk your office in going to Boston:-(;-). Looking forward to your opinion of those new Tae Bos! Can you get them in DVD?

Have a good week everyone and here's to the New Year!!!

Some impressive weeks from everybody! :-wow I just started a new job this week at an outdoor education center. It's at a beautiful 700-acre facility near Boulder, and involves a lot of hiking. The only downside fitness-wise is that I was too beat when I got home to do any strength training.

Sunday: Leaner Legs (first time, unweighted, but I didn't make it all the way through :-tired ); FIRM four-limb aerobics self-made mix
Monday: PS CST
Tuesday: snowshoeing 6 miles, Millennium Stretch
Wednesday: 4 miles hiking (at work! :-gloat )
Thursday: 3 miles hiking at work
Friday: 1.5 miles hiking at work
Saturday: rest
Sunday: snowshoeing 4 miles

My goal is to put 100 miles on my snowshoes this season. I have 28 so far. Leaner Legs and snowshoeing do not mix, though. When my leg muscles get tired, they pull my knees out of whack due to inverted femurs, etc. I was in some serious pain on Tuesday during the last mile. It will be a challenge to schedule my snowshoeing, being on my feet all day on workdays, and lower body strength training, especially since I can't stand training my legs as it is. Any suggestions for someone who hates leg work?

:) Gretchen
Looks like everyone had a good week after the holidays!!! I'm finding it hard getting back to my routine (too much time off work). Here is my week:

MONDAY: MIS and Step Works


WEDNESDAY: Circuit Max


FRIDAY: Interval Max

SATURDAY: Unplanned rest day--had planned to do MIS.

SUNDAY: Rest day (planned)

Hope everyone has a great week!

I'm glad you posted!

I'm kicking around taking up cross country skiing OR snow shoeing, and I guess you're the one to tell me if snow shoeing is a good alternative to skiing. Is it easier to learn? Less expensive? As good an aerobic exercise? Thanks for any suggestions you can give me.
Looks like we're all back in the groove. This is a great forum. Here was my week:

Mon- Chest and shoulders on my own
Tue- All Step cardio and abs
Wed- PS BBA, cardio from SNI, step from 10-10-10
Thur- PS CST
Fri- Meaner legs and abs
Sat- Step Heaven
Sun- I know I should have rested but I did a Firm tape that I picked up at Wal-mart(maximum cardio). It was a nice change to the routine. I also did Chest and Back supersets on my own.

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday 12-31 35 min. walk
Tuesday 1-2 30 min. on stairmaster (this kicks my butt!)
Wednesday 1-3 15 min. on stairmaster plus 35 min. walk
Thursday 1-4 2.25 mile run
Friday 1-5 Could only fit in a 20 min. walk

Hopefully, I will be able to add weight training back into my routine this week.

Hope everybody has a great week!

Awesome week, Nanc!

So glad you're out of your slump! :D I'm out of mine, too! (Well, as of Jan. 3 anyway! ;-)

Monday, Tuesday - Nada
Wednesday - Step Jam -- had a blast with this one!
Thursday - Strength - upper body
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Combo of CTX S&I warmup & cardio, CTX All Step cardio & cooldown (what an awesome workout... I was grinning from ear to ear the whole way through!)
Sunday - Was supposed to be Strength - Legs & Abs, but my right hip was bothering me, so I took a rest day.
Preggers check-in

Ugh! I am so ready to have this baby...and hopefully get into my workouts more.

Congrats Jennifer on your pregnancy! When are you due?

Last week I did Firm Strength, Crunch Boot Camp, and Power Circuit, but walked on my treadmill during the cardio. My back got a crick in it over the weekend, so I'm hoping to be able to workout tomorrow. Just feels a little twingy sometimes. And my eating is horrendous. 3 more weeks...guess I can hang in there. Only have a girl name picked out though.

I'm so glad I have this board for motivation. You guys are great!


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