Check in Week ending 10/5



[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-01 AT 06:33AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm so happy 'cause I'm on VACATION next week! Just going to hang around the house and rest. I'm sending in my bakeoff recipes this week since the deadline is on the 15th. I have 7 desserts! February in Orlando would be great! I'll know in December if I'm one of the lucky 100 who gets to go. Glad to stop baking because those leftovers are ruining my eating schedule! I got into the freezer and ate frozen cake on WEDNESDAY!!!!! Not good, since I like to limit my pig outs to Fridays only. So this week I baked four samples, and will donate them to an outing of hungry men.

Sorry, I won't be able to post the recipes for a while, because of the rules of the bakeoff. Pillsbury will own the recipes if the bakers are chosen for the bakeoff, so I have to be sure of when it's OK.

My week:
Saturday: Circuit Max.....!!! :-tired Her hardest tape, IMO, even more than Imax on an 8 inch step! Must be the heavy weights I use. Did extra leg work with Xering and Fitball

Sun: 45 min. on the mini-trampoline....running in place at 235bpm. PS Back and Biceps

Monday: Rest

Tues. S&H legs and extra with Xering and Fitball. Sorry, I don't think this one is as tough as Meaner Legs or PS legs

Wed. Taebo Advance Ripped(blue box)

Thurs: PS legs, whole thing

Friday: Imax on an 8 inch step to make up for the Wednesday attack on the frozen cake; PS CST

I started to take Chromium Picolinate at the suggestion of our martial arts/nutrition guru at the church because my energy level plummets like a rock when I get hungry. He suggested taking it in the morning, which I'd never done, and I seem to have more energy!
Honeybunch: Enjoy your vacation next week! Does that mean a vacation from workouts also?????

As for me, even with getting my period this week, I still got in some pretty good workouts so I'm a "happy camper"...

Sunday: Cardio Kicks

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: CTX Chest/CTX Back/CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps/Abs

Wednesday: CTX 10-10-10/MIS Biceps/Abs

Thursday: Got my period so took an unplanned rest day.

Friday: MIS Legs/MIS Chest/MIS Shoulders/MIS Triceps/40 minutes of Rhythmic Step using 4" step (Still trying to get this workout down before I up the step to my usual 6")

Saturday: Circuit Max (You're right, Honeybunch! This is one tough workout! I am always gasping for air at the end (but in a good way!). For me, Cathe's two toughest workouts are Body Max and this one!

That's it for me, guys! Hope everyone had a good week!

Good luck, Honeybunch! Can't wait to see your winning :) recipes! I have been going through sort of a workot slump lately for a variety of reasons, so instead of completing my CTX rotation, I have decided to just do what I feel like each day for a while. It seems to have helped.

M: CIA 9802 hi/lo w/CTX back
T: CTX Step & Intervals
W: Kick It 2000 w/Franny
T: Bust and Butt (Firm)
F: CIA 2102 Powerbar Training - great workout!
S: 1/2 Step Quest w/Marcos Prolo; 1/2 CIA 9801 step w/ Christi

Hope everyone has a great weekend and week ;-)
Enjoy your vacation, Honeybunch! I personally hate circuit training, particularly Circuit Max! I cannot do upper and lower body simultaneously. I love Power Circuit though, which is just lower body. Anyway, I had a great week training because I blew off my plannedd to do S&H this week and did CTX instead.

Monday CTX Kickbox/Biceps
Tuesday CTX Step/Intervals/Chest
Wednesday Power Circuit/Back
Thursday 5 miler/CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps
Friday 5 miler/CTX Leaner Legs

I am going to do the whole CTX Upper Body Split today and I was really happy with my week. I also got my period which is great because my PMS was making Linda Blair in the Exorcist look like a sweetheart I know I mentioned my husband told me he didn't believe in PMS! He does now! Hope you guys are great!
B obbi
Hi All!

Figure I best get this posted as I missed totally checking in last week due to my hectic schedule. I have this whole weekend planned too but had a few spare moments.

HB~Sorry I missed you this morning. Hope to see you at class this week??? That will be fun! Just you guys wait til you get to try one in particular of HB's bakeoff entries. Oh My, let's just say, I almost had to ask her to QUIT dropping the samples off. TOO GOOD!! You go HB. We'll think about you when you are in sunny :-cool Orlando in February!

Terri~Great week for you. I like your combos with the CTX series and MIS. I need to dust off MIS. It's been waaay too long.

Emily~Good week for you too. How's that little sweetheart doing? Getting big already?

Bobbi~Ha! Your poor hubby! If you made Linda Blair LOOK like a sweetheart, he must have been hiding!!! Yikes!:-wow

My week:
MONDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class


WEDNESDAY~CTX-Meaner LEGS, CHEST & BACK, went to an instructor's class in the evening since hubby was out of town.

THURSDAY~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes

FRIDAY~Spinning with Jay, I was feeling unmotivated and thought, Hmmmm, I haven't used my bike in a while so I dug this tape out. EricaH & NancyC-if you haven't done this one in a while, I forgot how much fun it is! Whew, went thru a whole water bottle!!!:-tired

SATURDAY~I'm excited to share with you that I got to go to my very 1st. LIVE TaeBo class this morning! It is the second store Billy has opened and it is located just 20 minutes from my house. Unfortunately, I am too busy with my tapes and the classes I teach that I can't sign up but I figure I'll go down for a class every once in awhile. Sadly, Billy wasn't there for the Grand Opening because he is out of the country. Very nice facility. It was a good workout and I left there glowing! Stopped, got a bagel on my way home and then waited a bit and then did PowerHour!! This tapes seems to fly by for me. I love the way Cathe breaks up the body parts. Whew~THANK GOODNESS tomorrow is a rest day!! My back is much better and I have taken it VERY easy all week. Good being back here. I missed you all.

SUNDAY~REST! :7 :7 :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have come to join in again. :D

Great workout......for people who are working around babies, enduring PMS, eating when they don't want to ;-), and just plain busy schedules, you guys kicked butt.

Monday....S&H tris and bis and first two sections of Hilo Heaven

Tuesday.....S&S chest and back....was going to do a cardio but the body didn't feel up to it!

Wednesday......Rhythmic step....lots of fun but I agree with Terri, it will take time to get it down right.

Thursday.....planned off

Friday....Intense Moves....I chickened :-rollen out from doing Imax...maybe next week ;-)

Saturday....Cardio/Strength...I like it. Thanksgiving on Monday.....and I'm celebrating :9 today.

Never did get the S&H legs'll have to wait till Monday!
RE: Hi All! You'd think my whole family would be afraid but they are remarkably unintimidated by my moods, even the evil ones!

I just did CTX Kickbox and the CTX Upper Body Split. I am adding it to my week. I haven't done TaeBo in awhile but I'll bet it's a blast doing it live! Mmmmm, I wish HB was closer. I'd love to indulge in one of her desserts. I am a lousy baker. On the bright side, my twelve year old is becoming an excellent little baker. She makes horrible messes in the kitchen but I have been letting her bake her little heart out and she's getting good at it! I think I'll go eat a snickerdoodle now!

Hi everyone!! HB, promise you'll post those reciepes as soon as they say you can!! I'm so carb and sugar depleted, that the sole of my shoe is looking yummy!! But I want one of your winning reciepes to get my fill of carbs on!! 3 weeks to go for me!! YEAH!! I've beefed up my cardio this week and have started running. Let me just say this, I HATE RUNNING!!! But it leans ya' out quick, so I guess I can handel it for 2 more weeks. I'm not supposed to do any cardio or weights the last week, so that will be my rest week. Ok, here's my week.

MON: walk/run for 35 min 1 min intervals with the running. Back, bi's, abs, and forearms, and kickboxing

TUES: walk/run this time upped my interval to 1.5 min, chest and tri's and Step Fit

WED: yoga, Legs, shoulders, and abs

THURS: walk 30min and Step Heat

FRI: walk/run kept the interval at 1.5 min, chest, back, and abs, MIC step only

SAT: 30min, legs, shoulders, and forearms

Sun: practice posing, and hopefully more yoga!!

I really miss doing my yoga everyday, but there is just never enough time right now!! CAn't wait to get back to normal!
Have a great week everyone!!

Hello everyone! Looks like you all did a great job this week. I have had a hard time fitting in any workouts. Busy, busy, busy! I'm starting another round of show and heavy. I have determined that I do not like endurance workouts. I guess that is why I enjoy the slow and heavy soooo much!

MONDAY: Super Step

TUESDAY: Unplanned rest

WEDNESDAY: CIA 9901 2 combos and S&H Chest

THURSDAY: S&H Back and walk/run 3 miles

FRIDAY: S&H Triceps and CIA-9901 the first two combos

SATURDAY: S&H Shoulders and biceps and 3 mile walk/run

Not so great but not too bad. I have been discombobulated lately and it's hard to get it all together. Hopefully next week will be a little more sane!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-01 AT 12:32PM (Est)[/font][p]I always do CircuitMax as a lower body workout just like Power Circuit. Easy solution to that problem! I use a 35 Lb. barbell and 10 lb. dumbbells. I was tempted to raise my step to 8" 'cause I had done it with Imax, but I'm glad I resisted!

Today I get to walk at the mall since I don't have to work, then I'm going to check out a new Taebo workout facility. This should be interesting! The rates are way too high for me to join, but I may just take a class for $6.00. The owner is in a lot of the Taebo tapes, and is the only certified Taebo person in Ohio. Lucky me and Deb H! She went yesterday.
RE: Hi All!

Bobbi, FYI....Pillsbury has a special Bakeoff for kids with a $25,000 grand prize. Maybe you and your daughter could check it out!
Honeybunch--you'll have let us know how the chromium picolinate works. When my blood sugar drops, I'm a bit scary--the Linda Blair thing Bobbi had cited.

Aimee--hang in there--you're almost there! Running does lean you out in a hurry. I've managed to shed my Girl Scout cookie weight gain from the summer already. Take it slow, it gets easier, and one day, it might actually seem kind of fun.

MONDAY--went to go for a run, got out of the car, and every other step was agony, due to pain in my right lower leg. :-tired So I walked back to the car, went home, and did S&H Chest and Back and PS Shoulders.
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY--hiking at work, stretched calves whenever I could
THURSDAY--Rhythmic Step, sec. 1 & 2; S&H Triceps & Biceps
FRIDAY--S&H Shoulders, 60 min. swim (asked a physical therapist about my pain, and she said stretching would make it worse--oops!)
SATURDAY--spinning class

I can't tell if the pain is in my calf or my Achilles, or exactly what happened, or exactly how to make it better. I think it was a combination of running two days in a row, doing the eleven mile hike in new boots, walking funny after that because of the blisters, a long run followed by sitting in a meeting for three hours and then in a car for six, and then kneeling in a canoe for two days, followed by another five hours in the car. So I'm taking Advil, icing my leg when I can remember, wearing shoes around the house for the heel elevation, and staying with swimming and spinning, both of which don't hurt. My calf only hurts when I put weight on it. Fortunately, it no longer hurts at all to walk. Sound familiar to anybody? Have any advice?

I'm really bummed because my running was coming right along, and now I can't run at all.

:) Gretchen
I love Power Circuit. It wasn't too long ago that you mentioned revisiting CTX, Honeybunch, is that right? I did a week of CTX workouts with a couple of replacemnt runs for AllStep and 10-10-10 which are my least favorite of all the cardio in the series. AllStep confounds me and my left feet and 10-10-10 moves around too mcuh. I do want to give it a 2nd try. I had a good week!

I would love to do TaeBo with Billy! What fun! I haven't taken a class in a long while. I used to teach a couple of weight training classes and a high intensity cardio/weight training class for a friend who opened a tiny studio here in Tucson. But it was too time consuming so I retired for awhile. So, you kids are in Ohio? I love reading your posts. So much great advice!

B obbi
Emily, sometimes doing just whatever I want is the only way to keep me working out. Have fun with it!

Bobbi, snickerdoodles were my fave cookie to make when I was 12 also.

Aimee, I must say you are very, very, very dedicated. You should be very proud of yourself :)

Gretchen, I hope your leg heals up quickly. I know how it feels to just be getting good at something and then get sidelined.

I had a hard time getting my workouts in this week. I am a morning exerciser, but my son has been sleeping terribly. So, I have been working out after 8pm at night. Too late for me. We just started the crying it out thing and it seems to work. I've had two full nights of sleep! Maybe this week I'll be back to mornings.

Sun. rest
Mon. PH
Tue. S-N-I cardio
Wed. nothing, much too tired. Rest felt good tho cause I was full of energy the next day.
Thu. PH
Fri. StepFit
Sat. BodyMax

RE: Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-01 AT 03:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everybody

I am getting geared up to put together a somewhat mixed thanksgiving dinner since my date is a vegetarian and our kids are not. So, I am going to make a Rockin Moroccan Stew from Looneyspoons for us and a wild deer meat meatloaf for the kids along with some butternut squash and wild blueberry crisp. No turkey for us.

Anyway, as I type this, I am listening to CNN on the television with great interest and trepidation.

On the workout front, (no pun intended) here was my workout for the week:

Monday - S/H legs (I am with Honeybunch, this one is not as hard for me as PS or Leaner Legs since I am doing it with 60# and could easily go heavier if I had a spotter or squat rack) And damn, my date wants to do the workout, not be my spotter.

Tuesday - 60 minute run/walk in the a.m. - mostly run but my date still needs to walk some.

Wednesday - Rhythmic Step (Boy this workout rocks!! - I love it and is it ever a good cardio challenge - one of Cathe's best I think)

Thursday - S/H chest and back (I can really feel my chest with this workout like no other so far)

Friday - 60 minute run/walk in the a.m.

Saturday - S/H triceps and biceps

Sunday - long run by myself for 60 minutes up a hilly terrain.

My date has been working out with me quite a bit which is really great. However, he is an ectomorph and the S/H series is putting the muscle on us both but really a lot on me as I am more of a mesomorph. He loves the S/H series and I think we will do it for a bit longer just to help him get that muscle he wants. Now, if I could only eat with the same kind of motivation and discipline as I have with exercise.

Have a great week everybody and stay safe.


P.S. Sorry about the double post below. Not too sure what happened there but my computer just kind of froze so I hit the back button and tried again.
RE: Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada

Hi everybody

I getting geared up to put together a somewhat mixed thanksgiving dinner since my date is a vegetarian and our kids are not. So, I am going to make a Rockin Moroccan Stew from Looneyspoons for us and a wild deer meat meatloaf for the kids along with some butternut squash and wild blueberry crisp. No turkey for us.

Anyway, as I type this, I am listening to CNN on the television with great interest and trepidation.

On the workout front, (no pun intended) here was my workout for the week:

Monday - S/H legs (I am with Honeybunch, this one is not as hard for me as PS or Leaner Legs since I am doing it with 60# and could easily go heavier if I had a spotter or squat rack) And damn, my date wants to do the workout, not be my spotter.

Tuesday - 60 minute run/walk in the a.m. - mostly run but my date still needs to walk some.

Wednesday - Rhythmic Step (Boy this workout rocks!! - I love it and is it ever a good cardio challenge - one of Cathe's best I think)

Thursday - S/H chest and back (I can really feel my chest with this workout like no other so far)

Friday - 60 minute run/walk in the a.m.

Saturday - S/H triceps and biceps

Sunday - long run by myself for 60 minutes up a hilly terrain.

My date has been working out with me quite a bit which is really great. However, he is an ectomorph and the S/H series is putting the muscle on us both but really a lot on me as I am more of a mesomorph. He loves the S/H series and I think we will do it for a bit longer just to help him get that muscle he wants. Now, if I could only eat with the same kind of motivation and discipline as I have with exercise.

Have a great week everybody and stay safe.

RE: Check-in and Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you don't mind me barging in here but I'm new to the Cathe site and I think that you guys have got a really good thing going. I'm hoping it just might be the thing to keep me motivated past the fall this year. I'm a perpetual yo-yo. I usually get a good start in the spring every year and then fall off the wagon anywhere from the begining of the summer to the begining of fall. My goal is to make it to Christmas this year, when I'll reward myself with some new Cathe tapes! Of course that's just my short term goal. The long term is THE LONG TERM!!!

HI Kim,
I'm on my way to our Canadian Thanksgiving in a few minutes. My stomach can't wait for turkey and all the fixins'. No vegetarians here on a cattle farm, although I try to baffle them with a little tofu once in a while!

HI to everyone else,
I'm running out of time. So nice to meet you all. Lonely for fellow Cathe fanatics where I am!

I had not a bad week:

Sun. 6 mile run (usually on Saturday but missed)

Mon. CMax for the first time! (lots of pausing and rewinding)

Tues. Rythmic Step, first time also! (more pausing and r/w, can't wait to do it again just to get everything down!) also walked the dogs 2 mi.

Wed. MIS at 3/4 the weight Cathe does(hope to up it soon!)

Thurs. Cardio Kicks, too much fun!

Fri. MIS same

Sat. run 6 miles in AM; sat on butt so had to walk 3mi. in eve.

Sun. rest day so just walked the dogs 3mi. before Thanksgiving pig-out.

Thanks guys! You're all awesome motivation! Hope y'all have a safe and productive week. My Canadian thoughts are with you and yours on our Thanksgiving.
RE: Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada

Oh, my goodness! That deer meat meatloaf, butternut squash, and wild blueberry cobbler sounds soooo good. Have a great thanksgiving!


As I read your post, it crossed my mind that you're a very unique person, planning Thanksgiving in October, training for a triathlon by painting your home, .. Then it clicked that the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated at a more logical date - a harvest celebration. The meal sounds terrific though I'd say no thanks to the meatloaf. Is wild deer similar to bison, leaner compared to beef?

Be kind to your sweetie on those runs. I avoid running with my DH because our compromise pace is too slow for him so he starts a running conversation when I'm just trying to breathe, & way too fast for me so that I can't go as long as my trots w/ my dogs. It may take your guy awhile to catch up to a gazelle like you.

Happy Thanksgiving Kim, & your fellow Canadians.


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