Check-in week end February 13, 14

Sandy Greek

Hi ladies, rest day for me on Friday, yesterday was Rockout-knockout a short premix, plus 4 sets chin-ups and pull-ups+ 28 mints yoga relax. Today Tabatacize (yeah!) all five tabatas + a short ab session. Trying to mentally prepare for another week!!!
Hi all! Yesterday I didn't manage a w/o... It ended up being my rest day. I was too busy buying a new(er) car and had a bday party to attend.

Today I underestimated how long it would take to pick a new car inaurance so I ended up with all 30 min to w/o before I had to shower and go coach a game. I did the step from Body Max2 but ran out of time. I have only done it once before and forgot how fun it is.. But I think I need to check one of the moves without being in the middle of the w/o becuz I think I keep turning the wrong way. Unfortunately I did not manage all 3 combo's before I ran out of time. Maybe I will repeat it tomorrow and then do the whole step section.

I may try to squeeze in another shorter w/o tonight... Or I may not. Will report back if I do.
I am back again. I decided to go straight up to my gym room to do the Ice bootcamp premix which is just warm-up, muscle meltdown for biceps and stretch. Just short of half an hour and now my biceps are fried! Those muscle meltdowns are great! I think I have deserved some homemade chocolate fudge now... It is Valentine's day afterall. ;)
Hi ladies,

Yesterday was RWH Biceps, Back and Shoulders.
Today was Cathe Live RWH lift it hiit it legs!
no workouts for me this weekend. i am in ottawa. I wanted to skate but with the windchill here it's been colder than the northpole. -41 with windchill for two days. brutal. no one else is complaining about the cold. hmmmm. no workout again tomorrow but i will see you all on tuesday. great workouts - no matter how short!
homemade chocolate fudge now..
Mmmm, sounds blessed! ; )

Great workouts over the weekend ladies. :) Shivering your arse off can be included as toning Siobhan! ;) Ottawa must be so pretty this time of year!

Saturday I did nothing and I mean nothing! lol. Sunday I went for a long walk at the beach and walking a lot over slippery rocks. It was such a lovely Valentine's date with my DH. Then tonight I did some tubing back work and a laid back yoga session.
Gonna be a busy week ..... hope to get some working out in. I think I missed a Leg day this week, so hope to get in some solid leg work!! Having fun with my fitnessGlo trial so far.

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