Check-in week 9-15


Hi Everyone,
I was waiting for someone to start this trend but got tired of waiting and thought that I could start it on my own...I am aloud to do this aren't I?
Well, my week was a good one.I am now doing the tank top rotations but doing my cardio more then it calls for.I figured if I added a bit more cardio in there, then i would see those last few pounds move.
So, here was my week.

Sunday: Interval max

Monday: Rythmic Step A.m
Pure Strength C,BA,BIc,TRI,S

Tuesday: Power MAx and leaner legs

Wednesday: CTX Shoulders Biceps and triceps
Interval max A.M
Went for a 35 min walk in the evening

Thurday: Ran 9 kms

Friday : Step works and MIS

Saturday: Worked hard at work hardly ate all day ( one bowl of cereal) and then we went to the the cabin where I ate too many candy and too many chips...I think I am still full

Sunday: I just did power hour and I am hoping to go for a jog after dinner.
That was my week.I don't think I was suppose to add today in there though.I was going to try to do Interval MAx again today but don't think I will.Hope everyone else had a good week..
Hi Lori - Great week! Hope it's okay if I post here too!

I've been working on about 5 lbs. of flab that is located on my abs. So far my rotation seems to be working well. I am rotating cardio with strength days. I am seeing results finally! My abs are starting to peak through. Yippeee! Anyways here was my week. (I've added other tapes besides Cathe so I can add variety, but Cathe is my all-time favorite instructor)

Mon-Bodymax + 50 min. power walk
Tue-Core First + 40 min. power walk
Wen-Power Cardio + 50 min. power walk
Thr-MIS + 50 min. power walk
Fri-All Step/Step & Intervals (cardio portions only) + 50 min. power walk
Sat-20 min. leisurely walk

Have a nice week. :)
Yes, Lori & tsut!

Anyone can start the check-in thread and EVERYONE is Welcome, "tsut". It usually starts on Saturday or Sunday by whoever wants to start it. As you may have noticed, another poster started it also. I think it was Stacy if I remember right and I believe you both posted at the same time! Funny how you can wait forever for someone to start it & then you decide to do it and shoot if someone else didn't too! It has happened to me before too.Whenever it happens, most posters will just pick one and keep it going. Okay, now do I have you totally confused YET??? BTW, good weeks for you both. Lori, I am doing the "Tank Top Rotation" also. Second week-It's going to be a gooood one!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes, Lori & tsut!

Hello ladies,
As I was writing the check-in I was thinking....I bet someone else is doing this right now.Sure enough ....oh, well.I hope this week is a good one.Although yesterday I didn't do anything.But I am getting ready to go for a run now....
Hope everyone as a good week.

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