Check-In for week of 7-8-01 thru 7-15-01

Hi Everyone,
Looks like you are all keeping very busy! This week was pretty good for me. My back feels better now...must have been a pulled muscle.

Monday: Wedding Video cardio section
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Circuit Max & walk 1 mile
Thursday: Step Works & walk 1 mile
Friday: New Body Bar Workout (Keli Roberts) & walk 3 miles
Saturday: Step Jam & walk 3.5 miles
Sunday: MIS

Have a nice week! (Counting down--only 9 more days til the bar exam! UGH!)
Good luck Cleda!!

I'll be thinking of you this week!!! You've trained so hard - you'll do great!!
Hi Aimee!

Check out my response to Wendy under this Check-in. (#15 post) and I posted a link to the cute emotion icons. They're fun, aren't they? As far as doing CTX & PS together~I have no problem at all going from fast to slow OR slow to fast. It is really a "feel-good" workout. I am so glad I decided to give it a try. Let me know if you give it a whirl. Great week for you. You go girl on those BICEPS that are bigger then your twin brother's!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE:kinda sounds like

you could possibly have the pulled the piriformis muscle. I could so easily be wrong but I have heard that that is a common thing with running. When I hurt my hamstring, it also hurt up there and my physiotherapist suggested that I may have also pulled my piriformis when I pulled the hamstring.

I am glad to hear that it is getting better for you in any event.

Craziness-paying for it now!!

Did MIS and MIC back to back on consecutive days.:-wow
That'll teach me!! :D

Kelly Roberts Circuit Training
Mega Step Blast
Firm Lo Impact Vol 2
Reebok Step (rest!)
Precision Yoga
Firm Interval Vol 3
Charlene Prickett Cruising Altitude ( a low impact floor tape)--new! :-hmmm I got a workout, but Boring. I think Charlene has given in to what Most 50 to 60 year olds need and want--but NOT US. }> (I am keeping them for injury or rest situations.) But at $29.95 each for her last two videos; I'd have to say to this crowd: No. We are Way Past that, unless (as I said) you need it for a rest day. I won't buy any more Prickett videos.

Looking forward to our visit: Deb, HB, Erica!!! :-jumpy
RE: Craziness-paying for it now!!

Wow, murph, doing MIS and MIC back-to-back on consecutive days??? I'm impressed and EXHAUSTED just thinking about it!

You know, I'm glad you posted about Charlene Prickett. I was kind of up in the air about these videos, didn't like the steep prices, and was truly wondering if they would be enough of a workout for me, even on a light day....For me, I like to do yoga on my light days anyway...


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