Check in for week ending 8/4

Hi everyone

Honeybunch - I always wonder about HRT. Our bodies are meant to go through menopause just as we went through puberty, etc. and so I wonder if tinkering too much with nature is a good thing or not. Ask me when it is happening to me and I might have a different story but I think if one can live without the fakey stuff, you are better off. I know it is wonderful for some people and really helps with the symptoms, however, perhaps you exercise enough and eat healthy enough (and I am thinking you do!) that that alone will do it for you.

I am gearing up for a triathlon in a few weeks and I am thinking that I need to concentrate a bit more on endurance and a little less on the weights and so might stick with a Power Hour rotation until the end of this month. Any thoughts from anyone.

Here was my week:

Monday - PS CST

Tuesday - run 45 minutes

Wednesday - PS CST

Thursday - rest

Friday - run/walk 60 minutes

Saturday - rest

Sunday - Power Hour (Next time, I will heavy up for the legs and lighten up for the upper body - I can easily do PS weights on the leg portions I think but definitely not on the upper)

Have a great week everyone.

You are probably right about the comparison between menophase and puberty. They don't make pills for puberty either! We women are sold a bill of goods, aren't we? I feel just fine now on my one capsule a day of soy and evening primrose oil!
That menopause thing has me stifled too. I think I have pretty much gone through it without too much difficulty...well...that is probably an understatement since I left a thirty year marriage and set myself twin sister (we are 50) is having the opposite experience...has been on everything imaginable and is still a raving lunatic...she was always the difficult one..but I love her. So, I don't know where the answer lies. I prefer the natural method myself...but if your life is miserable with the drugs I don't discount it either.
I don't have much time to post, but wanted to let you know that I can relate and I too am really mad about hormones. I'm soooo glad you had the insight to find a second opinion. I have been on DepoPrevara for 10 years now and instinctively know that it's these darn homones that keep me a few pounds padded. I'm know seeing a midwife that agrees that I should find another alternative. So, after our trip to Italy in a few weeks, I'm getting my tubes tied and going hormone free. I hope my results are as good as yours...
As far as workouts...I did 1 1/2 to 2 hours of cardio everyday (running, Rhythmic Step, etc.) and the S&H series plus an extra leg workout, hiking, climbing, and biking.
RE: Glad to hear it

I have a friend who swears by Evening Primrose Oil and will be keeping that in mind when the time comes. I also think that you cannot go wrong with the soy approach.

Feeling Guilty!

I have not had a chance to post my workouts the past two weeks, but KNOW that I AM working out!! I don't want to bore you with all the details at this point seeing as it's already Friday! Basically, both weeks I did cardio 6X and worked a body part those 6 days combining the PS series and the CTX series. I have definitely seen results with this rotation! WooHoo!!! Everyone's week looks great and it was nice coming home and catching up on everyone. I am also making up new routines for my Fall session that starts in September after making the decision this past week to go out on my own. If there's anyone that would like to share any FUN Hi/Lo routines with me, I'd love to see them. Thanks all for making this place a fun place to come!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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