Check-In For Week Ending 7/22/01

RE: Better Late Than Never.....

CONGRATULATIONS CLEDA on the AidsRide!! What a fantastic achievement. You should be SO PROUD!!!! I think that is totally amazing.

Take care
Lisa Seymour
RE: Better Late Than Never.....

That is just absolutely wonderful, Cleda!!!! I know you are proud and so are we. I can't imagine ever doing something like that, EVER! It makes my legs hurt just thinking about it. So glad you were able to finish. That is a memory that will definitely last a lifetime!!!!!

Spot On Cleda!

What an accomplishment! If you're already thinking about workouts, you must feel pretty good (I hope). Maybe you just want to do anything but ride. Congratulations!

RE: Spot On Cleda!

[marquee]:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy CONGRATULATIONS CLEDA!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy[/marquee]

We're all so proud of you!

That is just wonderful. :7 I read your post over at VF and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I could feel EVERY bit (well, not like you) of emotion in your words. I'm honored to include you as a Friend in Fitness. You go girl! Also, I would love for you to post your success story on your weight loss and your journey to a healthy lifestyle if that's not asking too much. Again, congratulations, Cleda!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cleda B.... your comment about the hill heading out of the Hospital grounds. When I headed home that night, I went down RT 12 to see the yellow markings and was surprised to see them send you up Christi Hill! I thought, from that email you had sent me, you were heading further down past the Subase and up Gungywamp Rd. I mentioned your route to my boss and his comment was..."I bet she loved that" ;-)hehehe It was a nice area though..pretty wooded and more attractive than the rest of RT 12:)

That's heading up towards Ledyard Cleda..where I work. When I bike to work...on a very rare occasion;O)'s only 7 miles, but it's all up hill. When (notice it's not if!) you end up at my house with your bike some day...we'll bike it:). I'll need your encouragement for some of those hills;-)!

Can't wait to see the pictures..and you in a couple of weeks! Hope the new tapes are helping with the let down blues.

Still in awe..OH! And if you still have them (HA..silly to even think you wouldn't) can you copy those daily route maps and bring them with you? It would be fun to check out the exact path you traveled, especially the local area here...Dave would love to see them too.

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