Check in for week ended May 26

Great week! And your link to your album works great. That's a handsome group you have there! Welcome to webshots!
Trevor :)
RE: checkin in

Hey Debra!
The back is still sore but I am just going on with my workouts for now. Trying to lift Brandon more correctly to see if that helps.
69 miles!...dang you are a helluva rider.....I have never biked that far at once I don't think.
Hey, if your Pilates class starts sounding like the famous "orgasm" scene from "When Harry Met Sally"....give me a call....I'd love to sit in on that one!! I am kidding of course. :)
Have a super week!
Trevor :)
Great pictures, Andrea!

Your boys are so cute! I can't believe how big Jakob is already!! By the way, I love the names Wyatt and Jakob!
Thanks for sharing!
that's the scene!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-27-01 AT 11:07PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm not kidding! I don't think you'd inhibit them but I suspect they'd have a lot of fun at your expense.

FYI, the Stones are the greatest rock & roll band of all time. Sometimes I realize how young you are!

Glad to hear your back is doing better. It's funny how the tiny (Brandon) can bring the mighty to their knees.
A little late...

Really great weeks for everyone! Mine was much less than great but I'm okay with it. I plan to get back on track next week.

MONDAY: Nada...too much work to catch up on after being on vacation for a week.

TUESDAY: Nada...was suppose to do MIS but didn't want to so I did nothing. As good an excuse as any!!!

WEDNESDAY: CIA 9801 (step) Really fun

THURSDAY: MIS Finally got to it and was really sore the next day.

FRIDAY: Hi/Lo Heaven 1st section, 1/2 of 2nd section.

SATURDAY: Went fishing with hubby and did a little yardwork!

Hopefully next week I can post a much more intense week!

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and a great week also!!!!

RE: Hey Trevor!!

Thanks for the congrat!! It's an awesome tape! I wish I could've enjoyed today more. As I was eating, my thoart started swelling. Then it spread to my face and mouth and I ended up in the E.R. getting shots in my butt:-(! I almost went into anaphalstic(sp?) shock. Oh Well, I'm feeling better now. My throat is still a little sore and so is my butt (both cheeks darn it!), but I enjoyed the rest of my day when I came home!
Again Trevor, thanks for the congrats!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!

Hi Everyone! I've had a loooong day, I'm tired and ready to hit the sack but decided to go ahead and post my workout for the week. Once again, I did read all your posts and I don't have the time to reply back to you now. As usual, you all are doing GREAT, even those of you not up to par because of injuries. Really listen to your body and you will be back to normal eventually. I know it looks like there's no light at the end of the tunnel now, but hang in there!!! Well, here's my week:

Monday~PS-LEGS, included ABS, I paused the tape & increased the Step-ups & downs to 32 on each leg, Taught a Hi/Lo & Strength class, included push-ups in the strength work (I did more then 16 Cinza & Ruth!!)

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo & Strength class in the A.M., PS-CHEST, SHOULDERS & TRICEPS in the P.M.(push-ups in the CHEST section)and 1/2 hour of AliMcGraw's Yoga tape, hubby was out of town so decided to really relax before hitting the sack. It worked!!!

Wednesday~PS-BACK, BICEPS & ABS-included lower back spinal erector work, IMax, practiced some routines for Summer session

Thursday~Taught a Hi/Lo & Strength class, included push-ups, practiced routines, Spin for 20 minutes in THR zone

Friday~MIS-added 32 step ups and down each leg, ABS from StepHeat(great AB section!!),Jogged 3 laps around pond, approx. 3/4 mile?? CTX-Kickbox, cardio and downward plankwork (skipped the plankwork facing upward as my wrists were feeling it after holding all those weights for MIS!!)

Saturday~32 Step-ups & Step-downs on each leg, jogged 4 laps around pond (approx 1 mile), Billy Blank's TaeBoII-Get Ripped Advanced workout (Whew!!:-tired)

Sunday~REST!!!....and too many good foods at the picnic! :9

I decided to shake up my routine a bit this week and not do any step, plus I have missed my kickboxing lately since my elbow injury. (I got my "FIX" on Friday and Saturday and let me tell you, my upper body is feeling it today!! :-wow I've also decided to try to add some jogging into my routine and see if I can't trim down my midsection a bit. It just seems to be getting thicker & thicker! :-( I won't give up! ONWARD!!!! Have a great week everyone and I'll get back to you all this week.

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!! Go see "Pearl Harbor". It is wonderful!! Very, very emotional and a good love story too!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi everyone---Sounds like you guys were FOCUSED last week. I guess now we can't hide under pants and long sleeves, so it's time to get SERIOUS! Or so I keep telling myself.
My week:

SATURDAY--Interval Max, PS-Legs (standing only), and the Abs section of Leaner Legs
SUNDAY--Step Fit, CXT-Chest, Shoulders, Triceps (am); in the afternoon, The Method's Precision Toning
MONDAY--MIC Hi/Lo only; 10-10-10 warmup, kickbox, and hi/lo only (am) after work, CXT-Back & Biceps and abs section of Leaner Legs
TUESDAY - Step Jam and Leaner Legs (both am).
WEDNESDAY - Step Works warm up & sections 1 & 2 (I'm learning this tape) and section 1 of Step Fit (am); in the afternoon, MIS upper body and abs/planks from CXT kickbox
THURSDAY - Power Max

My Christi Taylor tapes arrived last Monday and I previewed Hi Lo Happy Hour---whew, fancy footwork. It's going to take this big Klutz awhile to master that one. Right now, I'm learning Step Works which I'm finding pretty easy to catch on to, probably because I'm used to Cathe's choreography & teaching style. I really like SW, except for that darn up and back move after the horse-straddle sequence in section two. It's the same move on Step Fit that I never have been able to do -- I substitute lunges on SF but that won't work on SW. Oh well. Hopefully, I'll be able to master SW's third section this week or next--haven't previewed it yet.
I hope everyone had a good holiday weeekend. Here is DC, we've had a lot of rain, so it's been a semi-wash out. Rats!
Have a good week! Suzanne
Hello from Wienie World

I couldn't get on last night to post! World wide web too busy with Saturday night rainy-day posters.

Aimee: max week: I am envious sitting here on the edge of Wienie
Wendy: your knees. I feel your pain--except not in the knee.
Trev; Montreal. Je parle francais. Il faut parle le francais a Montreal.
DebH: How can you post with a coherent thought at midnight plus 30 seconds?!! You amaze me.

I am still in Wienie World, but doing better. no more constant pain, but I can't push it or it says "I'm here." :-mad

Cher Step
Firm Complete
Charlene Prickett next Step
Precision Yoga
Voight Weights
Kathy Smith Step (then discarded this one)
CF CST, and BBA --a little much, but I needed it.
Trevor: You're TOO funny! I think EVERY man should try dancing in high heels at least once in his life!!!

And I can't even IMAGINE attempting IMAX during a hangover....THAT sounds like true torture!!!


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