Check-In for June3rd.!


Where in the world did May go??? Hi everyone. Hope you don't mind me getting this started. Hope no one else is posting at the same time. I need to get moving to get ready for church & then we are headed up to Cleveland to visit Julie & Scott for the day. Hmmmm, maybe, we will just stay if she decides to have that baby 3 days early!! Okay, enough babble. Here's my week:

MONDAY~No class because of Memorial Day sooo I jogged 4 laps (1 Mile?) around our pond, 32 Step-ups and downs on each leg and NO, they are not getting easier! You should hear me pant! or is that GASP??? Mindy's Extreme Intervals and Pump Party

TUESDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class with toning, PS-C,S&T (included my push-ups for the day, Cinza & Ruth!)

WEDNESDAY~Jogged 5 laps around pond (1 1/4 miles), PS-B,B&Abs, love that lower back work at the end, 32 step-ups & downs each leg, Power Circuit(Cardio sections only, I FF thru the weight sections, very easy & FAST to do with a DVD!!!), I was surprised how great a workout it was w/o the weight sections, added on the CK power drills to go out with a bang!:-wow

THURSDAY~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with lt. toning, Abs, and my push-ups for the day

FRIDAY~LeanerLegs, meant to do PS-LEGS but didn't realize I was using the wrond DVD til after I got started. Duuuuh! Oh well, it hurt soooo good!, (LL includes Step-ups, so I just added extra step-ups & downs to get my 32 in.

SATURDAY~BodyMax! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this tape. I went heavier with my weights and it felt so good!


I can't wait for the new tapes. The photo Cathe posted is GREAT! Everyone looks so good. Doesn't Lisa look awesome (along with everyone else of course!) I can't wait to try the "Slow& Heavy". From what I hear, it's REAL slow and REAL heavy!! Bring it on Cathe. We're always ready for a new challenge. Have a super week all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi Debbie great week!! Hope you get your wish on the extended stay!! Hey, how's that Interval and Pump Party video?? I've been thinking about getting it, or maybe Slamming Sports cardio. What do you think?
Well, week 2 is down for this Max rotation and I am starting to notice results. How'd it go for you Lynn?? We've both agreed that that you get a nice tight sore feeling with this rotation. Ok, here's my week!


TUES: BodyMax and Yoga with Ateeka

WED: started with PowerMax, but elec. went out and I had to leave. By the time I got home (9:00p.m.)I was pooped! So I did StepJam. First time doing this tape, and while I didn't find it physically challenging, I had a ball with it!! So much fun!!

THURS: CircutMax with the squats, deadlifts, stepups, and calves, and abs from Leaner Legs thrown in.

FRI: PowerMax finally!!


SUN: REST!!! Ok, a little yoga:)!

Alrighty everyone, June is here and I can't wait for sumer!! The only problem is, is that every morning it's like in the 40's here!! Where's our 80 degree weather?? I want it back!! Ok, have a great week everybody!!

Second week of Lower Body Solution, and I think my stamina is improving overall, even with cardio. I did four days of leg work. I just got more Firm tapes and will work them in.

Saturday: race walked 45 minutes and did intervals up and down the steps of the McKinley Monument. It took me 44 seconds to get to the top. For anyone who hasn't been there, there are guzzillion steps and they are almost straight up.

Sunday: Meaner Legs

Monday: CTX Kickbox, mowed a yard and did the weight work from Bodymax

Tues: Bodymax...I think THAT one is the tougest Cathe tape!

Wed. Rest

Thurs: Standing Legs and the HiLo portion of MIC

Friday: Imax and Upper Body Weight work from MIS. My stamina is so much better that the next time I do Imax I'll raise my step from 6" to 8". I actually felt I didn't work hard enough!

Sat. Race walked 45 minutes in a mall in Butler PA, and did Cybex leg work at the Y there.

Next week will be cool here, but that's good walking weather, so it doesn't bother me.

Pigged out on Sweet Escapes candy, Little Debbie Marshmallow cookies, AND a Brownie Earthquake sundae from Dairy Queen. I love my pig out day!:9:9:9:9:9:9
Hey everyone!

I am finally getting back in my routine after vacation. I felt good during my workouts this week!

MONDAY: Cardio Party (step)

TUESDAY: MIS and yard work

WEDNESDAY: Urban Training


FRIDAY: Intense Moves That was fun!!! I haven't done this one in a long time and I really enjoyed it.

SATURDAY: Worked with my flowers and pulled weeds. I really hate pulling weeds.

Well gotta get ready for church. Have a great week!

Hi girls :) (and Trevor, of course!)

I had the week off (and this coming week too!), and I thought I'd go all out with my workouts, but it didn't really happen. It was an ok week...

MONDAY: rest (tons of price comaparison work to do to order new stuff for the preschool where I work)

TUESDAY: KS KB / TWV circuit (specially designed by me :) )+ CK arm drills
PS deadlifts, calfraises, floor work, GWW quads

WENESDAY: BMAX step (without the step) + PMAX cd and stretch + ABS from PSLA

THURSDAY: rest (hand washed the car)

FRIDAY: Intense Moves plus 90+ min full body including:
PSSLA(hams, calves, and floor), LL(deadlifts and calves), GWW (quads 2X each leg), Energy Sprint upper, TWV upper, both with heavier weights :) (and I substitute barbell rows and tripe barbell rows for the one armed rows for back)

SATURDAY: MIC step (still without the step), but I did the impact in those 3 intervals at the end

SUNDAY: another full body, with LL step ups added

I am using my space well, adding in alot of overhead arm movements, and I'm getting my heart rate really up there, even without the impact. It is a whole new ballgame, now that I am not fretting over the fact that I can't do the impact. You really can work it hard with low impact--I just need a good substitute for jacks and I'll be a happy camper :)

Also, even though my weight workouts seem light, I am feeling them so much more than I ever did when I was going heavier. I can't wait for Power Hour!! I think it is going to be perfect for me :)

Have a great week!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-01 AT 12:47PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks for getting us started. I hope your daughter has an easy time with her first experience giving birth and the baby is healthy. June 3 is a great day for a birthday too. Let me just say I am celebrating four decades of being one of God's happy children today. Had a great evening last night celebrating mass, dinner, and a game of "cranium" with friends from church. Today the kids are treating me with extra good behavior (hehehe) and time to relax.

Debbie, great week!! I get tired just reading everything.

Amy is right about the rotation giving a good sore. Great week Amy and she still worked out after a power outage. That's dedication.

HB another one of your awesome weeks. :) I remember doing stairs in high school for track and I have had no desire to do them again. So did you feel like "Rocky" when you were finished?

Does anyone know a way to look at the other posts while composing a message. I always seem to miss someone when I am typing and am to chicken to hit the back button and lose everything. I think I will go to each individual post and reply.

Sorry if I missed someone. I am having a senior moment

Well, finished the second week of the "Max" rotation and felt great. Here was my week:

Mon - Bodymax
Tues.- Interval Max with abs from a CTX tape
Wed.- MIS
Thurs. - Cardio Kicks with plank and abs from Kickbox
Friday - Circuit Max with squats,lunges,calves, and abs from LL
Saturday - MIC and 8 minutes of abs on nordic trac abworks machine
Sunday - Yoga boy did it feel good on the muscles

You are all right, the crew looks great and making 5 videos in two days :-wow How do they do it?

Have a great week everyone !!

Lynn W
Way to go Wendy. I think your week looks great. :)I am really a high impact lover so I don't know any low moves for jacks. I bet someone out there will have a solution for you.

Can you do any walking? I love to walk in the nice weather and really can get a good pace going to get the HR up.

Have a good week off of work and enjoy your workouts.

Lynn W

I love Cranium! Isn't that a fun game!!! I'm a pretty good hummer/whistler, and I love to draw, so those are my favorite catagories. Hope you have a great day and a great 41st year on this lovely planet!

As for walking, I think it would probably be ok, and a good cross training option, but ....

the average summer temperature here in Scottsdale is 105 degrees, so....

I'm keeping the workouts inside for the next few months!!

Thanks, Lynn!

Wow, everyone's week's worth of workouts looked REALLY GOOD!

Debbie: Damn, girl, you did Leaner Legs one day and then Body Max the next??? I am extremely impressed!

Aimee: We must live in the same area as it's been in the 40's every morning this week so far! What a drag....

Well, my husband finally hooked up my new DVD player this week and all I have are 3 words ..... I LOVE IT!!! I've been mixing and matching those CTX DVD's like a crazy woman! It is sooo much easier than rewinding and fast-forwarding and/or popping in new tapes all the time....Mere words cannot express my excitement over this lovely invention!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Okay, enough gushing over my new piece of machinery. My week:

Monday: Hubby wanted us to work out together so we went to the gym. 40 minutes bike, then leg work.

Tuesday: PS Chest/PS Shoulders/All Step Cardio

Wednesday: CTX Back/CTX Triceps/Abs (overslept again!)

Thursday: IBS acting up...took a rest day.

Friday: CTX Back/CTX Chest/CTX Shoulders/Abs/CTX Step & Intervals

Saturday: Went to the Blue Angels air show so did ALOT of walking. Ended up getting a sunburn too (my hubby keeps calling me Rudolph...I'm sure you can guess why!)

Sunday: PS SLA (it's been a LONG time since I did this tape...forgot how much I loved it!)

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wow! Everyone is working so hard!

My week:

Mon. 30 min. run/walk...had a faster pace and felt real strong :)

Tue. Great Weighted Workout

Wed. Exreme Intervals

Thu. rest

Fri. BodyMax upper body only, also wanted to run but no time. Had to go see my bro graduate from the police academy.

Sat. Step Jam, also wanted to do SLA but yet again, no time. It was my son's last t-ball game. Whacked one right into his coaches gut!

I wish you all wonderful weather and a great week!

Well, Almost 100%

DebH, you are great. Aimee: Ilove BOTH Mindy tapes Slammin' Sports and Extreme Intervals. It's a "pick'em." HB: Agree that Body Max is my FAVORITE BUSTING TAPE OF ALL TIME. Wendy: the only substitute I can think of for jacks would be High Knees--and i have been the Low Impact Queen for 3 weeks.

I am almost back to normal, except still no Pilates:

Precision Yoga
Voight Smooth Moves
Firm Complete
Jane Low Impact--immediately discarded after
Reebok Step
Kathy Smith Yoga Challenge--my fave
Kathy Smith Great Buns and Thighs
Super Callenetics
Wedding Cardio
Wedding Weights
Charlene prickett Major Step

Still too darn cold here in Chicago. It is TERRIBLE to still be wearing SWEATSHIRTS IN JUNE!!! Also, I rode Echo today.
Hi Kids!

Hello Everyone!!!

Sorry weekends are my busiest times. Been thru a whirl of 2 weeks but am back strong...hopefully.

SUN. Nothing
MON. Yoga...Brian Kest
TUES. Cardio Kicks
WENS. Yoga...Brian Kest
THURS. Leaner Legs
FRI. Power Max
SAT. Ran 2 miles.

To me this looks like a weenie workout BUT...I posted it and want to be accountable!!

You folks are the best!!!
I'm soooo...

...HAPPY you are making a comeback!! :-jumpy!! The news that you were able to ride Echo is exciting too!! Boy, Murph, I am with you on this cold weather for us Easteners! It's the pits! What happened to sunshine in June? Take it easy with your workouts. You're ALMOST there!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey Laura!

"Weinie-Workouts" do NOT include PowerMax & LeanerLegs! Keep up the good work!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Thanks Rudolph-I MEAN, Terri!

I am off on Friday's & Saturday's so I like to give it my ALL!!! I love both of those tapes, so they just fly by when I do them. We are planning to take my in-laws to the Air Show to see the Blue Angels. I THINK they are coming to Cleveland this Summer! Have a great week yourself!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Wow Aimee!

What a "MAX" week for you! Whew!! I like Extreme Intervals but I'm still not sure about Pump Party. It seems to be lacking something when I do it?? I love Mindy and her enthusiasm but just feel like PP is not complete. Not to say, that you wouldn't like it. (The leg sections are good) I have only done Slammin' Sports one time (a long time ago so I can't remember). Sorry, I've been NO help! HB, I think has done it a few times and if I remember right, she likes it. HB, you out there??? Great week 4 U, Aimee!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Oh My Gosh!

HB~You ran the steps of McKinley Monument in 44 seconds!!!:-tired I am talking straight UP! I am totally impressed. You should feel like Rocky! Hmmm, we may have to meet for a run up them together!! (When I don't have to go anywhere AFTER, cause we are talking looking like a drenched rat afterwards!!! ) Yum-Pig-Out day sounded like a good one!:9

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi Wendy!

My students always use single heels out to replace jax. The knees up would work also. I'm so glad your workouts are fulfilling for you. I agree~bringing the level down can really make you concentrate more on effectiveness and form. Keep it up!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey Lynn!

[marquee]HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a SPECIAL PERSON!![/marquee]

Sorry, we didn't have a birth on your special day. You ARE a Special child of God!! Super week for you!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"

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