Check in 9/3/2000

great birthday gift!

Mine was also a birthday gift from my husband (several bd's ago). I'm using it more often, while still trying to gather info on how best to train when mixing cardio activities (like you do). I'm trying to make sure that my cardio work isn't all the same intensity. I do an interval workout, a fast but short workout, some slower endurance work. My spinning instructor is adamant about scheduling one active recovery session, where you keep your heart rate below 60%. This is in addition to a rest day. I see you didn't have any rest days, but you can claim the new Cathe video exemption!

Most fitness gurus are saying don't worry about what fuel you're using during your workout (fat vs carbs), just burn more calories. The body will use its fat stores as long as you're consuming less than you're burning.

Like I wrote, I'm still learning about HRM training. If anyone else has some ideas, please share.
no report on the paper route?

I'm not sure it counts as a rest day!
New routine! And I need a routine.

Definitely swimming in the wrong direction, but I started a PS rotation this week along with Pilates mat classes. I'm going to have to tweak a little, what I want to do is probably a lot more than I should do.

Monday: PS BB&A (legs fatigued from prior days ride so no cardio)
Tuesday: Trot 30 minutes w/ dogs; Pilates mat class; PS CS&T
Wednesday: Legs! Spin; PS L&Abs
Thursday: Pilates mat class
Friday: Trot 30 minutes w/ dogs; BodyMax upper body & abs
Saturday: Hike 10 miles w/ hubby & dogs. (Great conditioning - 2000' of climb in 5 miles. Almost got plastered by a descending mtn biker & then his buddy 5 minutes later. They're the exception, but their irresponsibility can sure foster some hostility).
Sunday: Cycle 45 hilly miles w/ hubby; a recovery nap, then stretching are pretty appealing right now.

Previewed Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max this weekend, but my legs are too fatigued to jump in yet. The workouts & crew look awesome. I'd like to commend those of you who issued a needed scolding this week & for protecting the supportive, positive atmosphere we have here. You are a great group!

Have a healthy & happy week everyone!
long season ahead!!!

Hi Wendy!!
I'm afraid it's gonna be a long football season for Steelers and Nittany Lions fans. I'm totally upset by the Steeler effort today. Im from Maryland so I get to listen to everyone saying how great the Ravens are! Oh well......more reason to workout instead of watch football.

hey debra!!

Yur right..........I should count that shouldnt I!!
Oh Im quite the sight out there with the papers, believe me! At least I havent killed anyone with a stray throw yet.

Hello everyone

Tried to post this morning but somehow pushed the wrong button and deleted everything. Don't you just love that.

It seems like you guys had a great week. I was sort of unmotivated. I was waiting for the new videos and couldn't get myself to do something else. Fortunately they arrive on Wednesday (YIPEEH!!) and I was jumping up and down at my front porch (does that count as cardio!?).

So, here is my week:

Mo Keli Roberts Steps (am)
Run dogs - 30 min (pm)

Tu Nada - just bitching that I still don't have
my new videos (can you tell patience is not
one of my virtues)

Wed Jumping for 5 min (videos arrive) and getting
my heart rate elevated just watching them

Thu CTX 10-10-10 (great workout - love it)

Fri CTX Kickbox (now that was a lot of fun, also
love the music)

Sa CTX Step & Intervalls

Sun Run/walk dogs 45 min (I had to drag my dogs
behind me, they thought 30 min was enough -
boy, are they out of shape, but then again
they don't have Cathe tapes, right?)
CTX Meaner legs (love that expression - hits
the nail right on the head), my legs were
trembling so bad, I had a hard time
stretching. I hate to think about how I will
feel tomorrow.

Hope everyone will have a great holiday tomorrow! I'll try not to pig out too much. I just lost 3 pounds this week (YES!!! Only 45 more to go, haha).

Oh by the way, does any of you guys know which barbell Cathe uses? I think I need to buy one, have been using a bodybar so far.

Have a great week everyone !!!!

Winding Down

School starts, I'm tired, been a LONG day. But, I am here to post the check in and CARRY ON!!!!
Everyone is doing a fine job....

Aimee: Ice-cream is one of my red-light foods. Every ice-cream container is a SINGLE serving, doesn't matter if it's 16 oz. or 1/2 gallon!

Kristin: I think you will be sooooooo pleased with the new DVD's and trust me, all us VHS tape owners will be envious of YOU GUYS!!!
There are just soooooo many ways to mix n match these tapes. My theory? I'll wait till I destroy my tapes from rewinding, pre-cueing, fast forwarding, etc.... THEN buy the DVD and get them all on DVD!!! LOL
Good luck with the race and I still shudder when I hear you mention RUN. You be careful girl!

Tania, Sarah and Gretchen: Welcome back from vacation. New time, new season, new month, new tapes.... NEW GOALS. Go get 'em ladies.... Wahhhhhhhhooooooo

NanC: What can I say?? You ALWAYS bring a smile to my face! You brighten my day/night etc. Even when you're sending me subliminal kickboxing messages.....

Welcome Christina!!! I'll skip your mid-week workout also. NO THANX.... Hope all turns out ok.

And Welcome to Wendy2! I've read and enjoyed your posts throughout the forum....Important thing: Be yourself, do your own thing and compete ONLY with YOURSELF..... But share any combos, we're ALWAYS interested in doing our tapes in different ways.

Erica: Happy Birthday !!!! Go Erica.....

Trevor: I'm not a sportsfan ....

Ok, I'm done -- and I'm tired! tee-hee.

Mon: Rest day (yep -- cuz we all need 'em!)

Tues: CTX All Step
It's Time To Move, It's Time to Groove (Andre Houle)

Wed: CTX PowerCircuit
ITTM, ITTG (Andre)

Thurs: Step Class (favorite-est instructor)
Flexibility class

Fri: Cardio Kicks -- Gotta tell ya... I think NanC was right there on my screen cheering me on! I'm sure of it, cuz I don't know if I would have enjoyed it so much or gotten as much out of it if I had thought I was doing it ALONE!

Millenium Stretch -- only we got spiked with lightening during this tape and I must admit, Scott Cole looked pretty interesting, totally BLUE BODIED and a GREEN STICKY MAT.....

Sat: 1st part of hi/lo heaven -- to get happy
Leaner Legs -- Lowered the weights a tad bit and it was AWESOME. Unlike just about everyone I've read about.. I still HATE the sit n stands. Hate, hate, hate them. Luckily, my favorite-est instructor at the gym has already been doing the down halfway ups with us... so they actually are not hard for me... (kinda enjoyable?? Don't shoot me...Ok, enjoyable with 35 lbs., they weren't quite as fun with 45 lbs. -- That's why I lowered it......LOL!!!!!)
CTX Kickbox -- This time NanC was RIGHT NEXT TO ME IN MY DEN.. (ok, ok, so it MIGHT have been in my over-active imagination -- .... ).... I did enjoy this tape..... ALOT.....

Sun.: Rest day (Ok, if you can count moving a kid into his dorm, thank heavens for muscles... and walking a gazillion miles... and running in torrential downpours....Certainly NOT my ordinary rest day)..

Never brief, am I?? Oh well.... Thanx for listening..... you can't imagine how good it felt to write this out tonight.... sometimes we all need that little, private world to "sneak away" to .... mine happens to be the "Cathe forum" on Sundays to POST my workouts....


Have a great week everyone....
you love love... love kickboxing

Could you imagine if Andre came out with a kickbox tape???! LOL

Wow Kristin

It looks like you are back in the ball game! Your week was exhausting! Your hip is healing well?

Love the T-shirt!

Let us know how you did in the race!
Hi Sarah

I just read an article in a magazine called Personal Fitness Professional about PF. Sorry to say it does take time to heal.

One of the form of therapies they recommended to decrease pain and inflammation was massage. Try using a ball, (golf, baseball, tennis) or rolling pin under your foot. Or freeze a water bottle or golf ball and roll your foot on that. I think Cathe mentioned before to freeze a soda can.

Also do stretching exercises like standing on a slant board or letting your heels hang over the step. To isolate the plantar fascia, sit on the floor and extend your leg out in front. Pull toes toward you. Stretching exercises should be pain free or you could aggravate it even more.

Some stregthening exercises to prevent it from occuring again are towel gathering - where you place a towel on the floor and place your heel on the edge of the towel. Then use the toes to gather the towel toward you. Another is to pick up marbles with the toes and then placing back on floor. These exercises are repeated until the foot is fatigued.

The article recommends this as a return to normal activity: painfree walking, then jogging, then running to jumping/hi-impact activities . The process is slow and gradual. Too much too soon could make it return very quickly.

The article was written by Jeff Oliphant, MS ATC. He is the head athletic trainer at the Univ. of Wisconsin. You can reach him at [email protected]

Baby that foot for awhhile!

My CTX week

It looks like everyone had fun this week with the new tapes! I did, but was it more like torture?
Definitely had to swallow my pride and reduce my weight to do the exercises correctly!

Mon: Step and Intervals/Chest : did the step part OK but those staggered pushups #*# are a challenge

Tues: Kickbox/biceps : fun, fun fun and easy to follow. Those back punches are awkward the first time around. Core stability literally knocked me down. Cathe and crew how do you make it look so easy? You guys are so STRONG!

Wed: rest. Arms very sore from punches.

Thurs: rest. Still sore

Fri: Leaner Legs: Lower than half way made my legs shake but wo went so fast. I really like this. Also like the abs in this too. Lots of variety! Spent rest of day at Six Flags Great Adventure :-0

Sat: sore! esp in inner thighs. Probably from Leaner Legs and holding down my 36lb daughter in the log flume! Terrified she is going to fly right out !

Sun rest and picnic. Gearing up for a new rotation come Monday!

Have a great week everyone!
Joyce, you're an angel!

Hi Joyce!
Thanks for the info. I'm going to print that out. You really took some time to help me and I sure appreicate it. Some of those I have tried, but some I haven't.
It came at the perfect time, too. I had quite a setback last night. I thought I was getting beter but last night and this morning the pain was so bad I could barely walk.
So I've been having a pity party all day, but you've really changed my attitude! Thanks so much!
Lovin’ the new tapes!

Everyone seems to have had a great week! Here's my first week oft he new tapes:

Cathe CTX 4 - All Step

CTX 1 - Step & Intervals
CTX 6 - Leaner Legs

CTX 2 - Kickbox

CTX 3 - 10 10 10

CTX 5 - Power Circuit


Mountain biking until it rained
(But the worst part was then we went camping and it continues to rained!)
Hi Sarah!

I had a very minor foot surgery last week and haven't been able to exercise since Monday 8-28 and looks like it'll be another full week at least. So, may I join your pity party? It really puts me in a bad mood when I can't exercise. I'm gonna start doing some upper body weights this week, but it's the cardio workouts that lift my spirits. Hope you feel better soon!

The prep is the worst part! I had about 15 colonoscopies (I have Crohn's disease) and part of my reasoning behind having my colon removed (besides being deathly ill) was to not have to go through those scopes anymore.

Glad to see you slept off the drugs and are back to hanging out with our friend Cathe.

LATE Check-In!!

Hey, Everyone! Sooo good to be back from our trip to Chicago and being able to catch up with you all. It's taken me all morning to read all your posts! Sounds like you all are working hard and lovin' those new tapes. Hang in there those of you with sickness and injuries. We're here to cheer you on anytime you need us.
I had a VERY strange w/o week as you'll see, but I did KEEP moving! Here goes:

Monday~BodyMax! I'll never grow tired of this tapes. Whips me everytime! Practiced routines for my new Hi/Lo session that starts next Monday.

Tuesday~PowerMax, this is a super fun tape. I know, I know, you guys are wondering why I'm raving about the oldies??!! Well, I ordered DVD's, but as you'll see in tomorrow's post, it gets better!!! Practiced my routines again.

Wednesday~CARDIOKICKS!!! HoneyBunch was so nice to offer the use of CK and CircuitMax to me for a couple of weeks while she tackled the 6-Pack!! Thank-You HB!! Would love to have your bean bake recipe! Ck was awesome. I'll tell you what, my arms and shoulders and back hurt for 3 days from all that punching. (Not to mention the butt-cheeks from all those kicks!)

Thursday~CircuitMax!!! (Another loan from HB!) I love, love, loved this tape! Boy, oh boy, was I ever a wet noodle when I finished it. It hurts so good.

Friday~CircuitMax AGAIN!!! I know, one is NOT SUPPOSE to do an interval tape 2 days a in a row, but I was leaving this afternoon to go to Chicago for the holiday weekend and knew I would not be doing ANY vids for 3 days and I wanted to get strength & cardio in, sooooooo I opted for CM again since it was so fun. My poor hubby, daughter and her husband had to listen to me whine all weekend from being so sore. I promise to put a couple days in between this tape next time!

Saturday~Walked, walked and WALKED all day up and down the Magnificent Mile!! We shopped til we dropped. We stayed right on the M-Mile, so we were right in the middle of all the action. Had a great day! ATE entirely too much!!(Sure miss my vids!)

Sunday~We biked 14 miles! Great bike trails along the water. Tons of people everywhere. I was just starting to get over the sore "butt-cheek" syndrome. Biking sure is not the thing to do to get over it!!
We went on a sailing tour for 1 1/2 hours on a tall ship , "Windy"! What fun & how beautiful to see the city from the ship at nighttime. We also got to see a fireworks display from the ship which finished the night off perfect. Did a bit more shopping during the day. These feet got a w/o in for the week, no doubt.

Monday!! Day of rest! We toured a bit more then headed home for the 5 1/2 drive ahead of us. Whew, I was worn out. All in all, it was a great week. So good to hear about your week everyone. Looking forward to receiving my DVD's hopefully, soon!


The prep was horrible! I have ulcerative colitis but this was the first time I've had the scope done. I couldn't believe how vile that Colyte stuff tasted. I was crying and getting sick trying to get it down. Fortunately, I didn't have to drink too much of it for it to work. I guess that is the one advantage of having an IBD. I can't imagine a person with a normal colon having to drink ALL of that stuff!

CTX week, plus 2 previous weeks!

Oh, you lucky people. 3 weeks' worth of my workouts, what more could you ask for? Ok, I promise to keep it short and sweet.

August 13-19
Sunday: Intense Moves (needed an interval wo, but just couldn't DO IMax again!)

Monday: 20 min. run/walk on treadmill MIS good workout!

Tuesday: REST!!!

Wednesday: 20 min run/walk on treadmill (upped my top speed to 6.0 mph, yeehaw!) PS BBA

Thursday: Stepworks WU and sec 1 PS CST

Friday: Aerojump for 15 min. (just kept rewinding that first and second sections) PS SLA upped my weight to 60lbs!!!

Saturday: 9905 Hi/Lo w/ Franny she's so fun! Flew to UTAH!!!!

August 20-26
Sunday: First day in Utah, hiked 6 miles total to Lower Red Pine Lake (didn't realize there was an 'Upper" lake til we got back, darn!) 2000 ft. elevation gain. We got a little giddy there near the top!

Monday: 1 hour spin class and climbed the resort's 120 foot rock wall. Yeow! My forearms were on fire!

Tuesday: Hiked 8 miles total just short of White Pine Lake. Didn't have the time to go all the way. 2000 ft. elevation gain. Coming down was H##L on the knees!

Wednesday: 6 am 1 hour spin class (my sister's idea, but glad I went!) 2 hours uphill mountain biking. I just discovered why I like Michigan so much, lots of flat land!

Thursday: Nada, flight home, I miss my DH and kiddies!

Friday: Guess who's tapes came on my first day back? Yes, it's good to be home. Just did the drooling over the vid covers workout today.

Saturday: Step and Intervals!!! I just love new tapes!!!

Current week (the end is in sight!)-
Sunday: Rest!

Monday: CTX Kickbox- really felt those biceps

Tuesday: CTX 10-10-10 can you say shaking triceps?

Wednesday: CTX All Step, very fun!

Thursday: CTX Power Circuit, love those deadlifts for the back, really isolates it!

Friday: CTX Leaner Legs And I thought my triceps shook!!! Anyone else get their calves on fire from the static lunges from you-know-where?

Saturday: My butt hurts! whine workout.

I had relatively little trouble with the choreography on the new tapes (unbelievable to those who know what a klutz I am) but I'll wait til I have it down pat to rate the intensity (cardio, that is) on these new tapes. I NEVER get a good workout my first couple of times through a new tape, let alone 6 of them. I think I'll hold off on Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max and just do a CTX rotation for the next 3 weeks and then alternate the series with the other 2 new ones and throw in a mix of other weight tapes and cardio.

Welcome back to all that were away, godspeed to all that are under the weather and injured, and everyone... keep up the great work(outs)!!!!

Elizabeth Kelly
preggers check-in

Joyce and DebbieH-I know what you mean about sore arms from Cathe's kickboxing!

JennC-We went camping last weekend and were SO happy to see rain after our summer drought. We'll take your rain!

Got my tapes Thursday!

Fri. CTX All Step and shoulders

Sat. CTX Power Circuit and back

Did lots of modifying for my preg bod, but Cathe makes that fun and easy! The baby likes Cathe too! While previewing other tapes the baby was movin' and groovin' in there! Now, gotta get some shorts that fit


...on modifying Andrea! You're doing great. That baby of your is going to come out "kicking & punching"!!


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