Check-in 6-30-01


It's hard to believe another week has passed by. My husband was off all this week and while it was hard to fit in workouts around this different schedule I really enjoyed him being home. I really enjoyed my workouts but that could have something to do with the fact that my Christi tapes came in.

MONDAY: Stepping Zone

TUESDAY: Washed Car and did the first section of Still Stepping.

WEDNESDAY: Walked over our property for a couple of hours (hills and woods) and cut grass

THURSDAY: Still Stepping. FUN!!

FRIDAY: Still Jumping. FUN!!!

SATURDAY: MIS My husband actually joined me on this one and has a new appreciation for my workout abilities. :) Hopefully I can encourage him to join me more often.

I hope everyone else has had a great week.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-01 AT 05:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kelly. Yeah, it is weird when the man of the house is around when you're not used to it--but so cool that he did MIS with you!

How modifiable are Christi's tapes to low impact? I have been putting off getting her tapes for so long, but I am so tempted!

Here is my week--not a great one...

MONDAY: PS BBA (but no bis--making up for no back work on Sunday)


WEDNESDAY: 2K01 Step and Strike, circuited with M. Richard's Sculpture and TWV upper body + CK leg and arm drills, cooldown, and stretch

THURSDAY: Pmax warmup +BMax circuit section + Leaner Legs + abs

FRIDAY: rest (huge mailing to do for work)

SATURDAY: SNI warmup and step section +AllStep step and intervals section + CK cooldown and stretch, + Cmax pushups, planks, and stretch

SUNDAY: I will do a full body strength and 45 minutes of cardio

I guess it wasn't that bad of a week, but I've been trying to get 3 full body workouts in a week, and its only going to be 2 this week. oh well.

I've been doing better with my eating, and am feeling good. Knee is feeling good too! :)

Have a great week, all of you!
Hi Guys!! Kelly, I've been trying to get my DH to do that with me, still no luck. Too Cool your's did! Wendy, Get job improving your eating and that your knee is feeling better! Well, this was the last week of my Max rotation. I'm kinda' sorry to see it come to an end, but relieved too. How'd you do Lynn? Next week I start a modified CTX. An hour of cardio with just the strength portions of CTX. One a day. Ok, here's my last week for MAX.

MON: IMAX and yoga

TUES: BodayMax and Yoga

WED: Cardio Kicks and yoga

THURS: CircuitMax with step ups and deadlifts and abs and yoga

FRI: PowerMax and yoga

SAT: MIS and walked for 30min.

SUN: Try to fit in some yoga. It is my daughter's 13th B-Day. Slumber party on Sat. night, family party on Sun.

Have a good one everybody! Enjoy your INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!!!!

Hi Kelly,
How great that you got your hubby to do MIS with you! My Eric would faint if I even suggested it.
I can never stick to any kind of a schedule when he's around the house though!
Hi Wendy,
Sounds like you had a great week to me! Keep up the good work!
Hi everybody! Hope you're all doing well.
I had a terrible week & I'm not even going to post the pitiful efforts I made. A lot of tragedy going on this week in my friends' lives, spent a lot of time talking with them. Now I need to start up again (tonight!) to bring my endorphins back up.
It's so easy to slide into depression if not careful!
Nana, how goes it with the new little family? I'll bet Kennedy has grown so much we would hardly recognize her! Any new pictures in the offing?? (hint hint!)
Have a great week everyone,
Ruth :)
Hi Aimee,
You posted while I was typing - didn't want you to think I ignored you! Sounds like you did a great job with a truly challenging rotation. You go girl!
Glad you reminded me:
[marquee]HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYONE!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy[/marquee]
Hey Wendy,

I think Christi's would be modifiable but they don't seem to have that much impact anyway. You have the exercisers in the back doing less impact and fewer turns so that would help you right there. My knees "occasionally" bother me and I did not notice any discomfort with these tapes. They are so much fun that it really does not seem like a workout at all. I did work up a good sweat though. I say go for it and have fun!!!

RE: it has been a heck of a rotation

It was a pretty good week for the last official one for this rotation. :-jumpy I got a lot of the hard ( I mean harder ones ) in this week with our hectic schedule. We are leaving for vacation Thursday so I plan on doing a few of the same tapes until we leave and start a new rotation when we return. I think my feet and ankles need a break from all the max intensity though. They are feeling pretty sore the last week or so. :-(

It has been fun keeping in touch while doing the rotation. I certainly would like to keep it up.

I have not checked in for the last couple of weeks. It seems baseball and softball and all the kids summer camps have kept us on our toes so the computer is the first to be put on the sidelines.

My Max rotation is almost complete. This was the sixth week and my body says it needs a break soon. I will officially conclude it when we leave for our family vacation on Thursday, July 5 th.

I have seen about a 3% reduction of by body fat % but not any weight loss I was hoping for. Maybe that will be the next rotation.

Here was my week:

Monday - Nothing just unpacking and cleaning up from a weekend out of town at a baseball tournament.
Tuesday - Body Max
Wednesday - Round of golf ( 18 holes) - walked and carried clubs
Thursday - MIS
Friday - IMAX
Saturday - Circuit Max with planks and abs from CTX Power Circuit.
Sunday - Maybe some Yoga or Kari A's Angles/Liones/Curves

I won't be around for a couple of weeks. I hope everyone has a safe and fun July 4th celebration.

Good week for I get a week off! It was a 6 week learning experience w/ Lower Body Solution, and I think it's working. I needed that extra inner and outer thigh work. I just need to plan VERY carefully to work it in with adequate cardio. This week I also charted my eating very carefully with the help of some good books that chart nearly every known food product and restaurant item. I'll be anxious to see where I am at the end of the next 6 week session.

Sunday: Rest

Monday: MIS

Tues: Imax AM, PS Legs floorwork PM

Wed. Walk outside, lots of hills 5.5 mph for 45 min.

Thur. Stepfit

Fri. day off from work, so lots of time to work out. Taebo Advanced (Blue Box from QVC set....I think this his best tape), and Firm Sculpted Hips, Bottom and Thighs. Then my own Back and Biceps workout plus abs

Sat. Walked outside 45 minutes. 6:00 am and it was warm and humid already! Later did Cory's standing leg tape and my own chest, shoulders and triceps workout.

I then went to a church picnic and went in a dunk tank! That was an experience I don't know that I will ever repeat! I got dunked at LEAST 6 times. BUT, I had the guts to appear in public in a bathing suit, and didn't feel too bad about it after my 6 weeks on the LBS program.

I made a dessert that I will post later that was the hit of the picnic. I was looking for something fast and easy, and found this old chestnut from a "Brand Name" cookbook. "Magic Cookie Bars." I'll grab the recipe and post it now, it's so easy.
Everybody's weeks looked pretty good (Kelly, that's so great that you got your husband to do MIS with you!)...

As for me, I have to admit that since starting to do yoga I've noticed that my stomach is flatter! Now, what's up with that??? Hey, I'm not unhappy about it or anything...I'm just curious as to why that is! Anyway, I'm trying to get to a point where I do yoga 2-3 times a week but it's really tough when I *LOVE* both cardio and strength so much....Just not enough hours in a week... week:

Monday: Nothing

Tuesday: Karen Voight Great Weighted Workout/Crunch Joy of Yoga

Wednesday: MIS - All upper body + ab work

Thursday: All cardio day -- All Step cardio/Step & Intervals/Ab work

Friday: PS Chest/CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps/CTX Biceps/Abs

Saturday: Cardio Day -- 35 minutes stairmaster/7 minutes bike (Was supposed to do 15 minutes on the bike but had really pushed myself with some intense intervals on the stairmaster...)

Sunday: Haven't decided yet. Haven't done legs yet this week, but I'm not in the mood today for legs. I'm kind of thinking either Circuit Max or maybe just a long yoga tape. Of course, if I sit here playing in front of the computer any longer, I'll end up doing NOTHING!!!

Have a good week, everyone!

RE: it has been a heck of a rotation

I would love it Lynn! Thanks for asking. It was fun emailing each other! BTW, that 3% bodyfat reduction is great!! I lost about 2%. That ok though. I'll get there:)!

Hi! Here was my week:

Monday: PS Legs AM; 1/2 hour walk PM

Tuesday: Step Works AM; 1/2 hour walk PM

Wednesday: Step Challenge; PS Shoulders, Triceps & Chest AM

Thursday: Tae Bo Basic AM

Friday: walk 1 mile & run 1 mile (Spotty [my boyfriend's puppy] beat me bad on the run); my own back, biceps & abs workout AM

Saturday: rest

Sunday: walk 1.5 miles; run 1.25 miles (Spotty beat me again)

I am going to try to do more weight work this week to hit each body group twice, instead of only once! Also, I think I need to go with Honeybunch's tactic and start writing down what I eat--I get so bored studying that I find myself over-munching!

Have a nice week everyone!
Comin' Down the Home Stretch

Hey Folks!

Well, the AidsRide is 2 weeks from Thurs. (Day Zero -- Checkin Day is Wed.). I am coming down the home stretch in training and if I'm not ready now, I NEVER will be! :)

Debra: I broke down and bought a pair of long cycling pants (with padding)! I figured after 1600 miles, my butt deserved it. No sense tempting fate for 4 days of riding in a row. They are much more comfortable then the leggins'! So, I think it's a good thing. I have done two rides in them (one in 92 degree, hazy, hot & humid weather -- and one in HHH weather combined with thunder and a DOWNPOUR.... I HATE when that happens!)...

I'm getting very excited (and slightly nervous also), but can't wait. I am getting the eating/drinking down pat for the time and almost have it. That's what I'll spend the next 4 days perfecting, then one week of slow rides.. then several rest days (TOTALLY? YOWSERS! -- don't come around me...) I've trained since February for this event and I do think I'm ready!

I also went back and did a hill (THE ONLY HILL) that EVER defeated me. And I made it up and continued UPWARD over another road. I had mentally told myself, when I could do that road, I would be ready for the ride. Couple that with my century and the 1630+ miles on my bike and I'm there!

Ok, enough going on about myself ......

Here's my week:

Monday: Rest Day! YEP.. still need 'em!

Tuesday: Biked 28 miles before work

Wednesday: Biked 57 miles with partner who's doing the Alaska Vaccine Ride (500 miles/6 days!) in August. What an inspiration and motivator this gentleman is.. only wish I'd found him back in February instead of in June!!! ;-) We did some LONG steep climbs and I took him all over scenic roads I use to go on as a child. What a wonderful trip down memory lane. It was about 90 and the air was THICK as can be. I went through 200 oz. of water, 3 gatorades and a turkey sandwich... Not to mention my GU (my best friend ...)

Thurs: Got up at 5:00 a.m. and did Still Jumpin' ... Love, love, love, love that tape. Not like working out at all. It's as close to dancing as I'll ever come and it just seems to flow. This tape is a (personal) keeper for me.!!!

Friday: Step Aerobics at the Gym with favorite instructor (who I just found out is picking up a third night -- Thurs. of hi/lo. Told her I just don't know WHAT I'm going to do, I need to rest SOMETIME! ;-).. I will be doing her new class, but not till AFTER the ride.....

Sat: Biked 26.74 miles (this was the day I went back and did the hill that one time defeated me -- the ONLY hill that defeated me btw.. in all my training.. and this time? I WON!!!! Wahhhhhhhhooooooooo.....) :)

Sun: Biked 12 miles, but my average speed was up about 1.5 mph more than usual (can we say sprinting???) cuz I was racing thunderstorms ... got 6 miles out and it turned black. The one thing I hate about summer and humid days, these darn violent thunderstorms can pop up out of nowhere. Ugggggggg..... I was so psyched for a long ride too. Guess it will have to wait till tomorrow... Calling for 70 degrees, less humidity and picture perfect. Maybe I'll just plan to be out of the house by 6:00 a.m. and ride till my heart's content.

I also had a back rack and pseudo trunk put on, which has added weight, but I must be stronger, as it hasn't affected my mph average too much! I'm by no means fast... average about 12 to 13 mph.. but that's PLENTY for me... and now I can carry my camera, gu, sunscreen etc, etc... I'm not racing, I'm riding! ;-)

Ok, enough from me, can you tell the endorphins are still flying from racing that thunderstorm home? Oh and NanC?? You can bet that every time I have to do that... I think of you on your step n' go last summer! ;-)

Happy Workout Week Everyone!
Atta Girl Again!

Very nice week! Did the cycling pants solve the sunburn problem? It figures you met a good training partner late in the game, but you sure seem ready.

The rest days before your event really do energize. My cycling gurus say a little low key cycling or other lower body activity keeps the legs "supple" but we're talking about 5 slow miles. Lots of fluids too for prehydration.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-01 AT 04:08PM (Est)[/font][p]You just inspire me. I love reading your check-ins. Best of luck to you over the next two weeks --have fun!!!

You never fail to put a smile on my face:7. Hey, and nothing pushes the adrenaline through ya faster than a good thunderstorm}>. Cleda, you are going to do just great on that ride and I can't wait to hook up with you :-jumpy.

I was doing a rotation from Muscle and Fitness but I'm easily bored so I've moved on...and back to the vids:). It was a good break. Now I'm onto a single bodypart a day with a combination of a couple heavy sets from PS followed with the CTX of the same part. Absolutely fatigues the muscle to the point of not knowing how to move. Gotta love the challenge of strength training.

Monday: AM Chest, PS- bench press/DB incline press/ DB incline fly right into CTX chest.
PM PowerMax on the deck with workout buddy, Wendy.

Tuesday: AM Legs, PS- squats/deadlifts and Leaner legs stopping at sit and stands.
PM Rollerblade for 30 minutes and 1st 3 combos in Still Jumpin'...lovin' it too Cleda!

Wedneday: AM Shoulders, PS- overhead press with bar/lateral raise/reverse raise and CTX shoulders. ABs at the end.

Thursday: AM Biceps, PS-reg curl/neg curl/concentrations and CTX biceps. Finished in time to do Still Jumpin's first section. Cleda, I think we were doing this together!

Friday: AM PS- Close grip press/french with bar and CTX tris. Midday, step-n-go ride (no storm Cleda;-)), and PM casual bike ride with DH..his first ride in over a year:)..let's hope not his last;-).

Saturday: I think I finally got that heavy air..even for me it was thick and hot. PM sloooooow blade ride.

Sunday: AM Back, PS- Tbar/bentover/one arm and CTX. Followed with Still Jumpin' and had almost all of the choreography nailed except one tiny section in that last combo before the mini me cooldown. Those darn shuffle box steps that go into that knee up box step is kicking my butt. I'll get it;-). Midday Bike ride..solo and Cleda, you'll appreciate this..I almost wiped out. I was going to get up onto a sidewalk/bike route thing and the curb was a little flat and I thought I could ride up and kind of jump it..hehehe..well, I didn't go perpendicular enough and the front wheel said "no way" well..the bike slid out and pitched me off..but I landed on both feet and no hands hit the ground. were going by LOL. I knew better. I just shook my head and reminded myself that I'm 38 and not 12..quit goofing around;-). But then again..acting 12 can sometimes be good...I giggled off on my way. Be thankful you don't have me on this ride with you hehehe.

Hey, and speaking of feeling like a little kid. That Still Jumpin' had me in awe the whole time I was doing it this week. I couldn't believe how much of this tape I can get off the bat. I honestly felt like Wendy in Peter Pan. My feet were magically moving and it reminded me of the scene where the kids learn to fly...that was me in Still Jumpin'..I can fly...I can fly!

On to July...happy 4th everyone!
Hi Aimee!
I´m on the MAX-Rotation too. Which yoga-tapes do you add? I´m going to purchase some effective but not to long.
Thanks for some advise!
Happy "New workout week"!

RE: Hi Marga!!

Whew!! It's one tough rotation, huh? As for yoga, My favorite short one (about 30min) is Crunch Joy of Yoga. I also do Yoga Zone when I'm really pressed for time. On Sundays when I have more time on my hands I do either Ali MacGraw's Yoga Mind and Body, or Yoga with Ateeka. Ali's is 45min and Ateeka is 60min. Good Luck with the rotation!! It's a real butt kicker:)!


GREAT week!!! I wish you WERE on the ride with me (but there's always that Century you told me about!!! hint, hint!!! ;-)) I've been told I really shouldn't give up cycling, even when the event is over. Have considered maybe BUNGEE JUMPING next... but I don't think it's my style.... LOL! ;-)

Oh man....I shouldn't say this...Have yet to fall (knock on wood). It will happen, no doubt in my mind. I'm kinda like a "grandma" rider though, always (overly?) cautious. I know that I'm saving my BIG fall for ON The ride and it will be in front of thousands of strangers and I'll FORGET TO UNCLIP at a stop sign.... ;-) I'm glad you're ok ....

I'm so happy you found a hi/lo that agrees with you. You obviously got the "feeling"... Go NanC! Go NanC! Go NanC! :)


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