Check-in 6-30-01

RE: Atta Girl Again!


I've truly appreciated your help along the way! thanx!

Nope... didn't cure the "sunburn" problem, BUT the sunscreen under all layers seems to take care of it. So, I should be ok.

They mentioned the slow miles, flats, etc... but the problem is, I have hills all around me, so that's gonna be tough. I think it might be time to switch to the indoor bike and just do a couple of vids with it (like cruisin' through Hawaii to Ultimate Island Ride)....

Fluids... Lots of fluids... I will do it!!!

Thanx again!
Thanx Wendy!!!

And btw.... I fully expect to see "Still Jumpin'" listed in your future check ins... (tee-hee.... love to spend other people's money!!!!)..... LOL.

Vacation check-in

Hi everyone,

Nancy - I love the rotation you are doing. I am going to be doing a one body part/day soon and might copy yours - it looks great.

We just got back from vacation last night - went to the beach in NC. Lots of fun!

Here's my week:

Sunday: Strength, Balance & Flexibility - am
pm - MIC - hi/lo, Cardio Kicks - drills, jump rope - 20 minutes

Monday: went to gym - 1 hour on elliptical, 30 minutes on stairmaster. Did upper body strength using dumbbells at gym and went much heavier than at home. Really felt the work the next day and realized that I need to get some heavier weights.

Tuesday: I Want Those Abs part 2, Hi/Lo Heaven

Wednesday: gym - 1 hour elliptical, 30 minutes - stairmaster, upper body using dumbbells

Thursday: abs from Great Weighted Workout, CIA 9905 hi/lo, jumprope 20 minutes

Friday: gym - 1 hour elliptical, 30 minutes - stairmaster, total body using dumbbells (obviously, I don't know my way around the gym machines or the barbells there)

Saturday: sat in van 12 1/2 hours driving home. My poor husband got a migraine and was very nauseous and miserable the whole way.

Sunday: Bodymax - first 2 sections, Circuitmax. I love this combo - usually I just do the lower body work with Circuitmax for a long cardio/lower body endurance workout and it wipes me out.

I just loved the gym, but I was very intimidated by all of the young weightlifter guys there and felt really self-conscious when doing strength work. Using the weights there really made me realize that I can go much heavier than I have been.

Hope everyone has a great holiday week!!

All of You are INSPIRING!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-01 AT 09:15PM (Est)[/font][p]cLEDA: READING THAT BIKING SCHEDULE WORE ME OUT!!!

Terri: I did Great Weighted Workout today--I still love that one of Voight's.

Pure Strength all 3: Legs, Chest-Triceps, Biceps-Abs
Charlene Prickett: Another Step
CTX Vol 1 Step/Chest (my favorute CTX)
Voight Great Weighted Workout
Cardio Kicks--like it better each time.
Precision Target Toning (Pilates)
Firm Tortoise
Minna Lessig Strength & Grace--which is akin to nothing. I am fascinated by the nothingness of it. (Yet, I bought it.):-rollen
RE: Comin' Down the Home Stretch

I'm just wondering what Still Jumpin' is? Is it a video? It sounds like fun... Although I'm not sure how you managed to jump after all that bike riding! Good luck on your AidsRide!
check in

Hi guys, looks like ya'll had a great week. Mine started bad and ended bad. My son, who is 6 broke his arm on monday, so I spent the evening at the ER, then they admitted him in the hospital and so we spent the night. Tuesday morning he had surgery and had to put 2 pins in his arm, and we finally left the hospital at 7:00pm on tuesday. Well on wednesday I was too tired to workout because I pretty much pulled an all nighter on Monday and Tuesday, trying to keep him comfortable and out of pain. On thursday I did ps legs, and ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes, and pretty much blew off the rest of the week. Hopefully I will make up for it this week. Have a great week guys!!!!!!!!

RE: check in

Everyone seems to have kicked their workouts up a notch or two. I think it was a terrific week for everyone. It was OK for me but took an extra day off that I really didn't want to because I was visiting family.

Mon-Step Fit, Abs, MIS & CTX Triceps
Tues--taught athletic training class AM, taught step aerobics PM
Thurs--taught athletic training class AM, taught step aerobics PM
Sat--forced to take day off due to traveling
Sun--Step Jam, Abs

I ate too much and really need to get focused this week. Take care everyone, Cyndie
Hi Nancy

It looks like that core board & balance ball training paid off! I'm sure it was quite a feat to witness too! Bet you distracted a few drivers.
You haven't rolled on the road yet?

Hitting the road will happen with clipless pedals & it just seems predestined to happen in front of lots of witnesses. My first was in front of a pack of blue collar workers stopped at a hwy mini-mart for a.m. coffee & sugar. DH innocently asked "couldn't you release?". Yeah, sure I could, but I wanted to roll around in front of a bunch of strange men in my lycra shorts.
Still Jumpin'

Is Christi Taylor's new video.

It's a hi/lo video that has some excellent music in it. The choreography is not as difficult as some of Christi's older tapes can be (hi/lo Heaven, Happy Hour). it's just a bunch of fun.... And trust me, I never jump very much... EVER! ;-) I ended up singing along with her and just having a BLAST! It goes in my pile of "happy tapes"!!! :) :) :)

RE: check in

Hi Jennifer,
Sounds like you had a very stressful week. I hope you and your son are feeling much better VERY SOON! It had to be so painful for you as well (to see him go thru all of that). My little boy is 5. They are so precious! I'm thinking of you and your son and hoping you get well soon.

RE: check in


So sorry to hear about your son's broken arm. I winced when I read about it. I have a 2-year-old son and I hope he never breaks anything. It's hard to see your "little man" in pain. I wouldn't worry about your workouts for last week because you were doing your most important work...being a comforting mother!!

Hope your son feels better.

Sounds like everyone had a great week! Congrats to all for such good work! And by the way, I just love it when I "forget" that I'm clipped into my pedals when I stop...Laurel and Hardy move!
Here's my week:
Monday - AM: Run 30 minutes PM: Bodymax
Tuesday - AM: Run 50 minutes PM: 101010 cardio only
Wednesday - AM: Run 50 minutes PM: KVoight Energy Sprint and climbing for 2 hours with hubby
Thursday - AM: Run 30 minutes with sprints PM: CardioKicks
Friday - AM: Run 30 minutes PM: Circuit Max
Saturday - off
Sunday - Hiking with hubby
And speaking of husbands, I have the opposite husband is 41 and looks like one of the guys in Muscle and Fitness so this wife is always trying to improve my fitness level and my body just to keep up! He's an inspiration in many ways!
RE: check in

Hi all! I didn't have a great week, but not too bad:

Mon: Ashtanga yoga (40 min)
Tue: Cardiokicks
Wed: nothing
Thur: 30 min pilates
Fri: Nothing(recovering from oral surgery)
Sat: Circuitmax, kickbox abs and pilates
Sun: MIS upperbody, All Step cardio, and Rodney Yee's Yoga for Stength

Have a great week everyone!

RE: check in

Bradley: When you do Ashtanga yoga, are you doing tapes? If so, which one? I've been really getting into yoga and just ordered the Richard Freeman tape...

Are the poses really tough?

Wow, I would LOVE if my husband looked like one of the guys in Muscle and Fitness. Not that I love my husband any less, cuz he's a sweetheart of a guy, but since we got married he's put on like 35-40 pounds. Luckily, he's tall enough to carry it well...but he's one of those yo-yo exercisers...gets into for a month or so, and then just lets it go for like 6 months...

Oh well...guess you can't have it all! (Though it sounds like YOU do, lucky girl!)

Hi Ruth!

We are doing just great! Yes, you are right, Kennedy has changed already! She will be three weeks old tomorrow! Of COURSE, she is even cuter NOW! LOL! The kids were here all weekend and she was a perfect angel. She went to church on Sunday with us for the very 1st. time and never made a peep. (other then a few squeaks and a couple of SMILES! :)) We have taken a few pix. I'll see if I can get one or two posted soon. THANKS so much for asking. "See" you around.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Boy, Am I LATE!!!

Better late then never, right? I had a good week and I'm feeling very strong in the jogging department even though I am keeping my heart rate moderate. I feel like I could go forever! Here's my week:

Monday~Practiced routines for my new session that starts tomorrow. (Since this is last week's workout my session actually started last Tuesday! Yeah, glad that first day is over. I always get the jitters even after all these years! Class went very well too!) Jogged 3 miles, power walked 1/4 mile, MIS (included ABS), added 16 step-ups and downs for each leg

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo class in the A.M., jogged 50 minutes in the afternoon

Wednesday~MIS-added 16 step-ups & downs both legs, ABS from Step Heat (GREAT AB workout!!), jogged 47 minutes

Thursday~Taught a Hi/Lo class in the A.M, came home & jogged 48 minutes in the afternoon

Friday~Jogged 4 miles! :7 That is 16 laps on the track around the pond! I was pretty proud of myself, to the point I didn't even feel a tad guilty about the Peanut Parfait Sundae that HoneyBunch treated me to at DQ!! THANX HB!! Had a great afternoon with you. Boy, you should see the great buys we got on exercise wear at Marshall's. We hit the jackpot! HB also surprised me with a cute top and bottom outfit to workout in. It was my lucky day. Felt like it was my BIRTHDAY! FUN!!Okay, back to the rest of my workout after getting off subject here!, MIS-upper body only, ABS from Step Heat again

Saturday~MIS-Lower body only, IMax! WHEW!:-tired Did every interval with hardly any modifications. It is getting easier. Well, not easy, but doable!

Sunday~REST! Thank you very much! I did work my triceps and biceps all day holding Kennedy lots! Did I mention she's gotten cuter????

Have a great week everyone. Your check-ins are awesome. Keep up the good work.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi ladies!!
I was sitting here watching "Groundhog Day" and realized I needed to post. Since I missed last week I will post 2 weeks.
Everyone looks awesome.....keep up the great work!!
Mon. -- mountainbiking in a local park for about 1.5 hrs.
Tues. -- upper body weights at the gym.....going really heavy now trying to bulk up. 3 sets on everything 12 reps first set then 2 more sets of 8.
Wed. -- IMAX
Thurs. -- lower body weight work at the gym. Concentrated on squats, performing 6 sets of these.
Fri. -- Climber for 35 mins. at the gym followed by 15 min Cardio Jam for a change of pace.
Sat. -- Rollerblading in the park for about 45 mins. Mostly interval work.
Sun. -- nothing at all

Week 2
Mon. -- upper body weight work
Tues. -- IMAX
Wed. -- 15 Min. Cardio Jam followed by lower body weight work.
Thurs. -- 35 mins. on stationary bike
Fri. -- upper body weights again.
Sat. -- nothing
Sun. -- Did my first spin class.....was hot as hell as the club lost power the night before and the air conditioning was out.
Loved this class though!!!!
I plan on continuing mixing in dumbbells and machines together, especially on upper body weight work just for variety and to hit the muscles differently.
I am really enjoying the new club membership. There are plenty of great looking bodies there to really motivate me to work hard! :)
I have started to feel guilty posting since I only do about one Cathe tape a week and sometimes none. Everyone here is so hard-core video. It's so hard to fit everything I like into one week!! Can I borrow some hours from someone!! :) Cathe is still the greatest and I figure once a week with her is worth a helluva lot in terms of staying fit and supplementing my other activities.
Have a safe, healthy, happy week.
Thanks! He does look great! He's not only a very fit person, he's very sweet, intelligent, and successful. I once asked him, "How does it feel to be so good at everything you do?" He said, "I only do things I'm good at...I don't even try to do the things that don't come naturally." Maybe, if he doesn't mind, I'll post a picture of us together. By the way, he not only bodybuilds, climbs mountains, runs, bikes and has a successful law practice, he also plays lead guitar in a rock and roll band... how's that for just one guy?
Have a great 4th!

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