Check-in 6/17-6/23


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-02 AT 02:26PM (Est)[/font][p] Hi guys! Hope you all had fun weeks (workouts and life in general)! I haven't checked in lately due to lack of time, but have still been working out. This week I switched from PS/S&H workouts to endurance. I much prefer the heavier weights and slower pace, but I know I need to increase my endurance, so...

MONDAY: Totally Hot Cardio (30 minutes)
Joy of Yoga
1/2 PSLA abs

TUESDAY: Power Hour (skipped the lunges for my knees :-( )

WEDNESDAY: Superstep
Tamilee standing stretch


FRIDAY: CIA 9906 step
Fat Burning Yoga (stupid name!)


SUNDAY: Power Hour Upper body
Selected exercises from PSLA (floor, sit-n-stands, stepups...)
practiced 1st section of 9906 2X (tricky!!)
Bodymax abs and stretch

I've been extremely tired lately (maybe the 110+ temperature has something to do with it...) so I'm glad I've been doing 2 rest days for the past several months. My body feels so much better for it (joints and muscles not aching in bad ways), and my results have been so much better. I can't believe I used to do so much cardio (5 days) along with strength training. I never lost any weight that way, and I have had much better results as far as increasing strength and developing visible definition...

Have a great week :)
Hi Wendy - I don't check in here normally but I really wanted to thank you. A while ago it was your messages that drilled some sense into me. I was knocking my poor body around with far too much high impact stuff and refusing to accept my limitations. Now that I have adopted a less is more approach, I am definitely getting better results. I find that 2 days off suits my body a lot better and I definitely build more muscle with the extra rest. Anyway just wanted to say that I learnt something from your posts - have fun with your endurance rotation.
HI Wendy! Great week!! Hope everyone else had a good one.

Sun. - 2 mile jog

Mon. - Bike: 60 min.

Tues. - Bike: 45 min.; ski machine: 15 min.

Wed. - The Firm, Vol. 6; CTX Step & Intervals

Thurs. - Bike: 35 min.; Body Max (step portion), a.m.; 1 1/2 mile jog, 1/2 mile walk, p.m.

Fri. - Bike: 70 min., a.m.; 1 1/2 mile jog, 1/2 mile walk, p.m.

Sat. - 3 mile walk, a.m.; weights, p.m.

Have a wonderful coming week!! :-jumpy :)

My week eating wise is slightly better, we'll see what my scale thinks of the matter tomorrow morning.

Monday...UNPLANNED Rest (too depressed after weighing myself so I had to sulk awhile)

Tuesday...Body Max

Wednesday...MIC step portion

Thursday...CTX Kickbox cardio + Power Hour (omit legs)

Friday...CTX LLA (went up on the poundage on my barbell by 2.5 lbs, not much, but it's a start)

Saturday...Corey's GHAS

Sunday...Planned Rest

Have a good week everyone!

less is more

Yay!!! I am so happy to hear that :) I'm glad my posts have helped someone, and I'm happy that you are seeing results and treating your body with the respect it deserves! I have been inspired by many posts here myself, and also by many people at
Thanks for the kind words :)
Hi everyone!

I agree - having 2 rest days gives your body adequate rest. I am also seeing better results since I've cut my cardio down and included more strength training sessions. I used to do 5-6 days of cardio a week plus strength train too. I alternate between (3 days/cardio + 2 days/strength) and (2 days/cardio + 3 days strength). That has made a huge difference. I measured myself earlier this week and I've lost 1/2" off my thighs and 5/8" off my waist. I'm close to my goal BF percentage so those teeny inches mean a lot to me! Woo hoo!


Tue-Weights First + 50 min. walk

Wens-Taebo 60 min + 50 min. walk

Thu-strength segments from Circuit Max + floorwork from PSLA
(this was a great workout that only took about 40 min. with
warmup and cooldown. It really had my legs toasty!)




Have a great week everyone! :)
Hey guys...

Been on a weird routine... just doing my own program

Free weight - upper and lower body (thanks to cathe tapes I have lots of excercises to choose from). It must be summer or something

Doing a little running and kickbox and cardio kick tape.

S Upper body
M Lower body
t Run
W Kickbox
T Upper body
F Lower body - run
S cardio kick

Vacation next week - should be fun - river rafting, kyaking, hiking... can't wait!

Have a great week everyone - back in a few!
Great week everyone! Mine was pretty slack but okay:

MON - CTX Leaner Legs

TUES - CTX Chest, Back, Biceps & 4 km walk

WED - nothing

THURS - 4 km power walk

FRI - nothing

SAT - nothing

SUN - 5 km walk

Enjoy your week :)

Hey All!

Hmm .. Wendy it's funny timing on your post. I've heard less workouts=more results. I'm basically trying to maintain my weight and increase definition, and I'm working out like a maniac and feeling softer/flabbier than ever! For the most part my eating is pretty clean, but I feel like I should be getting better results for 7 day a week workouts and 5-6 cardios! Any one have any advice? Meanwhile, here's my week, I was out of town, and dependant on crappy hotel equipment:

Monday - Step & circuit portion of BodyMax

Tuesday - 4.5 mile run

Wednesday - 3.2 mile run

Thursday - unplanned rest - traveling home

Friday - 6.5 mile run/CTX Leaner Legs

Saturday - Interval Max/PS CST

Sunday - 6.5 mile run/PS BBA

Happy Workouts all!
Hi Nicole -

I can tell you my experience with working out. When I worked out almost every day and did 5-6 days of cardio I did see results at first, but of course I hit a plateau. In the past 3-4 weeks I decided to decrease my cardio and increase my weight workouts. I really saw some changes since doing that. I know it's hard to think that less cardio would mean better results, but really it does. I think your body also needs time to rest, repair, and get stronger. I tried to focus on doing weights one day and then cardio the next. I do total body workouts on the days I do weights. Each week I try to do one endurance workout like Power Hour and one heavier strength workout like MIS. I also try to mix up my cardio so that I do something different each time. I rotate between kickboxing, step, and hi/lo. Believe it or not I was getting burnt out on step. I love step, but it was getting easier. I think my body was too efficient at doing step. Now that I do different cardio each time my body doesn't know how to react and I end up working much harder. Does that make sense. That's what worked for me. I never thought decreasing cardio would make a difference, but it truly does. I make sure I also get 2 or 3 rest days a week. I'm much saner doing it this way. I used to feel guilty if I didn't get my cardio in plus my weights. I used to really stress about that. Now I just designate one workout per day and I'm so much happier. Good luck! (Sorry I didn't mean to write you a novel!) :)

A sample workout for me might be:

Mon-cardio (kickboxing)
Wen-cardio (step)
Thu-Power Hour
Fri-cardio (hi/lo)

And then the next week I might do:

Mon-cardio (kickboxing)
Tue-Power Hour
Wen-cardio (step)
Sat-Weight workout (of my choice)
I'm a little late as we just got back from a weekend at the dunes. I've also been feeling run down lately. I should probably take a week off, but there is a race in the mountains I really want to do and it's only 3 weeks away. No decisions yet.

My week:
Sun. PS upper body
Mon. 4 mile run, legs felt like lead
Tue. S&H legs
Wed. CTX shoulders, bis, tris and hills on the treadmill (wanted to go for 3.5 miles. Only made it 3, and walked some)
Thu. Part of Mindy's Spin vid. Stopped at the intervals cause we had to get going! (And again, I had just lost that ability to push myself. What is going on???)
Fri. rest
Sat. rest, with a nice little hike toting my 1 1/2 year old


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