Check-in 6/16

Better Late Then Never.......

I can't seem to get back into the groove of checking in! :-(

Anyway, late, but here:

Monday: Step Aerobics Class with favorite instructor

Tues: Rest Day!! Yep -- still need 'em :)

Wed: biked 52.31 miles

Thurs: biked 10.87 miles

Fri: Step Aerobics Class with favorite instructor, upper body weights

Sat: biked 44 miles with a new training partner. LOVED IT! :)

Sunday: Rest day!! -- You got it.... still need 'em! :)

Gave the biking somewhat of a rest this week. Been getting in tons of miles and I'm prepared for the ride. Missed my favorite, extremely inspiring and motivational aerobics instructor, so went and treated myself to two of her classes this week......

That's it for this week!

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