Check-in 6/16


Hello everyone! Thought I would start this since I just finished my last workout for the week. I have finally got my eyes straight (as opposed to crossed, I suppose). Anyway my allergies are under control. Yippee! My week was fairly good even though I was dealing with the allergy stuff!

MONDAY: Hi/Lo Heaven (stages 1 & 2)


WEDNESDAY: Stepping Zone Sooooo fun!


FRIDAY: Wedding Video (Strength)

SATURDAY: Stepping Zone (20 minutes) lack of time and energy!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-01 AT 04:14PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-01 AT 11:22 PM (Est)[/font]

your eyes are better, Kelly! Glad to hear it :)

Here is my week (as usual, no step was used. I think I may be safe doing some static lunges in PS and LL, and my sister suggested doing squats in more of a plie position, very wide, which always has been less stressful for me. I did this one day, and will try it again tomorrow (Sunday) for my final leg workout of the week).
MONDAY: rest (I had done a very intense modified version of Leaner Legs and some PS and TWV leg work on SUNDAY, and I had DOMS until Thursday!!! wow!)

TUESDAY: PS CST warmup + Margaret Upper Sculpture, TWV upper, and Energy Sprint uppper

WEDNESDAY: Stepworks warmup, Powermax I, Stepfit II, and Stepfit cd

THURSDAY: 10-10-10/Sculpture circuit, + remainder of Sculpture,+ TWV upper, + PS SLA calves, inner and outer

FRIDAY: TWV warmup and I, + Stepworks cd, + PS SLA standing modified (hadn't done TWV cardio in so long--it's better than I remembered :) )

SATURDAY: CIA 9802 hi-lo (hated it the first time, fun this time)

SUNDAY: will do an intense full body workout...*** Just finished my workout, so I thought I'd go ahead and post that I did Leaner Legs in its entirety, with modifications for my knee--but I was really able to do it well :-jumpy !!! Followed that with inner and outer thighs from PS.
I also did the upper body split from CTX --left out the barbell work from all but the BACK section (trying to maintain lighter weight/higher rep format)

Ended with stretches from LL, PSSLA, BBA and CST.

Hope all of you have really great weeks! It is close to a year since I found this site, and I am so happy to "know" all of you!

I am also done for the week as I am travelling tomorrow to visit my mom. Had a good week. Thanks again everyone for being such wonderful motivation to me.

MON--yoga class
TUES--Body Tech/Kari Anderson & taught step aerobics
WED--Kick It w/ Janis Saffell & PS BBA
THURS--taught step aerobics & Yoga for Energy
FRI--Power Max, Ab Attack, Yoga Sculpt
SAT--FIRM Super Cardio & PS CST

I wish all the best for everyone else. Will really be looking forward to hearing all the posts.

Take care, Cyndie
Fourth week of Lower Body Solution....funny what you find time for if you're determined! BUT, I always keep it to under an hour unless it's a day off from work.

Sunday: Cardio Kicks and the floor part of PS Legs
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Tough first time for this one. A little lax on the upper body stuff, but LOTS of step ups.
Wed.: Intense Moves and Firm Hips, Butt and Thighs floor tape
Thur: PS Legs Standing part and MIC HiLo
Friday: Mowed a yard, walked 30 minutes and did inner and outer thigh work at the Y on the Cybex machines.
Sat: Bodymax...the whole thing

This is my first week of going LBS as prescribed with a little work everyday, alternating standing and floor work. MUCH more managable, and not as draining.

There is a BIG temptation to eat too much since I think I'm working so hard....I AM, but not hard enough to warrant eating too much peanut butter by the spoonful! Evenings are my worst part of the day! I'm haunted by the days when we used to diet so strenuously and be hungry at night!

The marshmallows are still unopened, however! BUT I have a new addiction.......Dairy Queen Treatzza Pizza!!!!!!!! Oh, my gosh! I ate all but one piece of a peanut butter fudge one on Friday (my pig out day)! :7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7:7
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-01 AT 08:17AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-01 AT 08:14 AM (Est)[/font]

Great workouts ladies!!
Kelly -- glad your allergies are better. I have always struggled with pollen allergies and some days I just feel like doing nothing because of runny eyes and nose....also the sinus headaches!! But just keep battling!! Keep up the great work!
Wendy -- what does your intense full body workout consist of? Is it like a circuit workout? Awesome week!
Cyndie -- great week, and have a safe trip!
Hey Honey! -- I get hungry reading your posts girl! Great week!

My week was spent in Montreal for work so I had to improvise. Sleep is virtually non-existent and the food never stops flowing on these business trips..... two things that dont allow for good workouts as I am sure we all know! :) Anyway... I did the best that I could.
Monday -- the day started off badly as the valet brought our car to us with one less mirror than it had when he took it from us! He apologized profusely and we spent 2 days getting this straightened out with Hertz, insurance, etc. etc. Worked 12 hours then back to hotel, where I accidentally dumped my clothes onto Sherbrooke Ave. in Montreal. Very embarassing as most of the city got a good view of my underwear laying on top of the rest of my clothes right in the street. I wanted to crawl under a rock!! Squeezed in 25 mins of running in place and jumping jacks before going back out to eat at the Trattoria....very nice, very fattening Italian food!!
Tues. -- 12 more hours of work......made it to the hotel gym, which was very small, and lifted for about 45 mins. total body. Then BACK out to a Greek restaurant where I partook of the lobster along with some Canadian beer I never heard of before.
Wed. -- no workout because no time to do it!! Went right from work to an outdoor restaurant in Old Towne Montreal where we were treated by our hosts to huge steaks, more beer, cheesecake, coffees....I thought I would pop afterwards. Walked the river in Old Towne which was very beautiful all lit up at night.
Thurs. -- another long work day and then right to the airport for the trip back to Baltimore. We got delayed in Philly and I got to our front door at 1 a.m.
Friday -- watched Brandon all day but did get some ab work in.
Sat. -- went to my "new" health club and did bike intervals for 35 mins. It was hot! Leg work and abs in the weight room. Matthew went with me and he makes a good workout partner.
And that's my week...not too good for workouts but I will be back into it soon enough!
Trevor :)
Hi My Friends!!

Thanks Kelly, for getting us started. Soooo happy your eyes are finally straight!! LOL! Good Luck with your allergies this Summer.

Wendy~Great week for you. The DOMS is a good indication you are working hard. I'm happy to know you too!!

Cyndie~Good week for you also. Have a great time with your Mom!

Trevor~Thanks for my laugh of the day! I pictured a windy Montreal day as you were running all over Sherbrooke Ave. trying to retrieve your underwear! Your week was great. I give you lots of credit for trying to fit it in even on business trips. Running in place for 25 minutes is REAL COMMITMENT!! Great job.

My week:

Monday~Jogged 8 laps (approx. 2 miles) in 25 minutes. I am trying something new where I keep my HR in my "fat-burning" zone. It is hard as I can actually jog at a faster pace easier??? Hmmm, wonder why that is? I am trying real hard to lean out my thighs and mid section. I'm actually enjoying jogging!! :)Then I came in for a 20 minute spin, MIS and added on 32 step-ups & downs each leg

Tuesday~Does helping coach my daughter thru delivery and cutting my Grandbaby's umbilical cord counts as a workout? What a wonderful experience. All of you with kids out there, JUST YOU WAIT~There is nothing like receiving that first grandbaby! Sorry, I know I've bragged enough all week. Just can't seem to control myself!;-)

Wednesday~Jogged approx. 2 miles, spin for 20 minutes, MIS, adding my 32 step ups & downs

Thursday~Jogged 2 miles, IMax! Need I say I was dripping after this workout? :-tired

Friday~Jogged 10 laps (2 1/2 miles), spin for 25 minutes (Is spun a word??)Practice new routines for new session that starts on the 26th.

Saturday~Jogged 12 laps (3 miles), came in and did CK Power Drills only, MIS (Forgot to add on the step ups & downs :-()

Sunday~Usually my DAY OF REST, but I may go out and run because I am headed up to stay with my daughter for 3-4 days. She & Kennedy came home from the hospital Thursday. Scott took off work Thursday & Friday so I gave them their space even though I was dying to be there! Of course, we made a couple trips up to visit and help hold her to give MOM & DAD a break!!:7

Thanks once again for all your wonderful kind words about Kennedy and our family. You all are just great! Not sure I'll be able to talk with you all the next few days. I'll TRY to get on my daughter's computer if I find the time. Have a GREAT week all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey everyone!

Here's my week:

Monday: Nada

Tuesday: MIS Chest/MIS Back/MIS Shoulders/Plank Work/Abs

Wednesday: CTX 10-10-10 Cardio/CTX Step & Intervals Cardio

Thursday: MIS Biceps/MIS Triceps/Ab work/Circuit Max (Whew! Forgot how tough Circuit Max can be!)

Friday: PS Chest/PS Shoulders/TKO Boxing (I'm really starting to LOVE this tape much fun, great music!)

Saturday: PS SLA (Now that I've gotten the PS Series on DVD, I'm really having a blast working with them again! Can't WAIT until August to get the new ones!!!)

Sunday: Definite rest day. Had a huge party at our house last night, so this day is devoted to cleaning up, looking at pictures we've taken, etc.

Enjoy your week everyone! (Debbie, enjoy your new grandbaby!!!)

Trevor--Happy Father's Day!!!

Your kids are lucky to have such a great Dad! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

Cooking Light's new edition has a whole section on Montreal--just too late, but maybe next time...

As for my total body workout, it changes every time. Sometimes I will do cardio with it, sometimes not, depending on if I've already done enough for the week. It is usually long because I'm dealing with not being able to do much in the way of standing leg work. Here's what I did one day last week:

PS warm up
PS deadlifts
PS calfraises
Wall squats with ex. ball
LL deadlifts
LL calfraises
LL static lunges
LL rear lunges
HFL plie squats
LL barbell plie squats
Step DOWNS in a modified position that REALLY target the glutes!!
PS inner and outer
TWV inner and outer
TWV upper (sub barbell rows at diff. tempos for back work)
CTX shoulder and bicep dumbell work

I'll proably do something similar today, but will throw in the arm drill from Cardio Kicks.

This tends to be a bit long, but I'm ok with that!
:) Wendy

Now THAT is an incredible week! ( As usual, but I just had to voice my impressed opinion!) :)
Have fun with the wee one...

HB~I am sooo sorry I neglected you in my post!! I had notes written out even and SOMEHOW skipped over them??? I think it's called lack of sleep lately! Anyway, I wanted to say that I want to be with you NEXT time you get one of those Dairy Queen Treatzza Pizza's! They sound so good. :9 :9 :9 Also, Peanut Butter right out of the jar is one of my fav treats!! I'll use my own jar though! ;-) Great week 4 U! Keep up the great work with your LBS rotation. You look soooo good!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Thanks Wendy!

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE to workout! I plan to have lots of fun with the wee one later today after the birthday party. Have a great day!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Thanks Terri!

I have throughly enjoyed her already! Great week for you and your day today sounds like it will be quite a workout also! Sounds like the party was a huge success!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi everyone,

The baby had a good week this week, so I was able to exercise every day. I still crave more, but I know I also need to get my rest, too. I hope everyone has a great coming week.

Mon: Firm Bootcamp part 2
Tues: Step Jam
Wed: MIS
Thurs: Classic Step with Kari and Jay
Fri: Body Pump
Sat: CIA 7002 w/Christi Step and hi/lo

Take care!!
Howdy all!

Wendy-Congrats on doing ALL of LL. I know you felt so great afterwards.

Trevor-hehehe :-shy and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

DebbieH- :-wow I also love to workout but... :-wow

My week:

Sun. rest

Mon. Standing Legs, last chance for this's gone.

Tue. CST, ran 1 mile, 3 negative chins

Wed. 10-10-10, BBA

Thu. rest

Fri. CircuitMax, I was beat after this! 3 negative chins

Sat. nothing, wanted to run today but :-(


I'm beginning to hate business travel, although i do almost every week. I'd rather be at my own door at 1 a.m. than anywhere else.
Back to Normal

Firm Hare
Adidas Step
CIA 8003 Double Crunch jennifer Mills
Ali McGraw Yoga
Firm Interval Vol 3
Firm Cardio Tri Trainer
Leaner legs
Rode EcHo, mucked his stall, celebrated with Deb over KENNEDY!!! HA-HA SO GRATEFUL ALL IS WELL. :7
Hi Everyone!! I just got in and I'm sooooo tired!! Long, long, weekend. Left the house at 9:30am yesterday for ball games and we didn't get home until 11:00 last night!!! Boy am I burnt!! Took it very easy today. All we did was cook for the men in our lives while we sents them to their favorite stores to shop till their hearts were content!! Amazingly, they didn't come back too far in debt, he he he!!! Ok, I'm pooped so onto my week!!

MON: IMAX and Crunch Joy of yoga (CJY)

TUES: BodyMax and CJY

WED: MIC:)!! I did all of it for the very first time!!

THRUS: CircutMax, with squats, deadlifts, calf raises and abs frome LL and CJY

FRI: IMAX again. Had to modify a little after my week.

SAT: MIS.Got up at 6:30 a.m. so I could get in my workout before the ball games. You're right HB, you can find the time!

SUN: Ali MacGraw's Yoga Mind and Body

Ok, everyone have a great week!! And for Trevor, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY:)!! :)!! :)!!

Wanted to ask you about the TKO workout. I have this video--got it because of good reviews on video fitness. I did it once and really didn't care for it. Do you think it's worth sticking it out? What was your experience with the video? Thanks Terri.

Take care, Cyndie
RE: Emily

I like Classic Step, too. It's a nice change of pace. I don't think it's one that I'll pull out too often because I would get tired of it, I think, once I learn the combos really well. But, it's a good workout.


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