RE: Good Gungamunga HB!!

WOW!! That Sat. was something else!! How in the world did you live on Sun.? It always amazes me when I read your posts!! COOL!!
Up the intensity week!

I came back from the Cathe trip with some fresh motivation! I pushed myself a few times this week, and was pleasantly surprised. I think I’ll continue with CTX this month, then change my rotation in December.

Monday - Rest!
Tuesday - Shoulder work (on my own)
Wednesday - CTX Step & Intervals/Chest (upped the step to 6” for the first time since the end of August... and did all the plyojacks/plyojumps! :))
Thursday - CTX Power Circuit/Legs/Back (on 6” step again! :))
Friday - morning workout alert! CTX Kickbox/Biceps (skipped the ab work, since I did that Thursday... but did all the power scissors! :))
Saturday - Step Jam (first time for this video -- just bought it on the road trip!) Lowered the step to 4" for this one, since it was the first time... but used all the power moves! :)
Sunday - Tricep work (on my own)

I think this pretty well sums up how I feel after this week... :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy !
Hi HB!

I've missed talking to you! We need to catch up. I have lots to tell you. Doesn't it feel good to have a day where you can work out to your heart's content? I'm sure you are loving your new schedule. Your week was super. I have gotten out of running since the new tapes. Good for you on a 50 minute walk/run. You'd pass me up for sure. Wow, I SERIOUSLY forgot our B-days are next week til you brought it up!! :-wow I best work hard this week to deserve a sundae. Talk to you soon. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hello Everyone!!!

Sounds like all of you who went on the road trip had a blast, the posts crack me up - Nancy C, yours especially. The "boob squish" terminology was hysterical. I had one about 3 years ago and like you, there wasn't much to squish! On my medical chart, under the catagory "breasts" the doctor actually wrote "small" - GEEZ! :-rollen But I digress... :)

My week:

Sun - CMX
Mon - CK
Tues - SLA
Wed - BBA, CST
Thurs - IMAX
Fri - Bryan Kest yoga, vol, 2 "Tone"
Sat - rest

I've been working out 6 days non stop for months and months and so am looking forward to resting my joints for a few days over Thanksgiving when we will be traveling to my mom-in-laws in GA.
After that I'll begin my 2nd CTX rotation.

I also just ordered Body Max (I've read so many of Aimee's glowing reviews of this tape I just had to get it!) MIC and Step Works.

GREAT WEEKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and in case I forget next week Best Wishes for Happy Birthdays to Debbie and Honeybunch!!! :) :)
preggers check-in

Congrats Lynne on the step height increase and power moves! That always makes me feel so very good too. I'm scared at starting over after my baby is born!

Thanks NanC for the "book":)

I started a CTX rotation and was lukewarm about modifying and what-not, but this week has been fun, so I guess I just had to get in the groove.

Sun. Power Circuit & back

Mon. Walk 20 min. on treadmill and tris from CTX

Tue. Kickbox & bis

Wed. rest

Thur. S&I up to the intervals (only 10 mins! I was so beat) & chest

Fri. All Step & shoulders

You'll notice there is no Leaner Legs. I'm too afraid of injuring myself! Plus an extra 20 lbs. has got to count for something right:7

I'm blown away...

with all the posts...geez, how long did that just take me to read everyone's check-ins?? That's okay, I always love reading what you've all been up to :).

And thanks to the "trippers" for the know the rest of us were envious but hearing all the details helps make up for it a little the "novel" Nancy!

Anyway, here's my week:

Sunday - BodyMax
Monday - Interval Max
Tuesday - Circuit Max; KV Great Weighted Workout
Wednesday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine
Thursday - Cardio Kicks in AM; MIS in PM
Friday - Step Works
Saturday - Cardio Kicks (again...just love it :-jumpy); planks and abs from CTX Power Circuit

I got my CTX DVD's this past week and because I've started this new rotation, I didn't really get to use them yet. It's already starting to bug me...all those new mixing and matching possibilities...(it's pretty darn tempting ;-)). I think I'm going to have to find a way to incorporate them into my "almost all Max" rotation.

Talk to you all later,
Lisa :)
Busy week, not too great on the exercise front.

Mon - am - PS BBA
Tues - woke up with a headache, trick or treating in the pm
Wed - life got in the way
Thurs - am - The Hare
Fri - overslept
Sat - spent 4 hours in a cooking and cleaning frenzy before 6 of my out of town relatives arrived at my house - this felt like a workout
Sun - Austin Race for the Cure 1 mile family fitness walk w/ DH, DS, mom, dad, grandma, aunt, uncle and cousin. We had a great time! My mom is a 7 year survivor and this was our 6th year to do the Race for the Cure.
pm - CTX Power Circuit - my back, triceps, and quads are sore today.

Have a great week everyone!

How fun to do a family walk with so many family members. Also, glad to hear of your Mom's survival success! That's wonderful. How neat that you all could celebrate with her.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Go For It Lisa!

The new tapes are soo much fun! You could always do a "Max" rotation the 1st. of the year. Now, how's that for tempting you?;-) I am loving the combining with the DVD's. Whatever you decide, all the tapes, new & old, are great. Good Luck! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Race for the Cure

Hey Debbie!

We had a great time! You can see a picture of me along with my husband, son, dad, aunt and cousin at The password is 1-616. Our picture is on page 7 - it's picture number 1616112. Unfortunately my mom was walking behind us and all you can see of her in the picture is her pink shirt. I am the blonde behind the stroller.
Great pix Christina!

Thanks for sharing it with us. It's too bad your Mom wasn't in the pix a little better seeing as she was the LIFE you were celebrating. Here's to 6 more walks for you all!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: All Max rotation

Hi Lisa!! I just read your post and I think it kinda' funnny, I posted that it was time for me to start a new rotation and what I came up with is my Maxuimum Rotation!! It includes BM, CM, SM, PM, IMAX, and MIS,& MIC!! How how are you liking your max rotation? Are you seeing good results? I just started mine yesterday, so I'm curious!!


Hi Christina...

Congrats to your mom on surviving cancer! :) Here's wishing her more good health! Hey, don't feel too bad about your week -- you still got in two AM workouts! I'm still going to try for the AM workout thing, but I've realized that on 3 days a week when my hubby works later, I can squeeze in a 45-minute workout after work, before he gets home, as long as I leave the office at 5 on-the-dot. (It's not very often that that happens, though. :-( Gotta work on those time management skills! ;-))
Hey Aimee and Debbie!

Aimee...Well, it's only been one full week of the rotation (I'm on week two now), so it's hard to say about the results yet.

I do know that I'm enjoying digging up these "old" tapes ;-).
I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed BodyMax and MIS especially. If nothing else, putting these tapes back into the rotation is keeping me from getting bored and keeping that variety/fun factor in there :)!!

And Debbie, you are tempting me }> :D...I'm actually thinking about at least putting the "Upper Body Split" DVD option into my rotation somewhere...hmmm, we'll see.

Talk to you guys later,

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