Cheating men......

I am so sorry this happened to you :( I echo the sentiments of everyone else about not looking back. Best wishes to you and lots of (((hugs))).


It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
I am sorry to hear about this. :-( I know you put a lot into this relationship, it being 10 years and this must be really hard for you. If he has been doing this for 2.5 years, it really was NO accident. He knew what he was doing. So if he decides to try and sweet talk you, DON’T LISTEN. You really do deserve someone who will treat you with respect.

I think the best way to handle this is “move on” in your mind and focus on positive things in your life whether it be family, friends, Church, Workouts or whatever is important to you. Don’t blame yourself as you did nothing wrong. Try hard to keep positive even though I know it will be really difficult. {{{HUGS}}}

Remember we are hear if you need an ear (eye) to listen (read).
Krista~I am so sorry! I hope time heals your breaking heart! Come here anytime you need to talk. Wishing you the best!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I agree with everybody here...walk away...close the door...don't look back! I know you don't want to deal with this the rest of your life!(if you were to get married!)
Wow - I'm really sorry to hear this, you had a lot invested after being together for 10 years. But I agree, break away now and start fresh, you deserve much better.
>Return the ring, walk out the door and don't look back!
>Thankfully you aren't married yet and YOU are not the one who
>is pregnant so you can get outta there and start fresh w/no
>I am sorry this happened to you but so glad you found out
>before you married him!
>Best of luck to you!

I was reading the responses and this is exactly what I would have said.


Thank you all for all the support from the bottom of my heart. I am running really fast as all of you recommend. Maybe now I will get that lean body like some of "you" have....
Run like hell, girlfriend, and don't look back, keep moving forward. You're not alone, you've got plenty of support here.
Something like this happened to my husband before he and I met. It was just about the hardest thing he had to go through. His live in fiance and best friend had been cheating behind his back for almost a year before he found out. He found out, got out, and about 6 months later found me - we both thank God that he did! There is someone much better than him waiting for you, believe that!!
You hang in there - I know it is hard, but you will get through this and be stronger for it! And then you will be able to share that strength and love with someone who deserves it - and who deserves you.
I'm echoing Laura's response because that's exactly what happened to my DH right before he met me - and we've been very happily married for 5 years now! :) I know it probably hurts like hell, but now you get to start over and find someone who truly deserves you!!!
Glad everyone (or almost) agrees to walk away. Find someone that loves you and cares enough to not hurt you like that. There's more than cheating now, there will be a child involved he'll have to worry about and more complications. Hopefully the new workouts will make you feel better! Even through bad times, I know I feel better after working out.
Turn around and walk away. There are plenty of great men out there and sticking it out with this slimebag isn't going to do you any good. On the plus side (if there can possibly be a plus side to such an unfortunate situation) at least you weren't married to this guy.

good luck
I just want to add how sorry I feel for you. This must be a very rough time for you. After 10 years, looking forward to a wedding and he has an affair on you with a former friend!! what a betrayal! I don't think you'd ever be able to trust him again.

how did you find out?
This happened to me (except for the baby part)!!! I told both the jerk and my x-best friend (for over 17 years!!!!) NEVER to call me again, plus I had my phone numbers changed and got into therapy. It's interesting, because I've heard he talks about me like I was the greatest living women he ever knew. He ended up getting married to some crazy women he met in AA. ;) :p :eek:
Wow, all you guys are the best.....He decided to come clean after he found out she was prego. I have a nice talk with her husband and we are going thru the same emotions. We swap story details that each of us knew. He has already filed divorce on her. I feel bad for him. He is a nice guy just provideing for his family. And he really cares for his kids. I heard she is playing the victum now......

My SO still wants to work things out.......HA!!.....He thinks that if I talk nice to him we will work things out. This will make our love stronger....

I just can't get passed that fact that he was doing this for over 2.5yrs. Could of stopped but but didn't. (He says it was so hard to stop but he wanted to.)..Plus he said he didn't tell me cuz he know how this would turn out...I just can't get past that......He says that he is reborn......OH please!!!!...
Each week is getting better, been 2 weeks now. I think I will make an appointment for some therapy and I ordered a book for self help.

Thank you all for all the support. Just keep telling me to run away...OK!!


Be strong, girl!!! Don't let him talk you into going back. It has been my experience that most (no, not all, but most) people who cheat will do it again. Don't buy into that crap that it will make you two stronger.

It is nice that you and the husband can be there for each other. I am sure you can both use the support.
Not to discount the raw deal you got....but like others are saying, be thankful you are not married to him and do not have kids with this puts you in the fortunate position to make a clean break and not have to be dragged down by all the drama, whereas the others who are affected have no choice but to have to deal with this. 2.5 years is not redeemable in my opinion either. With the slammin body you get from Cathe, hopefully in time you can get out there and shake your thing and find someone new.

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