Cheating men......


I have been with my SO for 10yrs. Been engaged the last 2.5yrs. Just found out the he has been cheating on me ever since we have been engaged to one of my old ex good friends. She is pregnant....(By the way she is married with 4 kids and husband had a vastecomy) Any one have any advise on how to get through this? Any yes the fetus is my SO's....

Krista in Wisconsin

PS. I am buying the new videos to get revenge.....
let the husband of this ex friend deal with this issue. i would not walk away. i would run as fast as i could and not look back.
you need someone who loves you, and will be faithful to you and only you. you deserve it!

I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

To be honest, I don't think that buying $60.00 worth of workout videos for revenge would cut it for me. I'd be kicking him out of my life--IMMEDIATELY. Sounds like there's a big fat storm brewing that I sure wouldn't want to be a part of--not to mention the trust that has been killed due to the complete disrespect he's shown you and your relationship. (And I'd also go to a doctor to make sure he had given me any "gifts" such as an STD.)

Good luck to you.
well buy the videos LOL then charge it to him wait for them to arrive then boot him out }(

j/k really that is just sick,sad, and other words i could mention for a man to do this to a woman who has been good to him and to be with another man's wife. shame on him and she is no pricness angel in this too. i feel for the kids in this b/c i am sure the husband is besides himself and is contemplating leaving his relationship. its sad when ppl think they have a right to trample on others feelings like this. dh knows where the door is if this were me. kids or no kids, i refuse to let anybody to that to me. your a good person,and you deserve someone who respects you. obviously not ready for marriage is he.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Thanks your lucky stars you're not married to him. Now dump him fast. Today! Why do you even have to ask?!!!!! Are you really thinking about "working it out" with him?
Oh Krista, that's horrible! ((((((big hugs))))) To be betrayed by him and your friend sucks, sucks, sucks. (not exactly poetry, I know) You have to boot his butt out--don't wait for the dvds. $60 doesn't = this kind of crap!! Just get him out of your life. For him to have done this to you for 2-1/2 years means he's beyond redemption. DON'T forgive him--he may have been doing this before your got engaged and you never knew. Please get tested, like someone else suggested and get out. He will never make you happy like you deserve. Take care of yourself and be glad you didn't already marry the jerk. p.s. Lose the "friend" too!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I would buy Hardcore series and Intensity series, too, if possible. Then get your ducks in a row and start loving yourself, look for the love you deserve. Some people are ok w/ open relationships. But it doesn't sound like that is what you were thinkin' you had. Good luck.
Totally agree with everyone here! RUN-RUN-RUN. If he did it once, I'm afraid he will most likely do it again.

Be good to yourself!

I haven't read any of the other responses, but if anyone said to say goodbye to the schmuck, I wholeheartedly agree!

I'm so sorry!
I don't think by 'get through this' she necessarily meant she was going to work it out with him...I took it as a 'move on, get through the heartache' type of 'get through this'.

I'm so sorry to hear this...I can't imgine how difficult this must be. Surround yourself with good people, good support.
Oh my goodness! What a lousy, filthy, stinking, rotten pig. Actually, that's being mean to pigs. You kick him to the curb. Then you get in your car and run over him.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. If you need to vent or rant, we're here to listen. Sending ((((hugs)))).
i'm so sorry this is happening to you, krista. it's so easy to say run as fast as you can, but i know that's easier said than done. you'll need alot of strength to get through this, but you can do it! please try to surround yourself with support, you can always come here for it when you need to.

you deserve better, i'm so sorry.
Turn round and run as fast as you can and know that you are doing it because you love yourself and deserve better.
Leave him. That's it. My knowledge of people who cheat is that they don't love you enough to stay true. Why hold on to that? You deserve something better in life. He might be a nice enough guy, but he wants something else - and so do you!

Kind of funny that she got pregnant (in a mean funny way). I bet she's the one who made her husband get the vasectomy so she wouldn't have other kids...

And yeah, as someone else has mentioned. Once somebody cheats...they will most likely do it again.
Run quickly away. Then try to learn from your mistakes. Review for the signs that had to have been there, so you learn to read them for the next time around. You say you have been with him for 10 years, engaged for 2.5. So, it took 7.5 years to get engaged and you're still engaged with no progress toward "sealing the deal?" This man never had any intention of following through. Learn from that, move on and find a better, stronger, happier relationship. Good luck!!
(and I agree - more workouts and some of the new outfits are definitely in order!!)
>Oh my goodness! What a lousy, filthy, stinking, rotten pig.
>Actually, that's being mean to pigs. You kick him to the
>curb. Then you get in your car and run over him.
>I'm so sorry this happened to you. If you need to vent or
>rant, we're here to listen. Sending ((((hugs)))).

I know the man is a scum bag, but don't run over him with your matter how angry you are. I also know the running over him part was said in jest, but it reminded me of a real-life situation. A lady dentist ran over her husband with her car. I think he cheated on her, but I'm not sure. Anyway, she's in prison now.

Return the ring, walk out the door and don't look back!

Thankfully you aren't married yet and YOU are not the one who is pregnant so you can get outta there and start fresh w/no worries!

I am sorry this happened to you but so glad you found out before you married him!

Best of luck to you!

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