Cheap-o Halloween?


I live at the top of a very steep driveway. In the five years we've lived there we've NEVER gotten trick or treaters.

Well, Wednesday was our first customer - the child who lives in teh house across from us and her friend. They trudged up the drvieway and rang the doorbell after some giggling and frantic whispering outside the door. I opened the door and told them I'm soprry I didn't have any candy for them but I do have ice cream bars, would you like one?

Well, they politely said OK, although I think they were really disappointed, but they weren't even real ice cream bars, they were my beloved Weight Watcher fudgie bars.

I was kind of embarrassed.

Do you think that was OK to give them the fudgie bars?

Susan L.G.
OMG, Susan, I could have written your post!

My SO and I live at the top of the steepest, scariest driveway ever (basically, we live on a cliff) and have NEVER gotten trick or treaters--EVER. And of course, every year I buy candy and then have to eat it all myself.

Well, this year I decided screw the candy, I'm not gonna get any trick or treaters. And low and behold, we get two kids who trudge up the driveway. I was so panicked and embarrased, I can't even tell you. (Don't ask me why, it's just Halloween for heaven's sake, but still...) I had to give them chewy granola bars!!! I was so embarrased, I can't even tell you.

Your WW Fudge bars were fine--don't worry. I learned my lesson though. I will never, ever not have a small bag of candy in my house on Halloween again--just in case. I hate being unprepared!!

Allison, I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a trick-or-treater a chewy granola bar! That's much better than some of that junk candy my kids brought home. I think the fudge bar treat is very "unique"! I bet they were yummy!:9
Why thank you, darli ann. :)

In all fairness, my SO thought of that since I was running around the house in a panic looking for candy! Must give credit where credit's due...

I have to admit though that I always hated getting healthy stuff at Halloween when I was a kid. Just give me a freakin' Snickers, will ya please!?!?!?!

You are so cute:) I would have done the same thing, I just hope they ate them right away! You could have given each of them a dollar, but I guess nowdays, one dollar isn't much to a kid-it was when I was little.
Don't the towns you live in have 'rules' about Trick-or-Treating: like if the porch light is off, there are no treats? We do.

I gave up on Halloween after my first year in my house, which is on a dead-end street. I went all-out decorating my porch and front yard (I'd just removed the sod and was waiting for a topsoil delivery to make my front yard into a garden, so it was all bare dirt) where I put fake tombstones and had a scary monster "Greeter" who said "beware!" or something like that when you passed in front, put on scary Halloween music, and drew arrows and messages on the sidewalk with glow-in-the-dark chalk.

No one showed up...unless you count a 35+-year-old friend, and my 50+-year-old neighbor (whom I gave grab-bags to).

Since then, I leave my porch light off at Halloween (just in case someone does come down here) and don't make grab bags.
I do think the fudge bars probably either melted before they got to them, or would be rejected by the parents because they wouldn't be wrapped in a way that would assure that there is nothing funky in them.
Well, the parents do know us - we have talked on occasion in passing, so I would really doubt they would expect me to be so stupid as to tamper with fudgie bars.

What would you have done?

Susan L.G.
>Don't the towns you live in have 'rules' about
>Trick-or-Treating: like if the porch light is off, there are
>no treats? We do.

I think that's an unspoken rule in almost every town in the U.S. and I was sure to follow it. But my SO doesn't always think x( and he turned on the outside lights when he got home and I didn't notice it in time.

Some folks give out money in lieu of candy. When I lived at home we got next to no trick or treaters so instead of buying a bag of candy that no one wanted to eat, we would wrap up 50 cents or a dollar in coins and hand that out. That way the kids could buy their own candy!;) DS just got a dollar bill when he went out trick or treating this year. I appreciated that much more then all of the junk food personally. :)
I've lived in my house for 13 years and haven't had a trick or treater. We live on a dirt road without many houses.

We had a weird thing happen on Halloween at my office. We had 3 kids and 3 adults (all wearing costumes) come to our office. I work in a non-residential area off of a busy street. Most of the offices are small businesses. Our receiptionist came into my office and said what do we do there are kids here wanting candy. We do frequently have candy in the office but we happened to be completely out that day. I came out to the front office and a co-worker was handing out candy. When they left, she told me that a guy had come by the day before and gave us candy to give to them when they came by on Halloween. Does anyone find this strange? I know you have to be careful but if you are that freaked out why not just go to your friends or relatives. Why come to an office park? It was really weird!!

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