changing day off


Active Member
Does anyone ever change their day of half way through a week? Im doing a rotation and my day off was suppose be Sat. but had to take it today instead, does this miss things up? Thanks for any input! Lori
I change at least 1- 2x a month.... Life happens but mine is usually because my body says REST NOW! There are a few ways to do it and others will have more feedback. I usually do it like this

Take the "unplanned day off" then just pick up my rotation where I left off UNLESS its cardio I missed. If it was a cardio day I go ahead & blow it off the schedule because my strength work is more important to my overall goals. I just go to next day of rotation.

If I missed a day because of "life" then I do not take the original rest day... If I missed because my body was I tired I might even take the orig. rest day. My thought is that 1 day of ANYTHING will not rock your body or your world in any negative way.
My rest days change frequently. No biggie. I either shorten or lengthen my work out "week" in order to make the change happen...I could never keep the same rest day for eternity! I'd miss more workouts that way! The more flexi I am, the less work outs I will have to miss due to that pesky thing called LIFE!:7 ;) :p

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