change up p90x?


Hi everyone, just wondering from any p90x grads out there....I'm just about to start my last week before recovery week of phase's taken me quite awhile as I had to keep stopping for different reasons. I love the program but I am getting a liitle bored, the yoga has a bit of a dread factor although I am perservering, also the kenpo getting bored and some others...have any of you substituted some Cathe in some of the days to change it up, do you think it's okay to do that?

Aggie, I think that's absolutely ok. As a matter of fact I recommend it especially if you are bored. It may be just what you need to get through it. Things like IMAX 2 for PlyoX and KPC for KenpoX are perfect subs. Good luck!
Absolutely. I subbed for Kenpo, yoga, and plyometrics as needed. They just got a bit repetitive. Yoga was my dread factor as well. I bought 2 yoga dvds that came recommended by the folks here. It made it a bit easier to get through.

I didn't get bored with the weight work, but I did sub KPC or another kickboxing workout for KenpoX quite a few times, and did an IMax instead of Plyo X sometimes. I also used other yoga workouts about 1/2 the time (and sometimes did only the first 1/2 of Yoga X).

I switched up Ab Ripper (which ended up often being 'ab skipper," LOL!) by adding a med ball to it, or doing it while sitting on my rebounder (or both).

IMO, as long as you keep the weight workouts and Core Synergistics during the recovery week, and some kind of plyo for the PlyoX day, you are staying pretty true to the program.
It's great to change things up. Just do it!:D

I'm so happy I have STS & P90X.
I plan to mix the two eventually.
I agree with everyone - especially Ab Skipper X! You are working out for you and if you want to switch it up do it!

I did Tae Bo and KPC instead of Kenpo frequently, but I did the Yoga every week - mostly because I loved it, but I was ready to get rid of that 90 minute AM time commitment by the end of it.
Also, I know you mentioned subbing in with Cathe, but do you have any of the P90X+ workouts? You can sub in the P90X+ Ab workout for Ab Ripper X and the Kenpo Cardio for KenpoX.
awhile back someone did mention a site that included cathe with p90x.i wish i could remember what it was! search the internet and u might find it.


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