Challengers/Shrinking violets Mon 7/17


Good morning Violets.

I hope no one minds me starting the thread today.

I realized this weekend how much I had been neglecting weights so my plan for the next month is to concentrate on the Gym Style Series, with a good mix of cardio. This morning I did the Back and Bicep premix. Hopefully DH will stick to his comment that he wants to get in better shape and we'll start working out together.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Am I going crazy or did someone else start the thread too? I thought I saw a double post so I deleted mine then they both were gone. So I posted again. Maybe I'm just seeing things.
Hello to Jean and all who follow!:)

Jean, I think maybe you were tired when you posted and were IMAGINING the other post cause I just looked and the only one I see is the one from yesterday! LOL :p
You read my mind, Jean! I was just posting to someone in Daily Check-In about the GS series. Maybe I'll work on a rotation using them and start it next week!}(

Well, my knee is still acting wierd. I ended up taking a complete rest day yesterday because of it. Today I am going to the gym and will try the elliptical. I'm really not sure what will or won't hurt it. If the elliptical bothers it then I will change my plan at that point. I am also due for weight work...I will "pick my poison" at the last minute for that one. }(

Have a great day!
I have been meaning to tell you Wendy how beautiful you look in your little black dress!!! I am late and already at work:

Plan for this week:

S - Yoga/Rest
M - Cardio Coach 4, CTX Bis
T - Turbo Jam CP 3, CTX Tris
W - Cardio Coach 5, CTX Chest
T - Imax 2 Blast only plus TJ Fat Blaster, CTX Back
F - Cardio Coach 3, CTX Delts
S - KPC plus FIU Floor work

Today 4hundred and something calories burned!!!!!!! Check you guys at lunch!
Hello All!

Wendy- I hope your knee is ok. I bought a band that you put right below your knee cap and that's been helping me. I don't know what I did to it. On Mother's Day I got a sharp pain in it and couldn't put my weight on it for a few minutes. Then it was ok. It never happened that bad again, it just aches sometimes so I watch my weights for LB and I've been doing step with no risers and that helps.

Jean- that sounds like a good plan. GS's are great. I did GS legs Thursday and still have DOMS.

I have Imax 1 today. Don't want to do it, but I'll give it a try. I'll just modify if need be. If it's too much for my knee I'll throw in SB or SJP.

I DO NOT want to go to work tonight. It's sooo hot here. We have ac but when you're up and down on ladders and stuff you end up sweating like a pig. I hate it.

Well have a good morning all to follow. Hope everyone is doing well with they're challenges and eating.

Hi Jean. I work at Bed Bath & Beyond and we top stock all of our extra product so I when we close we have to drop and fill and top stock freight. It's really a lot of fun. I just hate it when it's so hot.

I decided to take a rest day as my knee is bothering me and I don't want to push it. Plus I'll be on my feet tonight for 6 hours which is not going to HELP it I'll tell ya.

My parents are here to go in the pool so I'm going to run some errands w/o the boys. YAY!

Be back later!

Hi Kathy and Wendy and Anyone to follow!

Where the hec is everybody today?

Wendy how is your knee? Both of mine were bothering me so I skipped Imax and did PUB up and abs. I feel bad especially cause yesterday was DH and my last day of the eating of the crap and of course I did!! But I ate great today so no biggie.

If my knees are ok in the morning I think I'm going to skip Imax and start week 2 with Kickmax. Won't decide till tomorrow tho. Hopefully they won't be too sore.

Well I'm off to work in a few minutes. Have a great night everyone!

Talk to you tomorrow.

hey challengers and/or violets,

here i am finally able to post today.

today i a new workout cardio bootcamp workout by kimberly spreen. it's 45 mins of some kickboxing and strengthening moves. i like kimberly i just ordered her progressive strength dvd.

kali- how is your knee? i just love bed, bath and beyond. it's one of my favorite stores. be careful on that ladder...;o)

wendy-were you able to do the ellipical? i really hope your knee gets better quickly.

jean- feel free to start this thread any time . i love's my faves of all the weight training videos.

kathy- which cardio coaches do you own? out of the ones you own which do you think is the toughest? i own #5 i am looking to increase my collection.

hello to all that follows.

have a wonderful evening ladies!
Hi girls!

Kathy: Thank you! You are sweet!:)

Kali: I've considered buying some type of bandage or something for my knee just incase cause this is not the first time I've hurt it but I don't know what to get. Hope your knees feel better soon!

Hi there Jean and Sunny!

Sorry I've pretty much been MIA today except for quickie peeks into the forum! I was actually doing my "job" for once and spent much of the day cleaning and doing laundry instead of farting around on the computer!:p ;) :7 Then tonight after dinner we went over to DH's cousin's...he has a pool!:7 :7 :7 Felt GREAT as you can well imagine!:+

My knee is still not completely right. I didn't go to the gym. I walked out of my door to put garbage out at 9am this morning and when I felt that "wall" of YUCK hit me in the face, I decided the gym was NOT happening! I did not feel like walking out all sweaty after a work out and having to deal with that! I may go tomorrow though...out of guilt! LOL ;)

This is what I did today:

Ripped: Upper Body and Abs only
50 inner thigh lifts on each leg
50 outer thigh lifts on each leg
50 pelvic tilts on the ball
50 walking lunges
50 squats
KM kicking and punching combos

I did the lunges w/o weights figuring they might bother my knee...I had no trouble so when I got to squats I used weights and was fine yet when I walk it still doesn't feel right....GO FIGURE!

I nixxed my running class tonight. My knee was the main reason but to be honest, even if my knee were fine, I don't know that I'd have gone in this heat! Maybe I would have...who knows! I can be stubborn! LOL }(

Hope everyone is well!

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