Challengers Saturday April 5


Morning Girls :)

I'm gonna post quick and come back for personals.

Today is a 5mile run at the gym.

Becca: I have auburn hair. I'll email ya a picture laters. Who knows you could be my long lost sister. I'm adopted and I found out I have 2 bio sisters and 2 bio brothers. So ya never know :) And yes I worked as a RN until I had my kids as well.


I shall return.
Hey girls;

Todays workout is a 60minute interval on the TM.But first ABbS x(,i just keep forgetting to do these? Dangitx(

Kath-My hats off to you,I admire Doctor's,Nurses..... peoples whos jobs are to help other people. A nurse is something that I could never do. Im VERY sensitive! So seeing people in pain would just absolutely kill me,especially childeren:-(. I would love to see a pic of you too!! This is me....

Not the most flattering picture but i don't care ;-)!! LOL. I hardly ever wear makeup so its hard to find a pic with me wearing some.

Hey anybody else wannna share a pic? Its so nice to see a face with a name:)

Good Morning!

I started the thread earlier and never got to finish it. To many people awake at the same timex( I never have any ME time when it is like that. Now I am trying to get DS ready to take him out somewhere. There is a hockey tournament on the go here this week (thats where DH is) and I think I am going to get DS ready and go there. Im not staying in this house all day.
After lunch I will get my workout in. Im not 100% what that will be but it was going to be L&G and cardio but my legs are kind of sore from yesterdays workout. I may end up just doing a run and saving legs for tomorrow.

Kath** Enjoy your run!

Ameila** You have all seen pics of one wants to see anymore;) Is today your cheat day/WI? Did you lose any?

I MAY be back later! I also read through everyones post yesterday but now I have it all forgot b/c I intended to do personnals. Oh well...

Lori-LOL me? lose wieght? yeah, right?;-) nothing going on here!! I guess when i get my eating under control agian i will start losing agian!!? Enjoy the Hockey tournament today!
Good Mornng,

Quick check in then its cleanmax, laundrymax, and wal-martmax, for me today. Tonites workout low impact step. Didn't get a workout in again yesterday, DH told me to come over to his sisters house for supper right after work. We had steaks potaoes and peas. Eating was out of control yesterday I really need to keep packing my lunch.

Brkfst yesterday was banana muffin
lunch was chili and cinnamon twist
pm snack was caramel,brownie chocolate cheesecake small sliver
and I listed supper up above and yet my stomache is growling this AM does it ever get enough?

Have a good saturday everyone I need to get moving before DH gets home.
Hey there everyone. No WO for me yet today, but I did WI @ WW and was DOWN 2.6#!!!!!! BFL worked this week - motivates me to stick w/ it for next week. Planned ex today is running @ soccer practice & on the sidelines (I coach 5YO girls) and ME later (tho it'll probably be ME Express).

Roxie, I'm almost always "starving" the morning after a bad food day. No idea why, just a pattern I've noticed, though.

Hi Amelia, Kath, Lori and everyone else!

OK, gotta run. Need to start getting kids ready if we're leaving for soccer in 30min. Have a great day everyone!
Afternoon Girls :)

I managed to get my 5miles in. Kicked some butt. This running program is working for my speed and endurance.

Andrea: Congrats on the weight loss. Feels great huh? :) I use to coach DD when she was 5. I remember those days. Nice lil workout and you don't even consider it a workout :)

Roxie: Last night DH and I went out for a lil bit. He ordered some wings. I'm not a huge fan of wings but this kind was baked and not so hot. I had one. We didnt stay out late as that he has this soccer thing today. When I got home I ate a Kashi cereal. How silly was that? I guess I could have picked something real bad LOL! But I so hate when my eating is off.

Amelia: Enjoy your day

Lori: Have fun at hockey. Will DD go with you?

I may be back but right now I am a$$ high in laundry and I getting hungry LOL. Makes no sense :)
Just posting my workout:)

I did a hour long Tread Mill cardio...30 mins was run intervals,which felt great! then 30mins of powerwalking with inclines! Oh and I did PUB abbs ,i was proud that i was able to do three pikes,well kinda butt wasn't completly over my head
Morning, no, its afternoon?? For you guys. Morning for moi.

Yesturday workout was Kickmax. Its really not one of my favourites so Its hard to do. I like the leg conditioning drills and today I am very sore!

My eating was a bit off too yesturday.

Amelia you are just a BABY!! You look very young! For some reason i had it in my head you were slightly older -no offence meant.

Andrea well done with the weight loss

Roxie I don't get why we are always starving either? Thats why diets are dangerous because you get hungry and then we go raid the pantry and EAT ANYTHING!!

Kath How long is it taking you to complete that 5 miles?

Lori I love looking at pics, and you look so good I'd be posting pics of me all over the place if I looked like you!! Be proud! How'd everything turn out with your DD?

Todays workout will be slow and heavy bis and tris and BM bis and tris and pub abs with some stretching later on in the day.

Hello all!

Today's WO was Lowmax intervals 4-7 followed by coremax 3 with the med ball. Then, I decided to take ds for a run. We went 3.5 miles, mostly walking but we did jog 1.5 miles of it. He was slowing me down! LOL!

Kath, I got your pictures! You are beautiful! What a gorgeous family you have! If I wasn't 100% sure that my mom only gave birth to me and my three sisters, I would swear we were related. :D WTG on your 5 miles.

Amelia, I think you look adorable in that pic! WTG on the pikes! Impressive!

Lori, hope you had a great time at the hockey tournament. What WO did you end up doing?

Roxie, sounds like a busy day! Have fun wirh LIS.

AndreaH, WTG on the weight loss! Fabulous!

Andrea (idream) WTG on kickmax. I don't have that one yet. KB'ing is not my fave. I have KPC and Cardio Kicks and I think that's enough for me for now.

Sorry if I missed anyone! Have a great weekend all!

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