~`~`~`Challengers its FRIDAY!!!~`~`~`~


Hi everyone,

My eating has been good (ish) today. I'm hormonally challenged these last couple days, so I'm relatively pleased with the eating but its been no where near perfecy.

Work out wise I completed the step of Body Max (original) Leaner Legs and pilates buns and thighs.

Now, I'm trying to put childs into their beds.

See you

Good morning challengers

Man,am i having typos this morning,my coffee hasn't kicked in yetx(

Andrea-high fives on the workout and eating good(ish)and while hormonally challneged! Great job!

Hey to everybody:) I hope y'all are having a great friday:)

Im still in my recovery week so no workout until monday(if i can stand it that long,everyday ive had to convince myself to NOT workout:+) Ive got my baby neice today(or is it spelled niece?,i have no idea,LOL) anyhoot,she is here so i won't be doing much but changing diapers and bottle feeding:+ shes a sweety,shes smilling now....shes 2&1-1/2 months old! i will try and upload a pic of her later!

ok,i may pop in later:)
Good Morning,

Eating yesterday was alittle better, but by the time I went to the grocery store after work came home DD was here with her new puppy and then I had to fix supper so the workout went by the wayside. I really need to start getting up in the mornings. Tonite is step blast.

Andrea-good job on the eats and nice workout.

Amelia-have fun with the baby.

Everyone have a good day.
Andrea, nice job on the work outs and eating while challenged.

Amelia, hope your recovery week is given you the rest you need. Enjoy the day with your niece.

Roxie, have fun with step blast. What kind of puppy did your DD get? My DD wants to get one once she moves out. She is starting to realize the extra expense though of pet deposits and such as she looks at leasing agreements. I kind of hope she waits until she finishes school, because DH has already said we're not taking care of it. Two dogs are enough. So it would be better for her(and us) if she waited until she graduates, gets a good steady job and knows where she will be for awhile.

This morning was 1 hour of jog/walk. First I went by myself and did steady first mile, then hill sprints, then steady last mile with some flat sprints throw in. Then I took each dog out for a short jog. My legs are feeling it.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Tonight we have another funeral/viewing. One of the mechanics that works in DH's department was killed in a car wreck. I can't even imagine what the family is going through.


well I caved and did a cardio I did Bm2 timesavor cardio and i feel alot better

ok,just popping in,typing with one hand hear:+
Amelia- I remember those days!! I had to cook, clean, type, wash, make beds, talk on the home phone all with one hand! Sigh , those were the good old days.!

I am poppin back in too, (obviously) I MADE IT THGROUGH THE NIGHT WITHOUT PANTRY RAIDING!!! Yessirrrr! High twentys to me!


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