CHALLENGERS - Challenge Yourself Jan.2013

Good Evening Jean,

I did Xtrain Chest, Back and shoulders today and then DH and I loaded up a trailer and took stuff to storage. We now have a sign in our front yard and a lock box on the front door so hopefully we can get sold soon. Good job with Cardio Coach even though it was cold.
I think I'm losing my mind. Thought I posted, but didn't. Now I can't remember what I did.

today I did Turbo Fire 30.Yesterday was burn set shoulders and some other cardio of Cathe's but I don't remember what. The day before must have been Burn set Chest, Back and Core because I when I did it I decided to save Shoulders until the next day to try not to aggreviate them. Didn't work, shoulder is not happy with me today. I'll put some heat on it later and see if that helps some.

Good Afternoon Jean,

I was suppose to do legs yesterday but the realtor called and said someone wants to look at the house tonite so I spent the evening cleaning. Tonite I will either do Xtrain legs or bis and tris depending on time. Be careful with that shoulder. Good job on your workouts. Have you managed to miss the flu or colds going around?
Happy Saturday Jean,

I did Xtrain Bis and Tris and the All Out Low Hiit Cardio plus some of Core 1 I don't like the banana crunches they confuse me.
It's been a crazy week. Went to visit my mom and in-laws. MIL ended up in the emergency room. They released, but she had to go back yesterday. She apparently has a broken hip. I have only managed 1 workout this week and that was the Low impact one section 2 & 3. Hopefully I can return to a more normal schedule starting tomorrow.

Today I did XTrain legs. That kind of workout gets into the little areas that don't get worked with heavy weights. I think I am going to feel it tomorrow.

Good Morning Jean,

My workouts have been sporadic this week I haven't really been in the mood just to tired and stressed. I am going to do Xtrain CB&S when I get home from work. I don't really like the leg workouts but I find working legs boring. I hope you MIL gets better soon.
Well I have been trying to avoid getting sick this past week. I have had a scratchy throat for several days and have been very tired. Today I figured I needed to at least try to get a work out in. Tried the treadmill thinking that would be the easiest. I didn't last long. Started out walking which was fine, but once I started to jog, I got light headed and started poring out sweat. I guess my body is telling me it still needs me to take it easy. May try to just add some walks in at least be moving.

Hope you are doing well this week.

Good Morning Jean,

We seem to be having the same problem I wake up every morning with a cough but nothing severe and a runny nose. Yesterday I was doing Cardio Leg Blast and couldn't finish the last set I was getting that light headed feeling. I did Xtrain Bis and Tris this morning and its suppose to be in the 60's so I want to go for a walk. I am taking youngest dd to the dr. today because she has bronchitis. I hope you feel better soon and listen to your body.
I managed a 2 mile walk this morning. When I came home from work I was so tired I fell asleep. Work up about 9 pm and stayed awake for maybe an hour and then went to bed. Wish I could get some energy back.

Hope your cough is getting better.

Good Evening Jean,

I haven't worked out much this week we had a showing Thursday night and got and offer on the house, she wants to close by Feb 27th. so I have been busy trying to get stuff packed up so we can take a load to storage. I hope you get some energy back soon.
Congrats on the house. Not much time though to get all packed up. I can only imagine how busy you have been. Good luck with all of it.

I got a work out in yesterday. I did biceps and walked on the treadmill.

I'm finally starting to feel better. Went for a jog/walk outside this morning. It was kind of cold, but at least I got up and did something. Maybe now I can start to get some energy back. I put on 5 pounds since December so I need to get to work to stop this trend.

Good Afternoon,

We found a house and we are moving next weekend boss lady has been a bitch to me since Thursday. I haven't been very good about working out between looking for a place to live and packing I have become lazy. I know I have put on wt. Good job going for a jog/walk even though it was cold.
Congrats on the house. Sorry about the boss's attitude. She probably is just disappointed that she will be losing you and doesn't know how to handle it. good luck with the move. I'm sure once you get settled you will get back to a regular schedule.

I haven't been working out much, but at least my eating the last few days has been decent.

Good Afternoon Jean,

Well we are suppose to move this weekend and it has decided to dump 14" of snow on us. I haven't been very good about working out either but I am hoping to get back to it when things settle down. I am going to do XT HS after the furnace man leaves if he can make it here.
Hope the move went well as could be expect with snow. Hope it wasn't too hard.

I was gone most of the weekend. Went to support my sister and her husband. His adult son, passed away unexpectedly and the funeral was Friday.

Today I managed to get up and am trying to refocus on working out. The 3 pounds I managed to lose are back so I'm back up to my high weight. I did one of the pre-mixes from All Out Low Impact and couldn't even finish it. Boy do I have a long way to go.
Good Morning Jean,

We are all moved in now the unpacking begins and its such a daunting task. I didn't workout all weekend to busy moving and I don't know if I will get one done today dh needs to get my tv set up. Good job getting back into the swing of things sorry to hear about your DSs' son. We are expecting another 10-13" of snow we had 7 the last time.
Glad you are all moved in. I'm sure unpacking will take some time but I know you will get back to your routine soon.

This morning I did Xtrain Legs and Delts pre-mix.

Good Morning Jean,

Looks like we are doing the same workout today but I need to do Burn Sets Bis & Tris. I found alot of the kitchen yesterday but I am running out of room for stuff and we went and got our clothes out of storage so I need to hang them up and I don't have enough room for those either. Good job getting your workout done.

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