Chalene's Periodization Version....


I do like Turbo jam and Chalene and all... but I just dont know about committing to her verion of Periodization.... She is in the middle of filming the exact same thing.... Her Turbo jam weights have been so wimpy in comparison, well, before I get flamed - they are just not in any same league as Cathe weights.... Thoughts?
Sorry but I find the way she writes to be so nauseating. "Me, me, me, me, me........." I could never work out with someone whose personality was like this.

To be fair, Chalene Johnson is part of the Beachbody family of instructors so I don't think her periodization wt training program is a copy of STS. Beachbody did do P90X after all. As far as how heavy the wts the will be, who knows?? I've read at VF that she is going to be using the bowflex dumbbells (this may be pure speculation though) and there is a test group going. I don't think anyone would call it undulating periodization if they were using 2, 3 and 5 lb dumbbells!

Nothing about Turbo Jam was heavy wts, I know, I own every one of those dvds. All that said, I also think Chalene is a fantastic instructor for cardio. She's enthusiastic, funny, and motivating! I love the music and the way she brings attention to most members of her cast (for wt lost, good form, high energy etc.) during her workouts. How much she'll "tone down" her personality for serious wt training is anyone's guess. She has a bosu workout done years ago (it's at Collage) where she's much more mellow. She's not for everyone, nor is Tony Horton. Depending on the cost, I will look hard at her program just because I like Chalene so much and I like variety. (I ordered STS too.) JMO.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>Sorry but I find the way she writes to be so nauseating.
>"Me, me, me, me, me........." I could never work out with
>someone whose personality was like this.

In all fairness, Blogs are all about "me".

I wonder if her workouts (which truthfully, are very time efficient and effective - perkiness gone amok that she is) - will be more affordable than Cathe's ??
This is a woman who worked out in a mini-skirt. Nuff, said. She is probably a great lady and I respect others views on Turbo Jam and Charlene, but I gave all my workouts away.

Then again, I don't mind Tony H. at all, except for all the plugging he does for that recovery drink.;)
First off, I don't think Chalene is copying Cathe at all. Plans for her workouts have probably been in the works for quite a while (BB often does long test runs of their workouts, and has people who actually got results with those workouts in the DVD's).

Her system sounds interesting, but there's not a lot of info out about it yet.

On the other hand, I really don't associate Chalene with heavy weights. To be fair, I've only seen two of her workouts (the 'wiggly', hip-shaking "kickboxing" I see in her infomercials doesn't appeal to me at all), but the weight work in them was light, and she seemed to like to incorporate "dance" into that as well (doing an overhead press while doing a side-to-side hip swing, WTF?) which I found a not-very-wise combo (let's hope that's not what she means by "UNDULATING periodization", LOL!).
I love the TJ's and Chalene as well! I can't imagine her doing a heavy weight training series but hey, who knows! There's no reason she couldn't pull it off! I'm very curious about these. I hope they are sold separately so that I don't have to commit to an entire set but can still see what it's like!:)
I understand that. And yet Cathe manages to produce one that does not shove her "me" down anyone's throats. It is possible to talk about the self without being egocentric and nauseating.

It's fine. She's either your cup of tea or she isn't. She isn't mine.

I haven't seen any information regarding the specifics of Chalene's new project, but IMO, she doesn't need to copy anyone. She is successful in her own right and has a huge following. I really enjoy Chalene's upbeat, warm personality and I always look forward to my Turbo Jam workouts.

I agree, Sarah. I just got into the TJ workouts a few months ago and really like Chalene's style. She's a different instructor than Cathe, but fun and I look forward to her new workouts!
Hey Jess!

Didja' get a chance to try out the new 10 minute trainers? I'm very curious to hear opinnions on them!!!!

Sorry to hijack the thread!
So far I've only tried out the 10 min abs. I really liked it, lots of different moves that change every 30 seconds. I added it on after TJ Ab jam & it was a really good ab workout! I'll let you know after I try out the rest (maybe today... thanks for the suggestion! }( ).
I like the TJs when I need something simple and not too high impact. That being said, it bugs me when she keeps telling me I'm going to have soooo much fun and really, if it was fun you wouldn't need to keep reminding me.

There really isn't anything new in her approach to kickbox workouts. Those moves are pretty much generic.

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