Chalean Extreme??? really???

I loved this system. It helped me lose 20lbs that I had gained over the years. Plus, with all the compound moves, these workouts packed a lot in 30 minutes.
Chalean's hips scare the begeezes outta me. I'm afraid she's gonna poke someone's eye out with them. In all seriousness there are very few instructors that measure up to Cathe in my opinion.
I did not get Chalene Extreme. I bought the first starter turbo jam dvd set because I have so many friends who love it and her. Did not like it. Did not really like Chalene either.

And after doing STS, don't want to spend the money on it. For me, the 1 RM and having the 60 - 90% RM calculated for me on my workout cards for every workout is really what separates this workout from any other out there. That, and of course, Cathe.
I did CLX Burn and Push and LOVED the time-efficiency of the workouts. I also could lift quite heavy, which always makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Then when it came time to do the third sequence ("Lean"), I did one workout and decided I didn't want to continue on. I'm not sure why I 'dropped out' at that point, but maybe I'll get to it someday!

There is a lot I like about CLX, but also some things I don't like, such as the moves in Burn that are rather tough on the back (holding a forward-leaning lunge position while doing a set of slow reps), the inconsistent speed of reps...and I never thought Chalene's physique looked that great (her abs don't impress me at all!).

I really do like the cardio circuit/interval (or whatever she calls them) workouts that come with the program, and I might get back into those soon.
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I like Charlene & look forward to trying CharLEAN Xtreme this Fall after my running season comes to a close. I normally dislike strength training so am looking forward to Charlene to transform my thinking.

I am also patiently waiting for TurboFire!
Ooh can someone post the mixed rotation? I totally love CLX and can't wait for her Turbo Fire, so I can mix that in as well! My body actually responded better to the CLX program than it did to STS, but I'm probably in the minority there..

Here it is. It's called the Lean for Life Phase

Week 1: Burn Circuit 1, Rest day, Push Circuit 2, Burn Intervals & Extreme Abs, Lean Circuit 1, Burn It Off & Recharge, Rest day
Week 2: Burn Circuit 2, Rest Day, Push 3, Burn Intervals & Abs, Lean 3, Burn it off & Recharge, Rest
Week 3: Burn 3, Rest, Push 1, Burn Intervals & Abs, Lean 2, Burn it off & Recharge, Rest
Week 4: Burn 1, Rest, Push 1, Burn Intervals & Abs, Lean 3, Burn it off & Recharge, Rest
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