Celiac Disease??


I am trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and I ran across some information on celiac disease (gluten intolerance) which I think may be the problem. Does anyone have this? If so, how were you diagnosed and how do you deal with it? Thanks!
>I am trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and I ran
>across some information on celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
>which I think may be the problem. Does anyone have this? If
>so, how were you diagnosed and how do you deal with it?

I hope you figure out what is bothering you. The doctors thought my son had either crohns disease or celiac a few years back. There is a blood test for celiac, actually I think two different ones, one test being more sensitive. My son had these done, and they came back conflicting, one yes, one no. He then had a colonoscopy and endoscopy (they were done at the same time) to check for both the crohns and the celiac - I think, again this is almost three years ago, the endoscopy was for the celiac and the colonscopy for the crohns. I hope this was somewhat helpful. Please make sure you contact your doctor.
Good Luck
Hey there!

My boss has that (or sprue but apparently it's the same???) and a friend of mine just got diagnosed with Celiac. It was apparently quite difficult to diagnose - well, only b/c they weren't looking for it. I'm not sure how they finally figured it out, but she had been sick for a year!

There are tons of gluten free foods these days. One of our grocery stores has a whole line of stuff. In Ft. Collins, CO - just south of us - there is even a gluten free pizza place. I think that with so many wheat allergies anymore, lots of companies are realizing the need.

My boss says if he eats something with gluten he gets the big D within a couple of days and it's awful. My friend says it happens within a couple of hours for her. Both of them have to take very good vitamins b/c this disease causes absorbtion problems.

I'm sorry I'm not more helpful, as my knowledge is quite limited.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I, too, have Celiac - just discovered this past summer. And like the previous post says, you MUST stay away from GLUTEN and WHEAT. Depending on the severity of your CELIAC, that means shampoo, toothpaste (there is wheat in them). I switched to Colgate toothpaste - because there is nothing in it. You have to start READING LABELS.

IF you live near a Whole Foods Supermarket, they carry ALOT Of GLUTEN-FREE/WHEAT FREE products. Or you can shop online. The best breads are those made by www.foodforlife.com I like their GF/WF MILLET BREAD. Then I use www.arrowheadmills.com for cereal. They have "Maple Buckwheat Flakes" that are GF/WF - and they are great. Also, www.bobsredmill.com has GF/WF cereals AND GF/WF general baking flour which is also great. Foods By George - has alot of good deserts.

Some general websites are www.glutenfreemall.com Also, try www.celiac.org Remember to take alot of Calcium supplements as well. Shaklee makes a GF/WF calcium supplement.

Hope this helps.

Thanks so much everyone for all the great information! I have a doctor's appointment this Wednesday so I am definitely going to ask about being tested for this!

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