Celiac Disease/ Wheat /Gluten Intolerence

Does anyone out there have this disorder? If so, I would like to swap recipes? Before finding out about this disorder, I was very tired, and gained weight. Lots of people have this disorder and go undiagnosed. After I was diagnosed with this disorder,I went on a special diet, and I lost 25 lbs. Now I have alot of energy and feel great! This is a great website on celiac disease - http://www.celiac.org/cd-main.php

a girl I work with is on this diet. I too think that I have this but how do I go about getting diagnosed?
You should see an allergist, and have them run specific antibody blood tests. If you go to the web site that I mentioned previously, it will let you know about the specific tests. If I eat something with wheat/ gluten knowingly or unknowingly; I break out in a rash, and will be very tired. I have alot of the symptoms mention in the web site. I eat rice bread (EnerG) instead of wheat bread. Also, I eat dinners by Amy (gluten free) in the frozen section of the grocery store. I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I have had to make many changes in my diet, but it is worth it!! Best wishes to you and your health!

I dont get a rash put my upper back and shldrs break out alot when the rest of me doesnt. When I was younger I had allergy tests that came back with wheat,soybean and barley allergies.thanks for the input

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