Cedie's Warm Up mistake ?


Has anyone noticed Cedie's warm up mistake in Imax (I watch the warm up alot, coz I LOVE the music !:7) ? well, she makes the mistake, and she just doesn't look up, and you can tell she is just about killing herself laughing, and it cracks me up every time ! She is better than me, because I just stand there and frown, and swear (Yes, it is true, all, I do) when I make a mistake ! LOL ! :7 :D :7

Yeah Anna,

I have noticed it before. Right when she's suppose to do the knee up, it looks like she was going to do the straddle version, which is also in the warm up. I love running across little quirks like that in the videos. I'm always amazed when I've had a video for a while and done it several times, but one day after the umpteeth time of doing it, I'll see one of the background crew make a mistake that I never noticed before. :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,

Yes, that is the bit ! (I'm still laughing !). I watched Cardio Kicks last night and had a little dabble at the moves, before my big attempt tonight ! And I noticed Rhonda made a couple of mistakes too, and she was also trying not to laugh. If that was me I would collapse on the floor laughing !

Anna :)
Cedie does something on one of the PS warm ups, too. Arms are supposed to go up and hers go out, or vice versa. She makes a little "Whoops - I screwed that up" face towards the camera man. It's cute.


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