Hey there all you Cardio Coach Press Players! It's that time again!
Who's in!?
I have a big family shindig going on this weekend so I'll have to pick a day next week to do it, but I'll be with you in spirit and I'll be checking the forum to read your workout reports!!
Awwwww..... the end of the month came around quick. I have big family shin-dig, too, but it's impossible for me to run during the week, so I may just try to squeeze it in Saturday. I'll have to start early anyway due to the heat.......
I'm in!!! Treadmill CCPP for me. I'm still babying my PF and have been able to run lower mileage (2-4 miles) with NO pain for a few days now. I'll try CCPP tomorrow and see how I handle the 6 or 7 miles I usually log with it.
I'm in. Either elliptical or running. Depends on the weather, its been raining for a week, but I think its supposed to stop. Maybe I should just row a boat?
Well, I'll have to miss this one. I'm nursing yet another injury. Actually, I have three separate issues on the same stupid leg. Very, very irritating. I'm glad this tradition continues, though, and I'll be thinking of all the Press Players!!
Awwwww, that stinks about your injury, Shannon! I hope you get better soon. I will be thinking about you while I am huffing and puffing through the Arizona heat
{{{{{Shannon}}}}} I'm sorry, sweetness!!! I got your email but I've been SWAMPED. I'll write back next week. SMOOCH!
Y'all ROCK!!! I might try to do Volume 1 or 2 over the weekend. No way I have time for all of PP, but I'll be thinking about each one of you and monitoring the thread for workout reports.