CCPP results!

It's not easy, but it's not as hard as it looks, either. Even if the bike falls, it falls off and stops. You don't really hurt yourself. And you do get a lot of benefits from it. There is a nice little learning curve though!

Christine, I just had to butt in about rollers (couldn't do PP this weekend since I was out of town and may not be able to get to it this week). I loved riding rollers, but it was really scary at first. It felt like riding on ice! And I had the bike slide out from under me more than once and nearly conked my head. Once you get the hang of it, though (we had lots of handprints on our doorways!) it's really rewarding. I got to the point where I was able to use them without needing the security of the doorways or walls. I never tried to do anything like CC on them, though. I'm impressed! Have fun.
OMG Christine those rollers look so challenging to me. :eek: I'm sure I'd fall off somehow if I tried it.

Hi Carola!! :) I hope you are well.

Thanks to everyone for the nice comments.
Carola, your post touched both me and Mike. Thank you so much for your positive energy. :) I will keep your friend Michelle in my prayers. BTW, how in the world did you survive in 98 degrees? I know I would have passed out. You are one strong lady!

Christine, those rollers... wow! I'm pretty sure I'd be terrified on them. Way to go doing PP on them!

Tanya, it's so great to see you here! I think of you every time Sean mentions your name. I'm so glad you're doing better.

Kathy, you are amazing!! That's awesome about doing a duathlon with your husband. Good luck in October.

Shana, I love how you do so many different things during PP. Talk about muscle confusion. I'm going to have to try it sometime, if I could pull myself away from the outside.

Nancy, we all know how life gets busy and sometimes Press Play Saturday sneaks up on you or comes when you're not able. It's just great to see you here.

Angie, I agree with you about that first challenge. It is the toughest. I always feel like if I can finish that first one, I can do the rest. Great job!!

Ivory, I too love when I get those goosebumps during the workout. It's so emotional. I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your brother. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

Melissa, I'm with you. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this workout too. How can such a killer workout be so much fun, motivating and emotional? I know without a doubt it's the collective positive energy by everyone doing it, with such positive energy and love, it's palpable. Such an amazing workout!

Julie, please, please join us. The more, the merrier!! :D Welcome!! As Angie said, this workout is worth every penny. Here is a link to Jim MacLaren's site where you can purchase Press Play:

Michele, I'm thinking of you and sending some positive energy your way. :D

Blessings to you all,


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