Cathe's Rotation of the Month!!!


Hey everyone,

Cathe will feature a 'Rotation of the Month'. She has already posted an April rotation in the video/dvd rotation forum. It looks great.
Check it out and have fun!!

Hey Cathy, I saw that too!! (but in the Open Discussion Forum...maybe you just made a booboo when saying it was in the video and dvd forum) I am so excited that she will be posting a rotation each month, and I can't wait to try some of them! Take care!
Whoopies major brain fart...the rotation is on the *rotation forum. Sleep does wonders, maybe I should try it. :p
(my editing time has expired so I can't just change the original message)
When I saw this rotation, I thought it should be named the Rest-In-Peace rotation, because by the time I got to the end of week four with muscle endurance 3 X in one week, I would expire! Can anyone really do that workout 3 X in one week and survive? -joy
I don't know but I'm gonna try!! This rotation looks like alot of fun to me and I liked the fact that every week was a bit different. Susan

I have searched for the post on Cathe's April rotation and I am not able to find it. Can anyone provide me with a link??

I am currently doing a challange right now but would love to keep track of Cathe's rotation for future reference.

Thanks so much!!!
Well, I took another look and I think I'd like to give it a try. So I started this morning with Leaner legs. Is anybody else going to follow this rotations and would anyone like to check in on the Open Discussion forum?

Hi Stargazer. I too am starting this rotation. However, since I had already started a M.E. week I did week 4 first, then I'm doing week 2, week 3 then week 1( just purchased CTX Upper Body and am waiting for it to come!). I'll do a check in with you if you'd like! :) Susan
Hi SusanZ,
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I am off on Sat & Sun so I don't have access to the site. Yes I would love to check in. I've already altered the rotation somewhat to fit my needs so I would love to hear your version and what you are doing. I guess I'll start a topic in the open topic area since that seems to be the place for check-ins. Maybe others will join. Hope to see you there. -joy (ps edited because I forgot to sign my name)

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