Cathe's Physique


Cathe, I was noticing how shapely your bottom is in Cardio Kicks and was wondering....I realize that genetics do play a role in all this, but did any of your weight training help? and if so, did you use super super heayy weights? I would think that squats would be the primary exercise am I correct? I just would love to have more shape in that area so any tips would be appeciated.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 11:01PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
I agree with you, Cathe's physique is inspiring. She definitely makes having muscles look good. I noticed too that even with the narrow hips she says she couldnt change ( which I think look good ) her glutes are shapely. Most narrow hipped people are flat when it comes to their behind too.
Yes I agree with you both. Possibly deadlifts add some fine detail . They certainly feel like they do on me anyway! Love those deadlifts!

Cathe must be ROFL

I'm sure Cathe's flattered by this post but I think she's in her 3rd trimester & must be getting a good laugh as you post envious comments about her physique.
Hi to all of you and thank you very much. I had to laugh at Debra's comment though because I was just noticing my current side view after my shower this morning and getting a good chuckle while reading this.

But yes, squats are the main exercise that bring muscle mass to this area. All variations of lunges and even deadlifts (on the upward glute squeeze)give the glutes some additional shaping too. Take Care!

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