Cathes Low max???


New Member
Hi guys.
My first post right here but definately check in everyday to see what the new talk is. I have basic step & body fusion and step blast w/ sjp. I was very interested in low max because it says it is low impact. I dont like alot of her jumps that she tends to do. I am about an inter. exerciser. I workout 6 days a week for usually an hour a day. Love bs & bf, still working on step blast, lol. What do you all think of low max?? Also, I love step blast because of the great music in it. Does low max have great music too? There are no video clips of it yet, at cathes or collage, so I am very curious. Any info would be awesome!! Ty!
It is great. It is tough. The choreography will challenge you and keep you motivated to conquer it. If you have done Cathe moves before, you can catch on fast. It is fun. The blasts really work and challenge the lower body. For an advanced exerciser with Cathe, the cardio work is simple, it's not an intense cardio challenge. But the blasts form a combination: some are hard cardio-wise, others are hard because they will burn your legs hard!

There are few Cathe cardios that I find myself smiling through. I smile through Powermax, Rhythmic Step and Step Blast. Now I smile through Low max and I smile through all the blasts because it's just great and yes, it works, and yes, I can do it!

It is one workout that leaves you exhilarated afterwards and glowing with energy. Unlike Imax 3, you won't have to take a nap afterwards!

The music is great, the choreography is fantastic (although you may need to replay some of it again and again to get it correct).

It is very advanced -- Don't let the "LOW" in Low Max fool you!

A good way to learn it is to do the Premix with the cardio only before doing the blasts --

It's one of my favorite Cathe videos ever.
I did Low Max for the first time this morning thinking I only had one more cardio to fit in for the week so I'd save Low Max for last. I'm glad I did, this workout fools at the beginning and you start to think I don't have to pace myself for this one because it seems pretty straightforward, except for some of the choregraphy. Then the blasts start to really get into your legs, and she tells you when doing the repeaters to really go for it. Not just kind of do it and following this advice you begin to feel as though your rear end is becoming like steel. It flows from one thing to the next nicely and I feel it will be one of my all time favorites too. Cathe is known for her high impact but this is really a nice workout.
I'm pleasantly surprised! I was somewhat sceptical about Cathe's being able to do a high intensity/low impact workout, after seeing what she calls a "low impact segment" in Step Jump and Pump. I like the lower body strength intervals. It's fun (though, as others have said, some of the choreography is a bit tricky, and not as well cued/taught as it could be, IMO.)

Overall, it's a keeper, and a nice addition to a workout collection.
I love Low Max. I feel like I'm getting a great leg workout without the weights. I'm still learning the choreography but the blasts are easy to follow. I'm thinking of putting together the combos in Kick Max with the blasts in Low Max for a great cardio and leg workout.:)

I have done low max once so far, step only, no blasts. I really enjoyed it. Felt it was a good work out and didn't find the choreography overly difficult but there were a couple of times I had to replay a section in order to figure out the steps...wasn't a big deal to me though.

BTW-I am relatively new to Cathe (and to step) myself. Only been doing her work outs since mid December and tend to consider myself "choreographically challenged"...although Cathe is helping me improve that!:) :)

I would recommend low max!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I did Low Max for the first time today and really loved it. I'm not big on leg work with weights so I really enjoyed working my lower body in a new way and I felt it too! I'm going to put this into a regular routine to use for my lower body workout days. I hope at another time Cathe will come out with Low Max 2 and continue to really challenge the lower body without using weights:)

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