Hi guys.
My first post right here but definately check in everyday to see what the new talk is. I have basic step & body fusion and step blast w/ sjp. I was very interested in low max because it says it is low impact. I dont like alot of her jumps that she tends to do. I am about an inter. exerciser. I workout 6 days a week for usually an hour a day. Love bs & bf, still working on step blast, lol. What do you all think of low max?? Also, I love step blast because of the great music in it. Does low max have great music too? There are no video clips of it yet, at cathes or collage, so I am very curious. Any info would be awesome!! Ty!
My first post right here but definately check in everyday to see what the new talk is. I have basic step & body fusion and step blast w/ sjp. I was very interested in low max because it says it is low impact. I dont like alot of her jumps that she tends to do. I am about an inter. exerciser. I workout 6 days a week for usually an hour a day. Love bs & bf, still working on step blast, lol. What do you all think of low max?? Also, I love step blast because of the great music in it. Does low max have great music too? There are no video clips of it yet, at cathes or collage, so I am very curious. Any info would be awesome!! Ty!